Lux's Farewell

Chapter 37 [0036] Homecoming Interlude

Chapter 37 [0036] Homecoming Interlude

Just as Augusta expected, Lacus, Galen, and Tiana had a small reunion in the City of Mitral for the New Year.

However, unlike the very laid-back Lacus, Galen and Tiana usually stay in the barracks, and only return to Mithril City when the New Year comes—in winter, the northern borders are under martial law. , because at this time the Freljordians in the north often go south to plunder because of hunger.

Although it is extremely difficult to climb the towering Dragon's Back Mountains, and half of a team going south to plunder may die in the process of climbing the mountain, the Freljord people will continue to move forward without food.

Moreover, on the sea to the west, some tribes will bypass the mountains and enter the territory of Demacia when the sea level freezes.

Therefore, in order to guard against these barbarians going south, the Demacia army often gathers and guards in the north during winter. Although Galen and Tiana are members of the Crown Guard family, they are also very hard at this time.

Under such circumstances, Lax, who was idle, simply started to plan a more detailed investigation around Mithral City under the "instigation" of Kalya.

Although this kind of behavior of running around is somewhat dangerous, but considering Lux's amazing sword when facing Cordora before, and the nobles of Mithril City are now trembling, even a banquet They didn't dare to drive, and it was too boring to let Lux, and in the end they could only let Lux wander around.

Lacus, who once again dressed herself as an Orion girl, tried to recreate her previous trajectory, but what she and Kalya never dreamed of was that in just ten days, her previous great achievements had passed through countless mouths, Thoroughly spread throughout Mithral City.

Demacians are very fond of heroism, and Lux's performance when facing many nobles before is even more amazing-the most important thing is, for the common people, the little princess of the defending family has opened up precious He also used his rich agricultural knowledge to conduct an interview in person.

Coupled with the fact that it is the slack period for farming, the civilians who did not have many entertainment activities spontaneously adapted Lacus' story into countless versions.

Even in the taverns in the inner city, there are bards who have begun to compose music.

Good guy, Lux was a good guy on the spot!

In this case, even if her disguise is perfect, when she appears as a girl from a foreign country, Lux will still receive attention beyond common sense.

In other words, almost all foreign girls who are accompanied by mature adults will be paid attention to when they walk in the fields of Mihril City.

Lux felt nothing at first.

As long as you say that you are not, anyway, the curious civilians... have never seen yourself.

However, even if she denies her identity, when these civilians talk to her, the topic will not change from "Miss Laxana".

And because of the widespread dissemination and deformation of the story, Lux had to put on a curious look, hearing from them stories about how many hands were worn and completely changed beyond recognition.

I pretended not to be me, to hear stories that were not mine - my stories!
The point is that after they shared outrageous stories one after another, they would still praise Lax with their own lack of words, such as this kid is very good, Laxana can get along, etc., the unique enthusiasm of the northern dialect Lux can't help but be dumbfounded by the funnyness.

In this case, if you still want to maintain a disguise... This is undoubtedly a severe test for Lux's acting skills. She even feels that listening to this thing is more difficult than directly facing the nobles without Kalya's help in the noble banquet.

In the end, Lacus reluctantly gave up the idea of ​​continuing the investigation.

Forget it, next time you have a chance to change places to go around - tired, go home, hurry up.

Anyway, she is already 12 years old, and she has proved that she can stand on her own, and she will always have the opportunity to leave Xiongdu afterwards.


After the New Year, the ice and snow in Miraz City have not yet melted, and Lux ​​will embark on the road back to the capital of Demacia.

Before heading back, though, Lux had one last question.

Bring some souvenirs back home.

Even though Lux thinks that her main gain is seeing the contradictions hidden under the calm, but as a nobleman, the most important thing about her trip should be the first time she takes charge of her own side and satisfactorily fulfills the family's expectations.

In this case, her souvenir also has a certain "trophy" attribute.

Need to be selective.

However, Lux is actually not very good at this.

And choosing gifts is also a rare knowledge blind spot for Kalya—after discovering that the almighty Kalya needs a little version update, Lux has no choice but to turn to the guards around her for help.

Fortunately, after getting along with each other during this period of time (plus many private visits in Weibo), the guards were not too restrained when facing Lacus. Under the urging of the staff, they finally came up with a bunch of strange suggestions.

From handicrafts to specialty foods, to hand-painted landscape paintings to new music scores by bards, Lux was dumbfounded by the suggestions of these guards.

Crafts are somewhat cheap.

Special delicacies can't be taken back.

The bard's tune is all about himself, too shameful.

After much deliberation, the landscape paintings of Miyin City seem to be really good.

Anyway, with Karya's help, it doesn't take too much effort to make a printer by yourself.

Liked the guard who made this suggestion, Lacus took a sketchbook and ran all over the whole of Mithral City, and quickly prepared a lot of sketches—all of which are famous scenery in Mithral City, all drawn by herself Yes, it's perfect as a gift.

In addition, on Augusta's side, she said before Lux set off for Miraz that she would bring back a bagpipe from the north.

Mom's gift is ready!
So, all that's left is Sona's gift!

Lux thought about whether to give a northern bagpipe as well, but when she thought that Sona was now in the choir of the Illuminati, where there were all kinds of musical instruments, and there were also professional musical instrument makers, she could only give up this idea in the end.

What to send?

As for this problem, a guard put forward his own suggestion.

"Why don't you choose a northern warhorse!"

Northern Warhorse?

This suggestion took Lacus a little by surprise.

"How did you come up with this idea?"

"I've seen Mr. Dilly's white horse—it's so majestic, and it's rare in Xiongdu." The guard was honest, "so I thought the war horses in the north are still famous..."

"Mr. Dilly's horse cost a lot of money." Lux shook her head when she heard that. "Northern warhorses are famous, but those of that level are rare!"

"But I remember, when I was in Velos, I also saw one." The guard recalled, "It was also a very similar white horse, and it was ridden by a painter... Speaking of which, he It seems that he used to live next door to our hotel, a handsome young man who can play the harp..."


Live next door?
About the harp?
The combination of the three conditions made Lacus and Karya almost simultaneously think of those annoying flies in the male capital of Demacia that were eventually driven away by Kashina.

With a calm expression on the surface, Lacus asked about the young man's appearance seemingly casually.

In the end, according to the description of the guard, except for the age difference, he was exactly the same as Di Li.

Realizing that there might be a problem, Lux began to inquire about Dili's family information.

Then, she learned of the existence of Gao Kan—this "promising young man" in Miraz, but from the beginning to the end, Lux had never seen him in Miraz.

Lux had doubts about Di Li before, but now with Baima's doubts, she couldn't help but want to find out the situation!
Could it be that Di Li first found out that he was not recuperating in the hotel, and then chose to defect?

But it is a pity that at this moment, Dili has been assigned a new job by Tiana, and their family has also left Mithral City-the clues have been interrupted.

Having found nothing, Lacus boarded the carriage home with some helplessness.

As for gifts for Sona...

With Karya's help, Lacus finally chose to cook by herself and learned how to make a traditional Ionian pastry.

Although the flavor may be different due to the raw materials, but... I hope Sona likes it!

In this way, after dealing with everything, Lacus and Cullen embarked on the road back to the capital of Demacia.

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  I beg all the readers, masters, to turn over the last page and complete the follow-up reading. The follow-up data is very important!
  Thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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