Lux's Farewell

Chapter 35 [0034]

Chapter 35 [0034]
The little girl who was rescued by Lux seemed to be terrified, her thin body was trembling uncontrollably—I don't know if it was because of the blood sprayed on her face, or for some other reason.

"I... I deserve what I deserve." After a while, she finally replied with difficulty, "I used magic to deceive the lord."

"Really?" Lux asked in a low voice, reaching out to wipe the blood off her face, "Then why did you do that?"

"Because... the master is kind and doesn't want people to suffer." She closed her eyes and let the tears flow from the corners of her eyes. "As long as I say that my family's conditions are difficult, I can go to his manor to be a maid."

"Then your elder brother can also be a bodyguard, so you can save two people from eating at home, right?" Lax said in an extremely gentle tone, "Then, your family can save a little more money and buy a suit of armor for your elder brother." , Buy another horse, even a draft horse, and let him become a knight's retinue, right?"

The desperate girl's eyes widened.

"My dear lady, this is all my own plan, it has nothing to do with my family—"

"Of course it has nothing to do with your family!" Lacus raised her tone and said loudly in a voice that everyone could hear, "It doesn't even have anything to do with you. Just seven days ago, I came here. At that time There's no frost here yet!"

"Could it be that you became a maid seven days ago? Or did you report the frost in Miyin City to Xiongdu seven days ago?!"

At this moment, the girl finally couldn't hold back her tears anymore.

Grievance, sadness, pain, shame... All kinds of emotions burst out in an instant, and she finally covered her face, squatted down, and cried loudly.

"Right, respected uncle." Lux turned around and looked at Cordola who had just stopped the bleeding, "Dear... Mr. Moth!"

"You—" This time, Cordola was really angry, "Stinky girl, you really have a trick!"

"I should have said this to you." Lacus shook her head, "I have deliberately set up many traps, even at the expense of destroying an innocent little girl, just to grab a share that does not belong to you, and you are not Desiring benefits, you are the one who really has the skills——Obviously your family does not lack this little money!"

"Of course I have my wits, because I have to think about the rest of the family!" After taking two deep breaths, Cordola distanced herself from Lacus and snorted coldly, "I don't need the money, but Some people are lacking—I am not your heartless father, and I am not even willing to support my kind—"

"Father is naturally willing to support the younger generation." Lacus interrupted Cordola for the third time, "However, he will not fail His Majesty or Demacia for this!"

"It's really nice to say!" Cordola snorted, "It's a pity that such a well-spoken junior will be brutally murdered by a despicable mage today——Ino, do it, I can guarantee the safety of your family and send them out. Demacia!"

It's a pity that this little girl named Ino didn't intend to do anything to Lacus at all. She just squatted on the ground and cried loudly, and the tears that flowed wantonly almost condensed into ice.

"Don't stand still!" Seeing that Ino didn't respond, Cordola simply raised his tone, and looked at the surrounding clansmen, "Haven't you noticed? She's coming for all of us!"

Many nobles were somewhat apprehensive when they heard the words, and their guards showed their weapons one after another—it's just that they didn't step forward to help, unlike what Codora expected.

Obviously, Lux's performance made them feel a little uncertain, and they were unwilling to go to the dark with Cordora.

At this moment, Di Li, with white gauze on his head, strode out. He quickly drew his sword out of its sheath, and stood in front of Lacus with the horizontal sword.

"Cordola, you are killing yourself!" Di Li shouted loudly, "If you want to meet Miss Laxana, then step over my corpse!"

"You son-in-law who climbs women's skirts, are you still here pretending to be loyal to me?" Cordola was even more anxious and angry, "Guards! Di Li colluded with the mage and held Miss Laxana hostage, so don't do anything!"

Although a little hesitant, these guards loyal to Cordora still showed their weapons and raised their shields.

Cordola's confidant guards are well-equipped, although there are not many of them, but there are only two guards around Lux ​​- even if Di Li is added, there are only three guards.

Then, just as these guards came around, following Dilly's whistle, a tall white horse galloped from a distance. Riding a gun, he rushed into the encirclement before the guards had fully formed an encirclement.

"Miss, get on the horse!" Di Li took the lance in one hand and the sword in the other, "Go ahead, the city defense army is stationed not far away!"

"Hahaha!" Hearing what Di Li said, Cordora couldn't help laughing, "Why, you want to use your life to pave the carpet for your son to climb on Lux's bed? Dreaming! Today, you are all going to die here! "

The guards formed a faint circle, and Cordola's wrinkled face was even more hideous and terrifying-although doing so would have a great impact, but the matter has come to an end, and he has no choice!
"Really?" Lux smiled slightly, "I don't believe it."


"Actually, Mr. Dilly said one thing wrong - the city defense army is not far away, but has already arrived." Lux picked up the little girl who was still crying, "By the way, it's not just the city defense army that's here." Army, and the Dreadnought Vanguard at the nearest outpost."

Almost when Lux said these words, the ground suddenly trembled, and the people present suddenly changed their colors - the official road not far away was full of smoke and dust, at least hundreds of cavalry were riding tall horses, Coming at a gallop!

And at the front of the cavalry team was Galen with his sword unsheathed!
Even after hundreds of steps, Galen's voice was still like thunder, rolling in and echoing in everyone's ears.

"Cunning villain! Who dares to touch Lux!"

Galen, who is 15 years old this year, already has some demeanor of Demacia's power. He puts on his armor and takes the lead. Take an impact stance!
The bright rune steel armor reflected the sun's light in the morning light. This cavalry came riding on the smoke and dust, and every sound of horseshoes seemed to be stepping on Cordola's heart!

Even the guards who were loyal to Cordora could no longer continue to face Lacus with their spears at this time. They could only turn around and try to protect their master from leaving—at this time, they only hoped that the farmland could delay the attack a little bit. Check the speed of these cavalry and let them run a few more steps.

Then, before they had gone far, another army blocked their way in the other direction.

The blue flag of the Fearless Vanguard stands high, and the coat of arms of the Winged Sword flutters in the wind.

Under the banner, the deputy marshal of the Fearless Vanguard, Tiana Crownguard, is riding a horse, slowly coming.

The always serious lady couldn't help showing a smile on the corner of her mouth—the child, Lacus, has grown up a lot, and it's not in vain for me to make this trip just for her.


In the blink of an eye, the situation took a shocking turn.

And it wasn't until Tiana and Galen appeared that the other nobles really realized that, in fact, everything in Mithral City was under Lux's control from the beginning to the end.

Thinking of her "occasionally feeling the wind and cold" before, an unstoppable chill emerged from the bottom of everyone's heart.

This... is this really a 12-year-old girl?
At this time, Cordora finally realized that the general situation was over, and in the end he could only succumb to the arrest—it was pointless to struggle any longer. Giving up resistance at this time might preserve the last bit of dignity of the nobility.

Even if it looks dignified.

Di Li, who had been ready for battle, was dumbfounded watching the changes in the situation, feeling as if he had entered a circus and was playing the role of a clown. doesn't matter anymore.

Even if Lux really didn't need her very much, and she didn't play any real role, at least she was on the right team, and her performance was not bad.

At least stronger than other idiots on the fence.

Especially when Tiana came to his side, nodded to him, and praised him "not bad".

Hey, when the ledger is settled later, the one responsible for ransacking the house and collecting debts must be me!
As long as I get some profit from it, I can go to the Xiongdu of Demacia and gain a firm foothold there!

However, just when he thought he was going to be Lux's next right-hand man, the order from Lux flashed to his waist.

"Headed by Cordora Crown Guard, a group of people who lie about disasters and conceal taxes are unforgivable in the country and in the family."

"Immediately deprive Cordola Mianwei of his surname, and the specific culpability shall be dealt with in accordance with the national law, and the canonical punishment shall be declared."

"The rest of the people will be punished according to the degree of conspiracy and the amount of taxation. Cullen will count them together."

"The common people don't know the inside story, so the land tax in the past three years has been settled since then, and there will be no further investigation."

"In addition, Miyin City is close to the northern border, and there are often military affairs and disasters. In order to avoid such incidents from happening again, we have set up four disaster patrol knights. Regardless of their origin, they need to be proficient in farming, in charge of disaster reports, improving solar terms, and helping farmers in farming. , the status is regarded as a knight under the command of the Crown Guard family."

After announcing all this, Lux led the white horse to Di Li, and introduced it to Tiana with a smile.

"This Mr. Dilly is quite skilled. Auntie must find him a good job in the army!"

Hearing this sentence, Di Li was finally dumbfounded.

Although he reacted quickly and put on a look of gratitude, he could hardly cry in his heart—I have worked so hard to climb for so long, but I just don’t want to go to the battlefield to work hard, how to crawl around, how to crawl Back in the military!

It's a pity, no matter from which point of view, Lacus has already turned against him quite a lot. Facing Lacus's recommendation, even if he is 1 unhappy, he can only thank him a thousand times at this time.

And when he finished his gratitude and turned to leave, Cordola on the other side was also tightly tied up—although the old man was extremely depressed, he laughed out loud when he saw Di Li.

"You're very skilled, Di Li, you're still the best at reading words and deeds!" Cordola's laughter was filled with uncontrollable joy, "Unfortunately, I still have to go back to the army! Do you think you can climb high branches? Don't dream! You—and your bastard, it's impossible!"

"Mr. Cordola." Di Li, who was originally in an extremely unhappy mood, simply leaned over to Cordola's side, lowered his voice, and snorted disdainfully, "I may be climbing high branches, but you obviously misunderstood something. , I didn't ask Gao Kan to pursue that idiot granddaughter of yours - she is not worthy of my precious son's attention, in fact, he has spent a lot of thought to get rid of that idiot!"

"……What did you say?!"

"Thanks to you locking her up." Di Li smacked his lips, "Gao Kan asked me to thank you for this matter--it is always said that Gao Kan and I are like father, like son, I think You and your granddaughter, that is, if there is a father, there must be a grandson!"

The smile froze on his face. At this moment, Codola, who had been hit one after another and lost his only joy, finally got angry and couldn't hold it anymore. He rolled his eyes, leaned back, and fainted on the spot past.

The other nobles were not much better off.

Quite a few people fought double-stranded, and could no longer even control their sphincters, so that the city defense army had to send someone to carry them away.

"I hugged you when I was a child!"

"I was the one who introduced Pete and Augatha together—"

"I really didn't know that Kodola colluded with the mage!"

"Whoa, I didn't get any money!"



As the center of all storms, Lux has no interest in the intrigue among these nobles.

After dealing with almost everything, she took out a clean handkerchief from her waist and stuffed it to the little girl Ino.

"Wipe your face."

Ino took the handkerchief and wiped her face—then, the tears on the handkerchief still quickly froze, obviously she couldn't control her magic power.

Seeing this, the demon hunter strode forward and directly handcuffed Ino with the magic stone chain.

"Don't be nervous." Lak took the handkerchief from Ino's hand indifferently, and put it close to her ear, "After a while, I will visit you in prison... the soup your mother made is delicious. Delicious, just a bit salty - don't worry, I didn't tell anyone, they're fine."

After finishing speaking, Lux waved her hand, blinked her left eye, and then showed a big smile.


During the whole process, Lux did not use magic.

But Yinuo felt like he saw the light.

"Thank you, Miss Laxana..."


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I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
Thank you everyone!
Our Lux is the most handsome!

(End of this chapter)

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