Lux's Farewell

Chapter 237 [0234]

Chapter 237 [0234]

Shaking her head, not thinking about the Ionian's request for the time being, Sarah once again set her eyes on the crowd.

As if a general returning from victory was showing off his trophies, Sarah's face was full of smug smiles, and the cheers from the crowd seemed to be the most moving music, filling her heart with joy.

Most of these special products produced in Ionia are not used by Bilgewater people.

But the money exchanged for these commodities can buy what Bilgewater people need most!

In the wild pirate city of Bilgewater, countless pirate kings have been born in the past.

They were the kings of the seven seas at first, and later became the kings of the twelve seas. The sea is their territory. Anyone who sails on the sea will feel anxious after seeing their flags. Stock battle.

It's a pity that no one can live in the sea forever. Once he leaves the sea and comes to the shore, even the king of the twelve sea regions can only be a despised sea mouse.

The ocean is not land, there are no minerals, no food, and only relying on fishing is not enough to support a real pirate kingdom.

But now, times have changed.

Through this trade experience, Sarah clearly saw an opportunity for the rise of Bilgewater, and uniquely Bilgewater.

Sea coachman...

This name is not too loud, but at least it is stronger than the contemptuous sea mouse, isn't it?


For the history of New Zaun, the entry of the Siren and the Sea Serpent is undoubtedly a landmark event.

On the one hand, it means the completion and commissioning of the new port of Zaun, and on the other hand, it also represents the official start of the second half of the Ionian trade.

Furthermore, since the Siren was the flagship of the Bilgewater Pirate Queen, the voyage was a political visit as well as a trade exchange.

This is not over yet.

After the ostentatious unloading on the Siren side, Zaun also started its own ostentatious storage display.

The rune-carrying puppet No. 1.0 machine, code-named [Porter [-]], which had been hidden in the wharf warehouse and was strictly kept secret from the outside world, also appeared in front of the public for the first time.

Undoubtedly, this is also a landmark event, representing the formal production of the rune technology industry.

Porter 1.0—or call it Porter No. [-]—is actually very low-tech. It is more reliable to say that this thing is not so much a rune puppet as a gantry crane.

It is mainly made of rune trees, and the key components are made of rune stones. The whole is placed on a pre-built track, which can be moved between the dock and the warehouse along the track.

The entire rune puppet has only two moving parts, one is the crane that can lift the cargo, and the other is the drive mechanism that can drive along the track. If you study it carefully, you will find that its function is actually quite single.

Not to mention comparing it with the Hexgate that has been put into operation in Piltover, even compared with the purely mechanical and electrical structure of the Sun Gate, the function of this thing is quite backward.

But... so what?

Just like the first steam locomotive had no advantage over horse-drawn carriages, the significance of the emergence of this Porter No. [-] does not lie in its working efficiency (well, it still has something to do with it, at least it is more efficient than humans. The efficiency of shoulder-carrying and hand-pushing is much higher), but because Zaun has now discovered a technology tree that is completely different from HexTech!
Although most people don't know its future and its limits, this is still a powerful declaration for Zaun - we are the orthodoxy of evolution!

As the driver of Porter No. [-], when the warehouse door opened and the exit signal light came on, Ze Li's heart trembled violently twice as if she had been shocked by an electric shock.

"That's an illusion, Zeli, you can already control your magic power." She cheered herself up silently in her heart, "You are the pilot of Porter No. [-] and the future ace puppet pilot. The small scene is not worth your nervousness at all..."

Although in the secret laboratory, as the first batch of senior pilots, Ze Li had done countless drills, but when she really appeared in front of the public for the first time, she was still full of nervousness.

Even if this Porter No. [-] is just a civilian rune puppet with the simplest structure.

Even if she has already piloted the military battle puppet project in the secret laboratory.

Even if she can rely on magic power to forcibly control the puppet to complete the task.

But after seeing the expectant faces outside through the transparent glass shield of the cockpit, her heart still began to contract rapidly.

A crackling static sound appeared beside her, and there were faintly two fleeting electric arcs—then, after Zeli took a deep breath, these electric arcs disappeared quickly as if they had been sucked into her belly .

As a basis? One of the most talented people in the magic training class, Zeli, like Ike, has a superficial identity related to alchemy.

But Zeli knew that it was just because the rune magic still needed to be kept secret and could not be concealed to the public. A talented mage.

Since she was a baby, she's been able to bring extra electricity to her family—electric sparks flicker in her yellow lanugo when she giggles; Dangerous arcing.

Without learning, Zeli used to be a humanoid self-propelled short-circuit device. Any unrestrained mood swings may cause a power outage.

And as she grew older, as she gained a certain degree of control over her magic power (in fact, it is not so much control over magic power, but rather control over electricity itself), she began to tentatively work with other Zaun people to give Alchemy barons looking for trouble.

For example, Zeli has done many things like stealing electricity with magic.

Three years ago, with the establishment of New Zaun, Lux consciously searched for the caster of Zaun. Under the introduction of Ike, Zeli entered the classroom where Ino was in charge of lecturing (actually Kaya was lecturing). In the magic training class, the elementary course has just been completed.

And now, this excellent graduate of the magic training class is sitting in the cockpit of Porter No. [-], showing the results of rune technology to the outside world for the first time.

Taking another deep breath, Zeli finally stretched out her right hand and pressed it on the console after confirming that there were no more electric arcs and electric sparks in her hand.

The magic circle is fully charged.

The energy of the magic circle is stable.

The magic flow begins.

The magic is running stable.

All data are completely normal.

Then... Porter No. [-], get ready and officially launch!
 Karya's Little Classroom Zeli:

  Miss Zaun Hanabi's magic is related to electricity, and like Lux, she is also an uncommon elemental spellcaster.

(End of this chapter)

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