Lux's Farewell

Chapter 235 [0232]

Chapter 235 [0232]
Becilico's change of flags deserved at most an inconspicuous page in a newspaper in Zaun or Piltover.

However, for the Noxus Empire, this rebellion was like a bell ringing in the ear, setting off a heart-pounding storm for the Immortal Fortress.

Since the defeat at the Gate of Sorrows and Noxus abandoning its westward policy, no longer head-to-head with Demacia, and instead developing to the south, this is the first time the empire has encountered such a rebellion.

An important port city and an economic pillar, just killed the head of the garrison regiment in such a silent way, and then changed its flag to stand on its own, this is a slap in the face of Noxus!

After receiving the news, even though Darkwill's position as the Grand Commander was on the verge of collapse, and even though the vortex of the political struggle in the Immortal Fortress had gradually begun to emerge, all parties quickly reached a consensus-it was necessary to dispatch troops and dispatch this This rebellion was completely stifled, as an example to others!
It's also interesting to say.

Because Elise was severely injured by Lux in Zaun and hid for a while to recuperate, Vladimir, who cooperated with Pale Lady, seized the opportunity and established a direct relationship with Shadow Island.

Considering that the Shadow Isles may contain many precious magic items from the Darkin War, Vladimir often travels back and forth between the Immortal Bastion and the Shadow Isles, trying to collect these good things.

Therefore, after the wave of flames, Vladimir appeared in Bilgewater by chance.

At that time, the black mist filled the air, and the Scarlet Reaper took the initiative to show up, wanting to reach a cooperation with his own family's Viego—seeing that everyone is from the same clan, why don't we join hands together? .

It's a pity that Viego has no interest in cooperation or politics. He only has Isolde in his heart.

Vladimir, with a hot face and a cold ass, chose to massacre the local gangs to vent his anger. As a result, he ran into the hands of Planck, who had just been bridged by Tam and accepted the power of the underworld, and his ghost ship, the Abyss.

The ammunition equipped with the Abyss is the magic high-explosive bomb prepared by Swain, because Swain was put together by Planck, and the flagship Leviathan was taken away by Planck, resulting in these high-explosive bombs becoming the general Rank's spoils were assembled on the Nether Abyss.

In this way, Vladimir was washed by magic high-explosive bombs. If he hadn't been strong enough to save his life, after a wave of artillery fire washed the ground, he would have been completely finished—even if he turned himself into blood in time, from the sewage flowing Bilgewater eventually escaped, but his serious injuries and weakness still made his personality extremely unstable.

Thus, the cooperation between Scarlet and Pale fell into the control of Ms. Pale.

Compared with the quick-tempered Vladimir, this pale lady is obviously much more patient. Even though she was determined to give up Darkwill, she still maintained superficial respect during Besiliko's rebellion, and did not At this time, the shot is dragging its feet.

After all... the growth of black roses also requires fertile soil.

Compared with Vladimir's disregard, Pale Lady is better at sustainable fishing.

The rulers of Noxus should not be too strong, but neither should the empire be weakened.


Besilico changed his flag as expected, and the Immortal Fortress dispatched troops to quell the rebellion. For the Zaun people thousands of miles away, these news seemed to have nothing to do with him.

At this time, all the attention of the people of Zaun has been placed on their new port.

In two months, Xingang was completed as promised.

This carefully selected port is located thirty miles east of the city of Zaun. It was originally a low-lying bay.

The bay is in the shape of a half crescent, with its opening facing northeast. The entire sea is almost entirely made of basalt rocks. When the tide is high, the average water level of the sea is about three feet from the top of the sea. When the tide is low, the water level is about nine feet from the top of the sea. .

The tidal range of six feet is not too great, considering that the water level of this bay is deep and there are no annoying reefs, so it can be used as a port without much underwater work.

Zaun's construction team used these low seas as the basis, and used a batch of straight and thick timbers that they did not know where to get as a support. Like building a bridge, they built a piece of land that looked like it could berth a large ship. pier.

In the description of Picheng Daily, this kind of wharf that was barely built with wood as the main support is an out-and-out tofu dregs project.

Although the wood used by the Zaun people is very thick, it looks very reliable, but under the erosion of sea water, the dock made of wood... What a fart?
It’s okay to park small boats and walk away at the wharf with wooden supports, but now they actually want to use this thing to undertake the loading and unloading of bulk cargo?
This is simply whimsical, idiot's dream!
Therefore, after analyzing the various disadvantages of Zaun Newport by taking the Gate of Sun as an example, the Piltover Daily put forward hypocritically at the end, "According to the principle of humanitarianism, Piltover has sent a rescue team to wait nearby. To avoid the occurrence of regrettable tragedies", almost putting the curse on the bright side.

The people of Piltover swear by it, as if the pier will be ruined once it is used.

On the Zaun side, the designers and builders of the pier are full of confidence in this seemingly rudimentary pier.

The people of Piltover don't know what those straight, thick logs are.

But the people of Zaun know it themselves!
Those woods are all rune trees—specifically, its name is Wind Whispering Cedar, and Lux ​​had tested the firmness of these woods with a saber in Calikan's laboratory back then.

Different from other rune trees that can be used as processing materials, Fengyu fir is a kind of tree that can absorb the power of runes and strengthen itself. The trunk is strong and reliable, and after being cut into wood, it will gradually petrify as time goes by. It is an excellent building material.

In order to cut down these Wind Whisper Cedars, which are used as the supports of the port pier, before Ino set off for Besilico, Lux and Ino took turns cutting wood with their sabers. It took them three full days to make enough to support Timber from the entire pier.

Because of the secrecy of the rune tree, the workers at the beginning of the construction did not believe that the wood could support the entire pier. However, as the work of cutting down the branches and trimming the bark began, they quickly understood why the designers of the port Would have such confidence in these unremarkable looking trees.

A woodsawman in a team of two, using a special large saw, takes an hour to chop off a branch as thick as a human wrist, even cutting metal is not so difficult!

The people in Piltover next door were reading the papers like crazy, yes.

But... what does Piltover know?
 Carya's Little Classroom: Cutting of Wind Whisper Cedar:

  In fact, there is an easier way to cut the Wind Whisper Shank, but it is a pity that Lux and Ino's level is not enough to master cracking magic, so Zaun can only use the most stupid way to process this thing.

(End of this chapter)

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