Lux's Farewell

Chapter 230 [0227] Carya's preemptive strike

Chapter 230 [0227] Carya's preemptive strike
Lux's hesitation surprised Ino.

Teacher Karya's plan, what is there to hesitate about?
Just do it!

Facing Ino's doubts, Lacus showed a wry smile—yes, Kalya had made a lot of plans before, but those plans were all plans to eliminate disputes and relieve pain.

But this time, according to Kalya's plan, in order to avoid the construction of the new port and the rune technology being coveted by the Noxus, he chose to strike first and cause trouble for the Noxus.

Of course, considering the relationship between Demacia and Noxus, Lux would not refuse such an act of causing trouble for Noxus.

The problem is that Karya's plan this time is essentially supporting a war, which makes Lux feel a little uncomfortable.

"Kalya and I are actually very clear." Lux came to Ino's side, "I also understand that sometimes war is an inevitable means, but when I think that innocent people will die because of it, I feel a little nervous resist."

With that said, Lacus simply told the whole story.


It all started three days ago.

Three days ago, just the day after the kidnapping by Piltover, envoys from Besilico's Durren family arrived in Zaun, hoping to bring their young master back.

(Master Du Lun was Cassiopeia's licking dog, the fat man who was trapped in the mine with his guards, and was rescued by Lacus later.)
Waiting for Du Lun to stay here for three years before coming to pick him up was not because the family gave up on Du Lun, but because the family wanted to protect him—according to Du Lun, during the Ionian War, Noxus in order to maintain Large-scale conscription in wars, even the children of nobles, still have to go to the battlefield.

Therefore, knowing that Du Lun was not in danger, the Du Lun family simply let him stay in Zaan, lest he be sent to the battlefield.

Now that the Ionian War is over, the Du Lun family quickly sent someone to take Du Lun back.

If this is the case, then neither Lux nor Kalya would care about the petty thoughts of a Noxus nobleman.

However, what was very surprising was that the envoy who picked up Duron applied to see Lux, and offered to hire Zaun's workers at a large price to repair the city wall at Besilico.

According to the envoy, "Master Duron is full of praise for the efficiency of Zaun's construction workers." It happened that the city walls of Besilico needed to be repaired. Considering that Besilico was short of manpower after the war, he came to discuss with Lux how Cannot hire a bunch of Zaun construction workers to do the work.

The request sounds reasonable.

But the problem is that Zaun workers are only more efficient at work. No one has ever built a city wall or a military building like a fortress. It is strange to hire Zaun people to repair the city wall.

Then, on the second day, before Lux could figure out how to respond, the Piltover Daily happily published an article "Peace Brings Business Opportunities".

In this article, the reporter tried to prove that "peace will bring prosperity to trade" by using "a commercial city of the size of Besilico, after the war, still purchased a large amount of supplies from Piltover" This conclusion is an attempt to cheer up the people of Piltover and encourage the sluggish economy.

Hiring a high-efficiency construction team to repair the city wall and purchasing a large amount of metal and food supplies - these two news appearing at the same time, it is really a bit thought-provoking.

So, when Duron came to thank Lax for saving her life before leaving Zaun, Lax confirmed an amazing news under the guidance of Kalya.

Becilico is preparing for a defensive battle.

So, here comes the question, as a non-border city, Besilico... who is it defending against?

At this point, Carya finally made a bold inference - Besilico is guarding against Noxus, and they want to be independent!

When Kalya came to this conclusion, Lacus was stunned.

She couldn't imagine that Besilico, the main commercial city and port hub in the southeast of Noxus, would one day declare independence and break away from Noxus!
No matter from which point of view, this is really too crazy!
But if you think about it carefully, in fact, this kind of behavior may not be traceless. During the Ionian War, the coastal cities headed by Besilico undertook the heaviest military mobilization, but the result of the war was completely fail.

In this case, it is not incomprehensible that Besilico and the Immortal Fortress are separated.

Moreover, Besilico was conquered by Noxus and became a part of Noxus. In fact, it was less than 30 years ago. Texas had a big stumble in Ionia, how could Besilico follow along obediently?
After reaching this conclusion, Carya directly proposed that Zaun should directly provide workers to help the Besilico people repair the city wall, so that they can hold on to the city without any scruples—in addition, they should also contact Sarah to see if they can connect To Besilico and Bilgewater, to open a sea supply line to Besilico...

If according to Carya's meaning, once Besilico raises the anti-flag, it will become a deep and deep wound to the Noxus Empire, and it will continue to bleed the empire.

When the time comes, the Noxus will take the initiative to attack and suffer heavy casualties, and the siege of Besilico will be full of supplies. No matter what they do, there will be wars everywhere. No matter what they choose, I'm afraid they won't have the time to cause trouble for Zaun.

After Lux finished everything, Ino finally couldn't help but widen his eyes.

On the one hand, she was amazed by Kalya's keenness, and on the other hand, she was also moved by her teacher's boldness - facing Noxus, he never thought of simple defense, but took the initiative to make trouble for the opponent.

"But why can't you make up your mind?" Surprised, Ino asked with some doubts, "Isn't this a very good thing?"

"Maybe it's good for Zaun." Lux shook her head, "But when I think that Besilico will be in chaos during the siege, I feel a little heavy."

"So you didn't tell him what you think?" Yinuo blinked, "You didn't tell him this?"

"I said it." Lux spread his hands, "Then, he proposed a bolder idea: taking advantage of the current weakness of Noxus, starting with Besilico, constructing a world that includes Fendor, Chuxi The siege of ... Noxus, including Iron City."

Ino opened his mouth wide, and his whole body fell into a daze.

"Then I said, forget it, just support Becilico." Looking at the sluggish Ino, Lux sighed helplessly, "Then, I realized that Kalya lifted the roof of the set, The theory of opening windows was applied to me unconsciously."

 Karya's Little Class Noxian Indigestion:
  About 30 years before the start of the Ionian War, it was the 30 years of rapid expansion of Noxus' territory-and this rapid expansion inevitably caused Noxus' indigestion, and many lords turned into Noxus. The new nobles of Texas.

  And with the defeat of Noxus in Ionia, these new nobles finally couldn't help but move around.

(End of this chapter)

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