Lux's Farewell

Chapter 238 [0235] The Giant of Zaun Newport

Chapter 238 [0235] The Giant of Zaun Newport

Porter One started successfully.

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, this huge rune puppet, which was deliberately made into a human shape, slid out of the warehouse along the moving track in an extremely smooth manner and headed for Pier [-].

Driven by the power of runes, Porter No. [-] is not as noisy as those steam machines and electric machines. Amidst the cheers of the surrounding tide, this is silence.

The tall Porter No. [-] is silently driving on the track, like a silent statue——the counterweight booms on its left and right sides seem to be a pair of real arms, opening their arms to receive countless Believers worship and cheer.

Zeli, who is located in the cockpit above the head of Carrier No. [-], seems to be a real god in the clouds, overlooking all living beings from high above.

However, this description is actually not accurate.

At this time, Zeli didn't think she was superior to others, nor did she feel superior.

Porter One is not a god statue.

The driver is not a priest either.

Perhaps because of the past secrecy, the rune technology is still unknown, but Ze Li is very clear that Miss Ino has already carried out experiments on the manipulation of rune power by non-casters.

This is a technology that will eventually find its way into every household in Zaun, and indeed in all of Runeterra.

Therefore, at this moment, she only had excitement in her heart. When she drove Porter No. [-] and arrived at the scheduled location of Pier No. [-], lowered the left and right booms, and loaded the cargo and counterweight at the same time, this huge porter The statue of the god also seemed to bend down and came among the common people.

Its arms were still wide open.

But this time, it no longer looks like being overlooked by worship, but embraces everyone's mind.


It took less than half an hour for Porter No. [-] to deliver all the goods on the Siren into Warehouse No. [-].

Then, under everyone's surprised eyes, Lux finally revealed the reward for this transaction.

Gold, pure gold!

The gold was paid by Besilico when he bought the armor before. Although the amount is theoretically not enough to pay the price of the Ionian goods on the Siren and the Sea Serpent, but... when a box of shiny gold is so straightforward When it was placed in front of people, on the pier, everyone's breathing could not help but stagnate for a moment.

Even Sarah's heartbeat slowed by half a beat.

Sarah, who inherited Planck's treasury, is actually not short of gold.

But the pirates' collections have always been a mess, with all kinds of fineness. Even if Planck's gold is more than 01:30 points more than the gold in front of her now, the intuitive feeling of the two is still completely different.

Without hesitation, Sarah nodded to Raven, and asked her first mate to come forward and collect the gold.

When the box was closed and dragged away, Sarah had already thought about a lot of things—if nothing else happened, the gold was just for display. It was impossible for her to carry the gold back, and she had to exchange it for commodities here. That's good.

But... that's gold after all!
She couldn't help but raised the corners of her lips. While applauding with everyone, she whispered in a voice that only she and Lacus could hear: "I haven't seen you for two months. Miss Lacus is a lot more cunning, she is so beautiful." I'm even a little bit tempted by the gold!"

"It's just a coincidence." Lux also responded in a low voice, "Let's talk slowly later, I think since Miss Sarah came to Zaun, she shouldn't leave in a hurry, right?"

"Of course I'm not in a hurry." Sarah chuckled, "I'm taking the needs of the Ionian people with me. If you can't satisfy their desires, I'm afraid that a lot of profits from this gold business route will flow into others. hand..."


With "money and goods settled", Lux and Sarah boarded the train to Zaun arm in arm.

As early as a month before the completion of the new port, the train connecting the new port of Zaun and the city of Zaun had already been opened to traffic.

Trains—or steam locomotive technology—are considered a fairly mature industry in Zaun. However, considering the performance of Porter One, I am afraid that the power of Zaun trains will soon change from steam engines to something. New things.

It's a pity that Zaan's ability to research and apply rune technology is still quite limited at present. Even if it is "to welcome the state guests", they can only use the ancient steam train at present.

After two hours, Lux and Sarah finally arrived at Zaun's municipal building.

Here, a grand welcome dinner is about to be held, and "people from all walks of life in Zaun" will participate in the banquet.

Now, both Lacus and Sarah can take a little rest. They still have a lot to communicate and negotiate, but they are not in a hurry anymore.

The enthusiasm of the people of Zaun has not dissipated, because when Lux and Sarah walked into the municipal building together, the Zaun Evening News, which had been prepared for a long time, was freshly released.

Among the sixteen pages of additional issues, there are both analysis of Ionian trade and science popularization of rune technology-in addition, there are five full pages that describe the imagination of the future.

Newspapers are circulated in the hands of the people, and many people even read the contents of the newspapers aloud, introducing various possibilities in the future to people they know and don't know.

The whole of Zaun seemed to be plunged into a sea of ​​joy—even Lax and Janna, who had given up the priesthood of Zaun long ago, felt an indescribable radiance at this moment.

Unlike Zaun, in Piltover, the editorial department of the Piltover Evening News, the Piltover reporter who witnessed the entire Newport inauguration ceremony with a press card fell into a breathless silence.

At first, they laughed at Zaun's use of wood to build docks, which was purely a scumbag project.

Then, when the new port was completed and no ships came, they prepared scripts mocking the Zaunites for their wasted effort.

When the Siren and Sea Serpent arrived, they crossed out the futility and changed to Zaun to save face.

As Sarah revealed the goods and they recognized the prices of these Ionian specialties, they gave up their criticism of the trade itself and began to think about how to prove that the Zaunites were not worthy of such an important trade—"Manpower VS Flygate, that's a good title.

As a result, Carrier One appeared, and the reporters had no choice but to give up the black spot of manpower, trying to prove that the Zaun people were in an absolute disadvantage in this trade. Compared with it, Piltover was qualified as the The terminus of trade.

In the end, Lux showed off an astonishing amount of gold reserves as if to show off her wealth, showing her confidence.

Back to the editorial office in a hurry, these reporters looked at me and I looked at you, and suddenly didn’t know how to start writing—different from the previous time when they splashed dirty water with peace of mind, this time, even these Piltover reporters, There was also an indescribable sense of crisis in my heart...

 Kalya's Small Classroom Piltover reporter's psychological gap:

  The Piltover reporters used to smear Zaun a lot in the past because they really looked down on Zaun.

  But this time... things seem to be a little more subtle.

  PS. There will be an update tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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