Lux's Farewell

239 Special meeting [0236]

239 Special meeting [0236]
The guy who used to be in the muddy quagmire now suddenly has the qualifications to be equal to her. This kind of shock is unacceptable to Mrs. Piltover.

Because of the various problems in Zaun in the past, even though many people in Piltover knew that many problems were caused by Piltover, this did not prevent them from still looking down on the people of Zaun from the bottom of their hearts.

But now, there are other subtle changes in things.

With the opening of Zaun's new port, the first signs of Ionian trade, and the debut of rune technology, a very ominous premonition appeared in the hearts of the Piltover reporters, so that when they gathered When we got together and discussed how to write this press release, we were a little uncertain.

Before the newspapers swore that the new port of the Zaun people would not affect the Sun Gate, and now they saw that the Zaun people had found a new track.

In a trance, someone was the first to light a cigarette.

And then the second, the third...

One after another, red dots lit up, like scarlet one-eyed eyes, sizing each other up in the editorial office.

After the editing room gradually became smoky, someone finally spoke with a hoarse voice.

"Go ask the editor-in-chief, the editor-in-chief... always has an idea."

"I'm afraid it's too late, unless we give up giving first-hand reports in today's evening paper!" Others looked at this guy in surprise, "Many people are waiting for us! Even if it's just a newsletter Classes are also good!"

"Yes, yes, you can't just do nothing, right?"

"Wouldn't that leave the right to report to tomorrow's daily newspaper?"

"Evening News already has a relatively low base salary..."

"Then what can we do? We can't even show our basic attitude." The person who took the initiative to speak took a deep breath, stubbed out the cigarette in the ashtray in front of him, and said something that wasn't funny. Joke, "Or, we can uphold the principle of journalistic fairness and report on facts."

Hearing this sentence, the others finally shut their mouths.

Clearly factual reporting is worse than reduced bonuses.

For newspapers like Piltover Daily and Piltover Evening News, if you are seeking truth from facts, just talk about it. If you are serious, you will lose.

If you really want to seek truth from facts, most of the people here will probably lose their positions the next day...

Perhaps Piltover has no shortage of journalists who dare to report truthfully.

It's a pity that this kind of reporter will never appear in the editorial offices of the Piltover Daily and Evening Post anyway.

News does need to pay attention to authenticity and effectiveness.

But for Piltover Daily and Piltover Evening News, this is not the first priority.

In this way, a group of reporters quickly found the editor-in-chief of the newspaper.

The editor-in-chief was cheerful at first, thinking that there was another good news this time, but when he saw the faces of these reporters sinking like water, he couldn't help but thump in his heart.

The editor-in-chief took out a handkerchief from his pocket a few times and wiped his bald forehead after the reporters finished telling what happened in Newport, Zaun.

Those who can achieve the position of editor-in-chief are naturally not ordinary people, so he is very clear about what Zaun has shown. If it is reported in real terms, what it will mean to Piltover.

"Everyone, although this is very impolite." Putting away the handkerchief, he said to the reporters in a slightly shrill voice, "But I hope you can stay in the newspaper... It's not out of distrust, but It is a necessary process, and I am afraid we need a little news control—before the resolution is issued by the parliament, we should not cause the public to panic unnecessarily.”

Reporters look at me, I look at you, and their faces are not very happy.

But as the editor-in-chief said, news control is indeed necessary at this time. As the people at the forefront of the public opinion front, they are well aware of how much trouble Piltover will face once the strength shown by Zaun is published in the newspaper. ...

"I'm leaving for Parliament soon, give me some of your most reliable photos - coloring, painting with a hammer, it's too late!"

Quickly picking and choosing from a pile of photos that were quickly developed, the editor-in-chief finally selected eight representative ones, put them in his briefcase, and hurried out of the editorial office door, trotting all the way in the direction of the parliament. go.

Then, when he ran for a block and arrived at the parliament building, when he finally revealed his identity to the guards and applied to see the representatives of the councilors on duty, the council guards shook their heads at him expressionlessly.

"Members are holding a special meeting. You can't see the representatives of the parliament at this time. If there is something urgent, maybe you can turn left and go downstairs to the secretariat of the parliament to register..."

"It's urgent!" The bald editor-in-chief waved his briefcase like a long-haired dog with blown fur, "Damn it, it's urgent, don't fool me with those bastards in the secretariat who only know how to be nice! "

The appearance of the editor-in-chief making the guards of the parliament frown slightly - if ordinary workers are so presumptuous here, the muzzle of the gun may have reached the opponent's head in the next moment, but the editor-in-chief is more or less a person. He really can't do much, he can only repeat what he said before stiffly, like a repeater.

"Members are holding a special session..."

Just when the two sides were at a stalemate, the door of the meeting room suddenly opened a gap, and an inner guard walked quickly.

The inner guard obviously knew Mr. Editor-in-Chief, and after confirming his identity with a glance at his bald head, he finally spoke to the council guards:
"Members just need to see him."

The council guard was a little surprised, but he still saluted and got out of the way.

The editor-in-chief obviously didn't have time to vent his anger on such a small person. He just glanced at the other person's chest in a hurry, glanced at the number on it, and then entered the meeting room in a hurry.

And when he entered the conference room and closed the door with his backhand, a majestic voice came.

"What a coincidence, Mr. Editor-in-Chief of the Piltover Evening News, the council is talking about the headline issue of the evening paper, so you are here."

The editor-in-chief raised his head somewhat unexpectedly, and looked at the person who made the voice—then, he saw a pair of eyes shining red.

Looking at the pair of red electronic eyes, sweat broke out on the editor's bald forehead for the first time.

"Honorable Mrs. Gray." He bowed and saluted, "The Evening News is also waiting for the instructions from the parliament."

 Photos of Karya's Little Classroom Piltover:

  Taking pictures is nothing new in Piltover.

  However, Piltover's photos are still black and white at present. If you want color photos, there is only one way - post-coloring.

(End of this chapter)

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