Lux's Farewell

Chapter 236 [0233]

Chapter 236 [0233]
The sky is clear, the wind is gentle.

Today, the new port of Zaun officially opened.

Janna in the form of a blue bird has brought news that a ship under the Bilgewater flag is about to arrive at the port.

Under such circumstances, in Zaun New Port, a group of Zaun bosses, including Lux, stood on the newly built No. [-] pier in person, looking at the sea level in the east, each and every one of them was eager to see through.

Finally, at the end of the field of vision, two large ships with Bilgewater style appeared on the sea level.

As the two ships got closer and closer, Lux, who had been close to Bilgewater, was surprised to find that the leading ship... was Sarah's flagship, the Siren!
That's right, the Siren!

Although it has been repainted, Lux will not mistake this ship.

Especially when the Siren was getting closer, Lacus, who had good eyesight, could clearly see the uneven color patches on the ship's side that were damaged by shells and later repaired and repainted.

That's the Siren!

Considering Sarah's identity... the Queen of Bilgewater has arrived in Zaun herself!

Sea breeze.

The two large ships were getting closer and closer, and finally, surrounded by waves, they arrived at the new port of Zaun.

On the berth, the Siren dropped its main anchor, and after the gangway protruded out, it was stuck in the reserved card slot of No. [-] Pier with incomparable precision. The flying woman strode onto the gangway.

Facing the surrounding Zaun workers and reporters, she took off her captain's cap generously, and any long fiery red hair fluttered like flames with the sea breeze.

On the deck of the Siren, the sailors burst into cheers.

Amidst the cheers, Sarah nodded in satisfaction, then put on her hat again, and then walked down the gangway.

On Pier [-], Lux strode forward, holding the hilt of the saber with her left hand, and stretched out her right hand.

The next moment, two white but rough hands were held together, and both Sarah and Lux ​​had smiles on their faces.

The Zaun people on the pier also joined in the cheers - amidst the excitement, Sarah and Lux ​​let go of their right hands and hugged each other tightly.


The two ships, the Siren and the Sea Serpent behind, brought the first large-scale Ionian specialties.

For display and publicity, Sarah simply opened most of the cargo boxes when unloading the cargo—and seeing the commodities transported by these two ships, the Zaun workers onlookers had never seen any market, so at most His face was strange, but the reporter from Piltover in the crowd couldn't believe his eyes!
Immaculate white porcelain, richly scented spices, radiant Ionian brocades, and bundles of fine tea leaves that look like free weeds!

Unlike those Zaunites who don't know the goods, these Piltover reporters are very clear that no matter what kind of goods appear in the Piltover market, they are worth gold!
The sharp-eyed Sarah saw the misfits in the crowd almost at a glance. She raised her eyebrows at Lux next to her, and a subtle smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Back then in Weili, she had the same expression—Sarah thought of the Ionia trade to make money, but never thought it would be so profitable.

Because Zaun handed Singed over to the Ionians, the Eagle Ionian organizations represented by Shadow Stream and the Navoli Brotherhood are all full of goodwill towards Zaun.

In this case, when Bilgewater's ship arrived at the port of Veli in Ionia, holding Lux's personal credentials and Zaun's trade agreement, and began to purchase supplies, the local Navoli Brotherhood Come forward, accept the Golden Siren, which is not very popular in Ionia, and allow this bulk purchase.

And then... Sarah was picky.

In the past, Ionia was in a relatively closed state, and they didn't like doing business with outsiders very much, so the amount of Ionia's special products flowing into other places was very small.

Those things themselves are actually not precious, but due to their rarity, they are often treasures that only a few people can have.

Lacquerware, porcelain, pigments, spices, tea, flowers, raw silk, fabrics...

Many Ionian specialties that are usually rare, as if they don’t need money at this time, were gathered by the leaders of the Navoli Brotherhood and placed in front of Sarah and Raven, so that these two have seen the market. The Bilgewater man nearly popped his eyeballs out.

After the Noxus invaded Ionia, they also consciously collected a lot of these specialties and sold them to get back the funds. However, due to the lack of cooperation of the Ionians, all they could collect were big ones. Large-scale hoarding of finished products—how can there be so many hoarding of finished products in a place with a primitive social structure like Ionia?

Although things like lacquerware and porcelain are produced on a relatively large scale, they take up too much space and are not easy to transport.

And things like pigments and spices are often made and sold on the spot. Many of them use plants and minerals native to Ionia as pigments. Noxians can snatch the finished ones, but they don’t know them at all. Their raw materials, so the amount that can be snatched away is limited.

As for raw silk, fabrics, and tea, these are purely "small family workshop products" in Ionia, and unless the Noxians go door-to-door, they can't get much!

Therefore, although the Noxus once occupied a large area of ​​Ionia during the eight-year Ionian War, the amount of goods they could obtain was pitifully small compared to other regions. ——The Ionians themselves don't engage in large-scale trade, and they don't have the habit of hoarding gold or other currencies, which makes it difficult for Noxus to grab them.

(The Noxians snatched the most magical items from Ionia. In comparison, these items are easy to grab, good luck, and relatively concentrated. Breaking through one sect can get a lot of them.)
But now, relying on the advantage of the "anti-Noxus" faction, Bilgewater has opened the door to the bulk commodity trade in Ionia, using the Golden Siren to purchase an astonishing amount of commodities.

In the open-air market of the Ionians, Sarah's first reaction was "Why did I only drive two boats?"

In this way, after discussing for a while, Sarah and Raven carefully combined the types of goods purchased, resisted the temptation to throw away the cannons in the cabin, left almost all the working capital, and left Weili.

The local Navoli Brotherhood didn't need these golden sirens, so he asked Sarah to come back with what they needed if she wanted to continue the trade.

As for what they need...

"We want armor and weapons!" The tall Ionian with a scar on his face said firmly, "The ambition of the Noxus has not completely disappeared. The choice of the respected Blade Dancer after the war Too weak, we still need the strength to protect ourselves!"

 Carya's Little Classroom Ionia Specialties:
  There are many special products in Ionia, and they are very irreproducible-the flow of magic power filled with the first soil makes the soil and plants here have natural magic power, so their pottery, porcelain, lacquer, silk, tea The quality is amazing.

(End of this chapter)

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