Lux's Farewell

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This special meeting was originally held by Camille to discuss the issue of Zaan Newport.

As the key project of Zaun, Newport, it is naturally impossible for Camille not to care.

From the beginning of the construction of this port, to the halfway progress of the construction, and then to the completion of the construction acceptance, Camille has visited the past several times and actively explored.

But during the investigation, she didn't find anything abnormal.

She discovered the matter of building a pier with wood to support it, and her attitude towards this is the same as that of the Piltover Daily — isn’t a pier built with wood nonsense?
As for the tracks prepared for Porter [-], although Camille saw them, she only thought they were prepared for the locomotives at the dock.

She even measured the data of the track, especially consulted some experts in Piltover, and came to the conclusion that "this track should be prepared for those outdated steam locomotives in Zaun".

As for Porter No. [-]... This puppet was secretly assembled in the warehouse. When it was shipped, it was still in the state of rune tree wood parts. Camille would naturally think that it was just an ordinary building material.

Zaun's rune technology research is carried out in the underground laboratory, and that laboratory is heavily guarded, and there are many warning devices left by Kalikan, even Camille can't trespass. From Piltover's point of view, it should be a special alchemy laboratory.

Therefore, even if Camille personally investigated the construction of Zaun New Port several times, she did not find anything special.

To this day, the new port of Zaun has been completed and put into use.

Although Camille didn't receive an invitation, she obviously wouldn't stick to a piece of paper at this time. When the reporters swarmed over, she didn't invite herself, staying far away on the outskirts of the port.

Then, she saw the Siren and the Sea Serpent, saw those Ionian specialties that could sell for sky-high prices in Piltover, saw a brand new unknown power machine, and saw the Large sums of pure gold.

Camille is not a technical expert, but her eyes are no worse than a technical expert. That clumsy-looking machine has certain similarities with the latest products of Hextech in many places—especially The magic circuit on Porter [-] looks very similar to the energy circuit of the latest generation of Hex crystal!
After realizing this, when Lux and Sarah were waiting for the car to rush to Zaun, Camille quickly returned to Piltover, found all the councilors, and held this special meeting.

As a beneficiary and witness to the development of Hextech, Camille knows better than anyone what it would mean to Piltover if Zaun really mastered a similar technology.

At that time, Zaun will become a close competitor with Piltover, and the close match here is still based on the premise of taking into account the continuous wealth brought by the Sun Gate!

Therefore, Camille made a decisive decision and held this special meeting.

The Zaun have shown themselves to be a real threat to Piltover, maybe we should take some more direct and tough steps!

Come to an all-round competition and suppression with Zaun in addition to the means of war!

Camille's attitude was very clear, but unfortunately, no member of parliament responded to her immediately.

For this gray lady, the councilors are all in awe—respect her vision and fear her means.

But regarding Camille's idea of ​​"competing with Zaun" next, they all fell silent.


Three years ago, under the pressure of the Noxus, Camille used Thunder to control the pro-Noxus forces in Piltover, and then strongly supported the development of Hex Technology, and forcibly became Peel. Trevor found a second major source of income besides the Sun Gate.

However, Piltover also paid a price for such a quick choice - they gave up control of Zaun.

It wasn't a big problem at first. From the point of view of Piltover at that time, Zaun couldn't do without himself. Even if he let go temporarily, it would be nothing more than to let go of the kite. Zaun is still Zaun of Piltover.

And then... Zaun changed.

This is the biggest black spot after Camille came to power. The recent open and secret struggle with Zaun is to rely on Piltover's commodity and economic advantages to bring Zaun under control.

In the past three years, the situation in Zaun has been turned upside down, but Camille is still full of confidence in her plan. She believes that Lux can meet the most basic living needs of Zaun people, but it will definitely not satisfy Zaun people. More—— Maybe her ideals are lofty, but just having ideals is definitely not enough.

Piltover has canals and the Gate of Sun. In business competition, Zaun is definitely not an opponent. Maybe Lux can feed the people of Zaun through land trade, but if the people of Zaun want to eat well in the future , that's totally impossible.

It is precisely because of this idea that Camille let go of the communication barrier between the two parties when the first three-year plan was about to end in Zaun, and started with Victor's Hex body transformation as a guide. Exchange of twin cities.

This exchange is not only a competition between the two sides, but also Piltover's abundant supplies to hit the Zaun market and arouse the desire of the people of Zaun!

In fact, so far, part of Camille's plan has been realized.

Even though the people of Zaun still don't like Piltover, it doesn't stop them from being envious of the life of Piltover.

What Camille wants is your envy—envy, but because of lack of commercial competitiveness, you can only envy in vain.

If you want to live the same life as the people of Piltover after eating enough, you should obediently enter the order of Piltover. For this reason, Camille even prepared to give up part of the profits to win over Zu An upper class.

However... the strategic cooperation between Zaun and Bilgewater dealt her a rather heavy blow.

If the people of Zaun really have the ability to cooperate with Bilgewater, then the part of Camille’s plan to maintain Piltover’s advantage over Zaun’s living standards through commercial competition, to create dissatisfaction with Zaun, is is about to fail completely.

Therefore, after getting the news, Camille has been trying to bridge the differences between the new money and old money factions in the parliament, and advocated the use of Hex technology for trade, so as to consolidate Piltover's position in the sea. The advantage in the field of trade, when Zaun entered this field, it was completely defeated.

Just suppress Zaun's economy!

The dissatisfaction of the people of Zaun will sooner or later be vented on the head of the new Zaun!

Camille understands the greed and dissatisfaction of human nature better than anyone else, and the endless greed. If you take Zaun to eat a full meal today, the people of Zaun will think about eating better tomorrow, and you If you are not satisfied, then they will give up on you and find someone who can take them to eat well.

 Karya's Little Classroom: Behind the Joke in Zaun:
  There are a lot of popular jokes in Zaan that ridicule their own lack of goods. For most Zaan people, this is just a joke. Compared with three years ago, everyone couldn’t eat enough. Now they are full but can’t eat enough. Not so much, this is purely good-natured teasing - when the people of Zaun slander others, they are merciless when they slander themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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