Lux's Farewell

Chapter 34 [0033]

Chapter 34 [0033]
Early the next morning after the banquet, Lux left the hotel with her full guard of honor.

According to the plan, she was going to investigate the damage of the frost disaster—the "enthusiastic" Mr. Cordola had already notified everyone.

Although a few guards were imprisoned in the prison of the city defense army because of the brawl last night, and they haven't been able to come out now, the little princess defending her is still very grand.

And the nobles, who usually only get up after three poles every day, rarely get up early together, set off with Lacus, and go straight to the pre-selected "disaster place".

A group of people was mighty, and soon arrived at the destination of this trip.

Coincidentally, this is the place where Lacus pretended to be the Orion's daughter to stay at the beginning - the village chief even charged her a few copper coins for introduction.

The village chief obviously couldn't recognize Lax—or he didn't dare to look at Lax at all. In the face of such a large group of nobles, he could only tremblingly talk about the "" Misfortune happened".

According to him, this village is simply miserable, and it has been able to survive for three years because of the "kind heart" and "multiple assistance" of the lord.

In the end, the old man became more and more sad as he talked, and even couldn't help crying.

In all fairness, if Lux hadn't been here before, she might really believe it.

Among the nobles, many wives and ladies also took out their handkerchiefs and wiped away the tears from the corners of their eyes, all of them seemed to have the heart of a Bodhisattva, and they did not want to see people suffer.

Comparatively speaking, their acting skills are much worse than that old man's. Tears can only be squeezed hard. Among the crowd, only Cordola's acting skills can be considered passable. He strode forward and helped him up. The old man comforted the other party softly, and then, regardless of the mud on his body, he strode to Lux's side.

"Miss Laxana, take a quick look!" He said sadly, "So many wheats are all frozen!"

Obviously, Cordora is still consciously influencing Lacus with "impolite" behavior, hoping that she will continue at her own pace.

Although he was very anxious on the surface, his heart was full of joy:

go quickly!
Go to the fields and dig up the wheat seedlings!

Honorable Laksana, I wonder how much patience and aristocratic decency you can leave after seeing the dirty roots of the wheat seedlings?
I don't know if those farmers would think of secretly reporting you when they saw you with such an indiscriminate appearance?
A 12-year-old girl also learns how to check accounts?

Obediently finish this scene, go back to Xiong and drink milk!
Under Cordora's eyes full of "expectation", Lux strode forward.

She's more than happy to do her last act - and when this one's over, play with you for real!

Lifting the hem of the dress, Lacus strode into the field, then bent down with ease, and reached out to touch the leaves of the wheat.

"The texture of the leaves is almost gone."

"The veins on the back can't be pinched with fingers."

"There are a lot of ice in the crushed leaves."

"It seems that the frost here is really serious!"

Seeing that Lux seems to have admitted to Frost, the nobles who were still nervous before were relieved—Codola has been unwilling to tell them how to deceive Lacus, so even though Codola has always been able to do it, but It is still worrying.

And Cordora, after frowning insignificantly, appealed loudly:
"Yes, Miss Laxana, we need to provide disaster relief immediately!"

Lacus could recognize frost, which surprised Cordora somewhat.

But it doesn't matter, he made two preparations - the wheat field here is really frozen!

Just in the middle of last night, he personally supervised Dong's!

Even if Lux said afterwards that he misled himself in the wrong way, then he still had an excuse—whether he remembered it wrongly or refused to admit it, Lax had nothing to do with him.

Aristocrats are very good at such things as making mud and mud. They are all related to each other. There is no major mistake of principle.

However, what everyone did not expect was that Lacus did not continue following Codora's words this time.

"Wait a moment." Putting down the corner of her skirt, Lux stood up and held down the hilt of her sword, "But such a severe frost doesn't seem to match the climate here."

"Mithral City's climate has been very unstable in the past few years." Cordola seemed to have prepared his speech long ago, "The cold current in the northern region is unpredictable, and the climate does not match people's physical sensations in many cases..."

"Of course, there is another possibility." This time it was Lux's turn to interrupt Cordora, "That is... there are cunning mages doing damage here!"

Lacus didn't hide her intentions, she said her words, and almost everyone present heard her words.


"how can that be?"

"No way……"



Obviously, Lux's words were beyond everyone's expectations.

Except for Cordora's complexion, everyone else—even the nobles—were whispering.

The villagers looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling extremely anxious.

Originally, I just heard that the lord was going to perform a play. After the performance, the land tax will be halved next year. Who would have thought that the performance would suddenly involve a mage!
We are just acting as a group show for the crowd!

But I can't afford the work of a mage!
In Demacia, it is said that there are mages doing things, and the nature of the whole thing is completely different!

"This must be a misunderstanding." Cordola naturally couldn't agree with Lux's statement, "Which mage can create such a large-scale frost disaster—"

"That's not certain." Lux interrupted again, "But it's okay. In order to eliminate the problem, I have invited magic hunters here. They are professional and can judge whether anyone here has used magic."

The next moment, under Cordora's desperate gaze, several guys in blue robes appeared in the crowd.

They didn't care about other people's eyes at all, just stepped forward like this.

And with their appearance, the crowd, no matter nobles or commoners, all shut their mouths—in the whole field, only the sound of howling wind and the clinking of the magic stone shackles on the demon hunter's waist were left.

These guys, known as "blue-robed hyenas", are independent of all Demacia systems and form a school of their own.

They are not involved in any war, internal affairs.

But anything involving mages and magic is under their jurisdiction!

In Demacia, the country of forbidden demons, the name of a demon searcher can stop children from crying at night!

The leader of the demon seeker was holding a torch. After hearing Lux's order, he kissed his chest and saluted, and then lit the torch.

According to Lux's request, he brought the torch close to the ground - this is a unique prop for magic seekers, and he can judge whether there are traces of magic by the color of the flame.

As the torch went down and touched the soil, the original orange-red flame rose suddenly, and then instantly turned into ice blue.

And this faint blue flame represents that there are traces of magic left here!
The crowd was in an uproar.

The village chief fell to the ground in a daze, struggled several times, but couldn't get up.

There was even some commotion on the noble side. Some people guessed the reason, some didn't—but whether they guessed it or not, they all realized that something was wrong.

Then, beyond everyone's expectations, the first person to speak out was actually Cordola.

"Cunning mage!" At this moment, he seemed to feel cheated, and flew into a rage, "Guards! Surround this place! And you—"

While speaking, Cordola pulled out a girl from among the noble's attendants.

She was about the same age as Lacus, but she was very thin and dressed as a maid, she looked small and inconspicuous.

"You said your family was the worst hit, and I kindly took you and your brother in, but I didn't expect you to lie to me!" Cordola raised her brows and said furiously, "A mage's trick... are you a mage? !"

Speaking of this, he looked at the demon hunters.

"Come and see, see if she is a mage!"

The magic seeker subconsciously turned around holding the torch.

Then, just as the torch got closer to her, the flame, which had just turned orange because it was far away from the ground, turned pure blue again.

"Sure enough, he is a cunning mage!" Cordola immediately drew out his long sword, "The cunning villain—"

As if he was in a hurry, before the magic searcher took out the magic stone shackles, he had already swung his sword and came straight to the girl.

Facing this sword, the girl closed her mouth and closed her eyes in despair as if she had resigned herself to her fate.

Then, just as she was about to splatter five steps with blood, a flash of sword light struck like lightning!

The next moment, Lux's figure appeared beside her, and Cordora, who was full of momentum just now, staggered and fell to the ground.

It wasn't until his face was planted in the cold soil that the pain hit him as if he was belatedly aware of it.

It was only then that Cordola finally realized that his saber, together with his right hand, had fallen into the soil three steps away.

The blood spurted out, dyed a large red glow on Lux's dress, and wet her long golden hair.

The white moonlight in the Xiongdu of Demacia was finally dyed into a red rose!

The ranks of the nobles were in chaos, and the scene was so exciting that several ladies and young ladies fainted on the spot.

But Lacus didn't care about it, she just wiped the blood from the blade on the long dress skirt, then put away the sword and stood, in the horrified eyes of everyone, she touched the pale blonde haired girl in front of her. The girl's head, asked in a low voice:
"Silly boy, just now—why didn't you hide?"


(ヮ) Recommendation Ticket
(ヮ) monthly pass

I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
Thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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