Lux's Farewell

Chapter 232 [0229] Betrayed orderly officer

Chapter 232 [0229] Betrayed orderly officer
There is no doubt that the decision to betray Noxus must be inseparable from the Duren family - but besides that, Ino has another question.

What about Becilico's garrison?
You must know that there is a Noxus battle group stationed in Besilico at this time. Considering the critical geographical location of the city, I am afraid that the number of garrisons is quite large. In this case, if Besilico wants to leave Noxus must deal with the local garrison.

The Durren family can influence the people of Besilico, but they may not be able to control this army. The Noxus battle groups have always been self-contained and do not depend on local logistics, and local snakes cannot affect the local battle groups.

And if you want to control (at least appease) these Noxus garrisons, you must have a guy with enough weight.

In Besilico, the one who can do this is either the regimental commander (military officer) of the local garrison regiment, or the service officer (administrator) of Besilico, if not these two, it must be theirs deputy.

This kind of problem involving the core people is quite secretive, but it is not difficult for Yinuo to figure it out-just look at these two guys, which one knows the news about repairing the city wall and hoarding supplies is enough up.

The preparation for rebellion must not be informed to loyal ministers!

Here, Carya found a hidden logic chain-Ino knew that the Besilico people wanted to rebel; but the Besilico people didn't know that Ino knew.

Therefore, they had to receive Ino and Zaun's construction team on the premise that "Ino did not know that Besilico was going to rebel".

In this case, Yinuo can use the guise of cooperation and hope that the Du Lun family will contact him for an audience.

In order to prevent Ino from disclosing information that should not be disclosed, the Durham family will inevitably lead her to meet the one who cooperates with the Durham family and intends to betray Noxus.

Therefore, Eno generously approached the patriarch of the Duren family, and on the grounds that "Zuan needs to earn foreign exchange" as an excuse, he hoped to contact the local governor of Besilico, and it would be best to get some preferential policies and treatment.

After being polite, the patriarch of the Durran family finally said that he could introduce Besilico's orderly officer, Quinrieta Varn, to Ino.

"You are all ladies with successful careers, I believe you will get along happily." The old fox said with a smile, "But Ms. Quinrieta is more serious, I hope Miss Ino doesn't care too much..."


Acting and doing a full set, Eno and Carya actually worked out a lot of "cooperation drafts" overnight.

In order to finally confirm whether this Quirieta is the one who cooperated with Duron and betrayed the Noxus, she left a few clauses in the cooperation draft that can be used by the other party-for example, it seems that it is with Peel on the surface. Trevor's business grabbing is actually a "maritime transportation cooperation" to provide Besilico with additional logistical support.

If Quirieta had no other thoughts, then these terms were just ordinary business cooperation without any problems.

Once Quirieta intends to raise the flag of rebellion, these cooperation projects will become an important strategic channel for Besilico!

With this draft in hand, Ino met the chief executive of Besilico, Cuileta Varn, in the office of the orderly officer the next day.

Just as Patriarch Durran said, this is a serious woman—she has a resolute and firm expression, and although she has only one arm, she behaves like a soldier, even when she meets the too young Ino. Any unexpected look.

After a simple exchange of pleasantries, the two iceberg-like women began a semi-official negotiation on the trade of Becilico Zaun.

During the negotiation, Quirieta didn't talk much, but he always hit the point. If it wasn't for the help of Karya, I'm afraid Ino would not be this woman's opponent at all!

After an afternoon of verbal confrontation, the two sides reached some basic consensus on cooperation, and had an in-depth exchange of views on this draft of Ino's - to put it bluntly, the negotiation did not have any substantive effect.

But it's okay.

From the importance Qurieta attached to these terms, Ino and Carya finally came to a firm conclusion.

Quirieta is the guy who cooperated with the Durham family to betray the Noxians!

Even though she remained calm, she took every hook that Yinuo prepared in the draft without letting go, and bit on them all.

However, how can a local governor control and appease the Noxus battle group stationed in Besilico?

While Eno was arguing with Quereta about the "cooperation terms" one by one, he began to use various channels (in fact, mainly through the young master of the Durham family. He himself is ignorant, but he knows a lot about gossip ), inquired about the background identity of this lady.

Then, she got a rather startling piece of news.

Quilleta is also from Besilico, and has joined the Noxus army since he was a teenager, which can be regarded as a military background.

She served Noxus in the just-concluded Ionian War, only to lose an arm—how no one knows.

As for the battle group stationed in Besiliko, it is said that it was reassembled from many battle groups that returned to the rear for training and reorganization during the Ionian War.

Well, now all the clues are connected.

The failure of the Ionian War led to the weakening of Noxus' control over the region, and the local snake of the Duron family began to move around.

And Quilleta, a veteran who participated in the Ionian War, also became dissatisfied with Noxus for some reason-although the reason here is not clear, it is not difficult to understand, after all, according to the news of Shadow Stream Well, the Noxians have always liked to hold themselves back - and then, the two hit it off.

Because the local garrison already had many of Quilleta's old subordinates, even if the local legion commander may not be involved, they are still confident in controlling the garrison.

"So, if we want to cause trouble for the Noxus, we should contact Quilleta, right?" Ino concluded, "She is the one who can help us?"

"Then why not the Durham family?" Carya said, "His control over Besilico far exceeds that of Quilleta."

"They once surrendered to Noxus when the situation was not good. If there is a first time, there will be a second time." Now Ino is no longer the timid country girl who followed Lacus, this reliable white-haired girl He gave the answer very confidently, "In the whole incident, as long as the Durham family is careful enough, the current Noxus should have nothing to do with him-in comparison, Quinrieta is the one who has absolutely no way out. !"

 Karya's Little Classroom Shuffle of the Ionian War:
  The Ionian War was one of the worst wars that Noxus had ever fought. During this period, many battle groups were broken up and reorganized, and the Noxus military also suffered a major reshuffle.

(End of this chapter)

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