Lux's Farewell

Chapter 36 [0035] Aftermath

Chapter 36 [0035] Aftermath
The turmoil in Mithral City rises quickly and calms down quickly.

Lux shot cleanly, leaving almost no room for arguing.

What makes Lux a little regretful is that even if all the evidence is convincing, only Cordola was directly punished in the end—hanging was his last honour.

As for the others...

Although Lux wanted to hold their accomplices accountable, Tiana refused.

"It's enough to deal with one Cordora." Lux's aunt said, "As for the others...they didn't fight you after all—and, there must always be someone in Mihril City."

The various branches of the Mianwei family were grateful for their gratitude, and they all chose to save money and avoid disaster. For them, leaving the status of nobles is all right.

If you lose your status as an aristocrat, it will be really difficult to rise to the top.

In this way, a storm settled.

Cullen is a shrewd person, so regarding Mithral City's accounts, it doesn't take Lax to intervene too much in the investigation.

(Here, I would like to thank Mr. Dili again for his evidence and help, and Ms. Tiana once again expressed that she is very optimistic about him.)
In this case, Lux also simply focused on the selection of the disaster patrol knights.

It is not common to directly promote civilians to knights in Demacia - for civilians, even if they become knights, they need to prepare their own armored horses and obtain the permission of the lord; It is to fight with one's life.

Now, Lux directly gave the disaster patrol knight the status of a knight, this behavior will undoubtedly cause dissatisfaction among the nobles.

However, in Mithral City, no matter how dissatisfied the nobles are, they can only hold back now.

Who dares to talk nonsense, then whoever admits his mistakes is not good enough—and, it is said that Lacus has already planned to promote Dili by leapfrogging. The lady is not prejudiced against the tribe and the nobles. It is really that you people can't get on the stage!
In short, with the excuse of lying about the disaster situation this time, Lux finally conducted a three-day interview in person, and successfully selected four disaster patrol knights.

During the whole interview process, the rich agricultural knowledge she showed convinced almost all the farmers who had the courage to participate in the interview.

Even though this young lady is from a top aristocratic background, she is really good at farming!
These farmers who admired Lax obviously didn't know that Lax was good at plowing the fields with a hammer.

Throughout the interview process, Lacus played the role of "simultaneous interpretation machine without emotion". As for the content of the interview, it was entirely Karya's rich farming experience.

It is no exaggeration to say that among the large and small oases in Shurima, more than one-third of the specific layouts are planned by Kalya—from wind and sand fixation, to water-saving irrigation, and when it comes to the topic of farming , that is really no one is better at it than him.

It is precisely because of Kalya's strong support that Lux managed to create an extremely friendly personality for herself.

However, unlike the time when the nobles socialized before, this time Lacus was not impatient at all, and even continued to ask Karya some topics of interest to her after the interview-obviously, for Lacus, even if it was It is also more comfortable to go to the fields to plow the fields than to strictly abide by the etiquette of the nobles.

At least when plowing the fields, there are no special requirements for the placement of farm tools, and when entering the paddy fields, you don't have to remember how many buttons you need to roll up your trousers.

How good it is to adapt measures to local conditions and seek truth from facts!


The accounting and subsequent trial will take a long time.

After promoting the four knights, the Demon Seekers finally set off—they will escort Ino back to the Xiongdu of Demacia, and imprison her in the Demon Prison.

Before setting off, Lux saw this thin little girl again.

Originally, the demon seekers didn't want Lacus to have any contact with this "dangerous mage". Even though Ino was very cooperative from the beginning to the end, and explained everything clearly, when he received the order from Cordola, he didn't treat Lacus. silk what to do.

But... a mage is a mage after all.

However, because of Lux's insistence, she still met her in the temporarily reinforced prison in Mithral City before Ino set off.

"Miss Laxana." Ino looked quite surprised after seeing Lacus, "Why are you here—I..."

"Come and have a look at you." Waving to let the demon seekers guard out, Lux leaned against the fence of the prison, "After all... I heard your father said a lot about you, saying that you are very sensible and hardworking Very easy or something."

"I... I failed everyone's expectations." Upon hearing this, Ino's bright eyes suddenly dimmed, "Miss Laxana, I really didn't intend to help the old—er, to help Kodo The one who lied to you is actually threatening me with his elder brother."

"Okay, okay, I didn't say it was your fault." Lux put her arm into the prison railing, and took the initiative to hold Ino's cold hand, "Now you don't have to worry about them. "


Ino stopped talking, but quietly stretched out two hands, wrapping Lux's hand tightly around her.

"Stay here for two more days." Lux sighed helplessly, "When we get back to Xiongdu, the Arcatraz over there—well, at least the food is much better, and the place is spacious."

Lux really wanted to say something to comfort Ino.

Unfortunately, from her point of view, no matter what she said, she would only feel that she was extremely hypocritical.

They are all demons.

But Lux doesn't need to be coerced by others, and Kalya teaches.

As for Yinuo, even though she was talented, she became a tool to be used by others after she was discovered to be infected with demons.

Perhaps in the view of the gratified Tiana, Lux's biggest growth during this trip is her insight into things and overall planning.

But for Lacus herself, what she cares more about is seeing another world.

A completely different world than the one I have lived in for the past 12 years.

However, just when Lux was struggling to organize his words and wanted to say something, Ino in the prison showed a smile.

It's not Di Li's smirk, but the joy and longing from the heart.

"If Miss Laxana says the food in the Arcatraz is good, it must be very good!"

Lux felt her chest stagnate when she heard this sentence.

At this moment, she really wanted to raise her arms high and let endless brilliance bloom in this small prison cell.

But reason told her that it was meaningless to do so, and it would only make the little girl in front of her, who barely had a glimmer of hope, fall into pain and despair again!

So, by nodding, she lowered her head slightly, bit her lips tightly, and tried not to make any sound.

On the other hand, Ino, who seemed to be a little emotional, seemed to have completely opened up the conversation because of this ordinary nod - she was like her father, talking about the future to Lacus.

"My brother said that there have been many vacancies recently for knight retinues. He has trained hard and has a good chance of becoming one of them..."

"This year's harvest is not bad. In fact, when I froze the wheat seedlings, I didn't froze much of the area..."

"Father's waist has improved a lot, and it seems that the price of firewood in the city has risen again recently. He has made a lot of money by chopping firewood..."

"Thanks to Miss Laxana, we will have disaster patrol knights in the future, and we will no longer be unable to pay taxes when we are afraid of natural disasters..."



It seems that in this small prison, Ino regained her girlish nature, dragging Lacus to chatter non-stop.

After barely adjusting her emotions, Lacus smiled and became a perfect listener.

Finally, when the demon seeker guards finally came to urge her, Lux left the prison, and when Ino reluctantly let go of her hand, Lax put her face on the prison railing, using only The voices heard by the two said in a low voice.

"Just call me Lux—and, bye, Demacia Xiong!"

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  I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
  Thank you everyone!
  Well, this paragraph has been moved to the author's words, so it shouldn't affect those readers who are listening to the book!

(End of this chapter)

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