Lux's Farewell

Chapter 234 [0231]

Chapter 234 [0231]
News delivery in Runeterra is slow - especially when there is no dedicated messaging agency.

Although the Zaun Daily has openly published the news about the construction of the new port and the strategic cooperation with Bilgewater, Quereta, who is in Besilico, knows nothing about it.

So, after discovering that the Zaun people also gave the option of "Bilgewater direct sea transportation" in the "value-added services", the lady of the service officer's eyes widened in surprise.

When did Zaun get involved with Bilgewater?

Three years ago, the news that Zaun was turned upside down was known to Quilleta, but in her view, it was just an internal action of the people of Zaun. Going online made her care more.

Surprised, Quirieta began to look for news about Bilgewater—and under her intentional inquiries, the news of the wave of flames, Planck's death, and the new pirate queen's ascension finally came late.

This series of changes made Quilleta not only surprised, but also somewhat joyful.

She didn't like the Zaunites, the Bilgewaters.

But this does not prevent her from using the Zaun people and the Bilgewater people!

If the new pirate queen is a person who can discuss matters, then Besilico, with his back to the sea, may have more room for it!
With this in mind, she finally made actual concessions in the "trade agreement" with Zaun. Except for those parts related to the transportation of military assets, she even gave up a lot of profits. .

Moreover, almost all the transportation is called "Bilgewater Direct Shipping" by her name.


Before I knew it, a month had passed.

Most of the repairs to the city walls of Besilico have been completed, and the negotiations between Ino and Quirieta have come to the final stage.

After confirming Quirieta's attitude and goals, Ino and Carya directly brought the sample of "Alchemy and Forbidden Steel" to Besilico.

Knowing the power of the Noxus mages, Quileta immediately fell in love with these "alchemy and magic steels" that have a good ability to absorb spells.

Because of the difference in follow-up processing methods, although Zaun's Alchemy Forbidden Steel and Demacia's Rune Steel have similar effective principles, their specific forms are quite different.

The rune steel looks very good. After being forged, it is extended. The structure is delicate and shiny, light, strong, and resilient.

And Zaun's beggar's version of the magic stone is not old enough, and its metal processing ability is also much worse-so, in terms of appearance, these alchemy magic steels are actually similar to the black iron armor of the Noxus.

But considering its defensive power against spells, when Ino was selling it, he was as calm as Quilleta, and he almost didn't hold back on the spot, and the whole person laughed out loud.

With alchemy and magic steel as the key product, the follow-up negotiations quickly went smoothly.

Queretta made a lot of concessions in terms of price, and was willing to pay directly with gold-considering that she is not a rich owner, I am afraid that this wave is bleeding out of the Duron family.

(Of course, in order to be able to get on the line with the new pirate queen, Queretta chose to use "Bilgewater direct shipping" to transport all these alchemy and magic steels.)
After reaching the purchase agreement, Zaun and Besilico also reached some "insignificant" cooperation on trade. Duga buys ores and such.

Eventually, when the repairs to Besilico's walls were almost complete, Quereta and Ino formalized their cooperation agreement.

On the surface, this is an ordinary business cooperation agreement.

But in fact, this means that Besilico's rebellion has officially been put on the agenda.

The most important commercial port city in southeastern Noxus has just renovated its city walls, stockpiled a large amount of food and necessities, purchased a batch of alchemy and magic steel, and is actively contacting the Bilgewater people, hoping Can build a stable sea channel.

All is ready except for the opportunity.


On the third day after signing the cooperation agreement, Eno bid farewell to the city with the last batch of Zaun construction workers.

And her new partner, Ms. Queretta, did not come to see him off - when Ino set sail, she was organizing a daily training session of the Noxian Empire's Besilico Chapter.

Lumbica Varo, who had always been indifferent to training before, rarely appeared on the training ground, but his eyes were not on the soldiers at all, and he didn't care about the squad leader and other grassroots non-commissioned officers around him.

Lumbica came here mainly because he heard that Cuileta had made a big deal with the people of Zaun, and he hoped to share one or two of them.

Therefore, when the soldiers were sweating profusely, he seemed to be a philistine businessman, laughing and talking about business with Quilleta.

However, unlike ordinary businessmen, Lumbica operates an officialdom.

"Ms. Queretta, you have seen it too." Seeing how to make connections and hints, the guy in front of him also looked like he couldn't understand, and the impatient Lumbica simply said, "Soldiers There is no need to worry about daily food and clothing, but it is still a bit difficult to maintain daily training with only this little material.”


Quirieta didn't speak, but frowned slightly.

"I heard that they used to be your comrades in arms in Ionia." Lumbica continued, "Training must continue after all, and you don't want them to train hungry, do you?"

"The Besilico Corps has its own military industry." Quirieta said in a firm tone, "That's something you should worry about."

"The industry of the warband is also in a downturn." Lumbica sighed pretendingly, "You know the situation in Ionia, and you want these fellows to still be qualified to wear armor and fight for Noxus , I also need to move up and down."

"You should tell the soldiers about this." Cuilleta narrowed his eyes, "Maybe they will understand you."

"Comparatively speaking, I hope that Ms. Queretta can help." Lumbica rubbed his hands, "After all, you and them are really on the same journey."

There was a vague threat in Lumbika's words, but unfortunately, he chose the wrong target for the threat.

After the failure of the Ionian battle, there were indeed many defeated generals moving up and down, looking for opportunities to recover, but Quilleta was obviously not among them.

Just when Lumbica's eyes were getting more and more wretched, Infertia, the adjutant next to Quiletta, pulled out the dagger at her waist without warning.


The sharp dagger was stabbed into Lumbica's waist, and then he was violently stirred.

Lumbika, who hadn't figured out what was going on, lost his strength in an instant, and fell over headfirst—before he lost consciousness, he saw only a Noxus flag being lowered slowly.

 Carya's Small Classroom Zaun's Metal Smelting:
  Although there is a certain level of industrialization, Zaun's metal finishing level is still inferior to that of Demacia--demacia craftsmen who have been responsible for metal smelting and forging for generations have spent a lot of time creating products, whether it is aesthetics, Both durability and reliability are far superior to Zaun's industrial products.

  However, the production efficiency of the two sides is not at the same level at all. The craftsmen of Demacia need to forge a pair of armor on a yearly basis. and it will be done.

  Although these armors have all kinds of quality problems...but what does it matter?

(End of this chapter)

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