Lux's Farewell

Chapter 38 [0037] The partition wall has ears

Chapter 38 [0037] The partition wall has ears

Returning to Lux in the Xiongdu of Demacia, life seems to be back on track again.

After a quiet and low-key New Year, the Crown Guard Manor became lively again—not long after Lux came back, Tiana also ended her preparations for the northern border and returned to the capital of Demacia.

Participating in noble activities, practicing art with Sona, exercising on time every day, preparing the magic stone circuit for simulated training...

And in addition to these routines, she added an extra activity.

Visit the Arcatraz.

To be precise, it was to chat with Ino.

For ordinary people, the Arcatraz is a forbidden place, and it is absolutely not allowed and impossible to enter.

But for Lux, entering the Arcatraz is actually not too difficult to go home - as the little princess of the Crown Guard family, her uncle is currently the boss of the magic searcher, Lax wants to enter the Arcatraz , no one will stand up and block it foolishly.

Lux didn't need any preparations other than to change into a mageseeker's blue robe.

The demon seekers guarding the Arcatraz Prison were serious enough in their mouths, no matter how curious they were, every time Lux came, they just opened the door leading to the prison silently, and then silently guarded outside.

As long as Lux is safe, nothing else matters at all.


According to the laws of Demacia, Eno was considered a person who was "coerced to cause destruction", and considering that Eno was still underage when everything happened, the Demon Seeker Court finally sentenced her to ten years in prison.

That is to say, Eno will serve ten years in the Arcatraz Prison, and after he is released, he will be escorted and exiled outside the border of Demacia by the Demon Seekers.

However, since the Arcatraz is almost entirely made of enchanted stones, the mages here are being absorbed by magic all the time, and most of them won't last ten years at all.

And those who can survive ten years... Even according to Kalya's standards, they are "with a little bit of talent".

Because being able to survive for ten years not only represents abundant magic power, but also represents a fairly good magic control. The combination of the two is a necessary condition for becoming a strong mage.

It is precisely because of the amazing oppressive power of the Arcatraz on mages that Lux often visits Ino - in her opinion, this can help her survive this difficult time.

Speaking of which, the little girl Ino is a very smart person. When she was working as a maid in Cordora's house, she had already learned how to read and write, so Lux simply continued to teach her characters while bringing some books to her. she looks.

Although the current Lux can't rescue her, at least it can save her mind from being imprisoned in the same prison.

Eno completely regards Lacus as the light of her life - she will tell all the gains she has gained from studying, cherish every visit of Lacus, even every time Lacus holds her hand through the railing , trembling with excitement.

And all of this was seen by a pair of eyes in the cage next door.


On this day, Yinuo had just finished reading an epic poem in the dim sunlight, and just as she put the book down, a deep voice came from the cage next to her.

"That book...can you lend me a look?"

Ino was taken aback.

Although she knew that there was someone in the cage next door, that person was different from Ino, whom Lacus took special care of. He had been wearing a heavy chain of forbidden magic stones from the very beginning, and as long as he moved a little, he would make a clatter The sound of clattering.

As for him himself, he looked sluggish all day long. Even if the guards brought food, he just chewed silently and put everything away quietly after eating, without saying a word from beginning to end.

At the very beginning, Eno tried to chat with him - this is the place where "minor criminals" are detained. Although the other party does not seem to be a minor, Eno thinks that they should have some common language.

Moreover, when Lux wasn't here, Ino was really bored. It's always a good thing for everyone to chat at this time.

But it was a pity that the other party seemed to be mute—or maybe he didn't want to speak at all. No matter what Ino said, he looked like a walking dead and didn't respond.

Unexpectedly, this time, he actually took the initiative to speak!

Ino raised his head in surprise and looked at him.

And almost when Ino raised his head, the other party also moved to the edge of the cage, looking at Ino with longing.

"Please, little girl." He spoke vaguely in Demacian with an eastern dialect, "Let me read..."

Ino blinked.

For her, the people imprisoned in the Arcatraz are all fellow sufferers, so she is very willing to help.

But... this book belongs to Lux after all.

And Lux's behavior of bringing the book into the Arcatraz was considered a violation of the rules if she had to say it.

Ino didn't want to make trouble for Lux—so, after a moment of hesitation, she sat on the edge of her cage.

"Sorry, sir..." Ino imitated Lacus subconsciously, maintaining his own manners, "This book belongs to Miss Lacus—if I lend it to you, I need her approval."


"But we can chat now." She seemed to feel that such a refusal was a bit unfeeling, she blinked and added: "Don't worry, she will come again tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, Miss Lacus is very kind and will definitely agree of."

The other party seemed very satisfied with this answer, he let out a long breath, and then tried to express his gratitude: "That's really thankful——I have been here for ten years, and the emptiness and pain are almost over. I'm driving crazy!"

"It's been ten years?" Eno blinked in surprise, "In other words, you should be going out soon—this is a detention center for minors, and most of the sentences for minors who are infected with demons will not be released." More than ten years!"

"It's a pity, I'm imprisoned for life." The other party shrugged, and the chain of the forbidden magic stone on his wrist rattled, "I'm afraid I will spend many decades in this dark place. "

"Life imprisonment!" Ino was stunned, "Oh my god, what did you do!"

"My name is Silas." The other party sighed and put on a helpless look, "Maybe you have heard of my name before—three people were killed by a magic explosion. Although this is not my original intention, it is still Get me a life sentence."

Ino was silent.

The name Silas...she had actually heard of it.

It's just that I heard it from the bard's mouth.

And the bards in Mitral City... how unreliable they are, just look at the stories they sang about Lux.

In the stories they told, Silas should be an evil and powerful guy. He killed three people at once, including the elite demon hunters, and then colluded with the hateful Noxus, and Almost fled the country.

Although mage murders are rare in Demacia, there are always a few cases a year.

But the mage killed the mageseeker, which is very rare.

For Demacia, the Silas case is undoubtedly the most sensational case in the past ten years.

At this moment, Yinuo really wanted to step back and stay away from this person.

Even though he is also a mage, in her opinion, this guy in front of him is still a bit too dangerous.

Compared with this kind of murderer, Yinuo suddenly felt that a person like himself who froze a piece of farmland was not worth mentioning at all!
"Don't be so nervous." Seemingly aware of Enuo's emotions, Silas shook his head lightly, "I said, that's not my original intention——magic is not so easy to control, and everything caused this tragedy It was an accident!"


Eno didn't speak - but from her eyes, Silas saw full distrust.

"Okay, okay, stay away from me." Silas waved his hand bluntly, "If possible, can you listen to my story? Just treat it as charity with good intentions. I really haven't talked to anyone for a long time. I've spoken."

And Yinuo was not polite, she stood up, walked back a few steps, and nodded until she leaned against the edge of her cage.

"Then, begin your story—Mr. Silas."

(End of this chapter)

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