Lux's Farewell

Chapter 231 [0228] Repair

Chapter 231 [0228] Repair
Lacus understands the truth.

But this kind little girl couldn't bear to see the war continue-so, even knowing that Becilico's rebellion was an opportunity, she still couldn't bear it.

Karya, who knew her very well, used a little trick, but he had taught Lacus this little trick, so after Lacus realized this, her emotions were somewhat subtle.

I always feel like I was treated like a child by Karada!
It was for this reason that she chose to talk to Ino about her thoughts instead of talking to Karya.

After confiding, Lax's mood obviously calmed down a lot—especially after Ino and her "same enemy" condemned Karya, an unscrupulous teacher who played tricks on her students, Lax obviously relaxed a lot.

Then, she happily added a supper to herself.


The next day, Clegg's construction team received a special task.

The Third Construction Group, which originally undertook part of the Xingang construction task, was now assigned a mission abroad—under the leadership of Ino, they boarded at the newly built Xingang Wharf No. [-], and then were sent to Bei Silico.

In this city, they will carry out a month-long, overtime construction, repairing the city wall for Besilico, renovating the parapets, blockhouses and gatehouses.

Although the working hours are long and the deadline is very tight, the rewards for this mission are very generous, so these construction workers in Zaun are gearing up for their work and their work enthusiasm is quite high.

However, as a small foreman, Clegg is a little strange.

He didn't understand why Ms. Ino came here to work together.

Although the people of Zaun are well aware that this lady secretary has quite astonishing attainments in the field of construction, and she can easily accomplish many things that cannot be achieved by ordinary construction methods with one hand, but repairing the city wall is not necessary no matter how you look at it. She shot?
Is it because this is an overseas job?

However, in the past, Zaun’s workers also went to Karduga, Kumanggra and other places to help the locals build various public or private buildings-at that time, they didn’t see Yinuo personally follow them?
Of course, although it is a bit strange, this is not a question worth noting. Clegg just thought about it curiously, and when he didn't get an answer, he simply stopped thinking about this "meaningless question" .

Still work hard!
After finishing this job, I am very likely to buy a private property in Zaun earlier than Bobo and Ike!


Ino came to Besilico in person, not just to lead a team to fight ashes—you know, she came to Besilico with Karya!
Considering the importance of Besilico's possible rebellion to Zaun, Carya even reluctantly temporarily suspended Lux's studies, letting her stay in Zaun to "study in her spare time", and she was led by Ino , Came to Besilico to inspect in person.

Although the Durren family in Besilico was warm on the surface but alienated in reality, and they were still consciously staring at these Zaun workers, but with Carya's command, Ino sneaked out of the place where he was staying several times at night.

Soon, Ino got a lot of interesting news.

As a city that took the initiative to seek refuge in Noxus, Besilico did not experience a huge reshuffle after being included in the rule of Noxus. The Duren family used to be the lord family here, and it is still noble.

On the bright side, the Durham family has no power in Besilico, and the top and bottom of Besilico are decided by an orderly officer named Queretta Vann.

But in fact... things are not that simple.

In Besilico, from the market administrator to the street tax officer, from the low-level sheriff to the garrison squad leader, almost everyone is inextricably linked with the Durham family.

As Besilico's local snakes, it seems that the Duren family, who are just local rich men, are the actual controllers of the city.

During Eno's quiet inquiry, she found that the locals believed in the Durran family more than Noxus—although Besilico was flying the Noxus flag and obeying Noxus laws, But the executors of everything are the Durham family.

Originally, this situation was normal. After all, during the period of rapid expansion of Noxus, this was the case in many areas that were conquered without force.

But the problem is that when Noxus sent troops to Ionia before, in order to shorten the supply route as much as possible and deploy troops nearby, a large number of young and middle-aged men were recruited from Besilico to join the army.

For Noxus, this is a routine operation, and it can even be regarded as a way to assimilate the locals.

In the past, every time Noxus conquered a place, the young and middle-aged people here would be recruited and sent to foreign lands to fight for Noxus.

When these young and middle-aged men become famous, they will be supported to return to their hometowns and let them become local emerging nobles.

For their own benefit, the emerging nobles will inevitably fight against the former nobles, and in the process, Noxus will completely assimilate this area, making it a part of Noxus, and making the people here Forget the old order and be absorbed into the Noxian order.

Because the previous conquests of Noxus were always unfavorable, this tactic has naturally been tried and tested. People in the conquered areas may hate Noxus, but for those guys who "have made great achievements under the Noxus order and returned to their hometowns", they will not be defeated. But it is often envious.


The problem this time is that in Ionia, the Noxians lost.

The kind that lost quite completely.

The young and middle-aged men who were transferred from Besilico did not become the advanced representatives of Noxus returning home, but became small boxes, which plunged the entire Besilico into endless grief...

Noxus is like a huge war machine. When it is running at full speed, it can often charge faster and faster, but after Ionia overturned, the result is also a mess.

In this case, the alienation between the Besilico people and Noxus has also become a kind of necessity.

Noxus said that war is an opportunity to get rich.

But in fact, the war only brought endless death—and, considering that the Ionian War was an absolute war of aggression, invading other countries, leaving home, losing the war, and having no meritorious service, for all the participants in the war, it was very important. It was a painful mental blow.

Therefore, the Dulun family, who had been quite submissive before, finally had a different idea this time.

 Karya's Little Classroom Noxian Firewood:
  To be fair, Noxus is doing pretty well most of the time.

  But what is unacceptable is that the "fairness" of this huge military empire is too cruel. Although the strong are rewarded, the weak have no choice but to die.

(End of this chapter)

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