Lux's Farewell

241 Internal friction [0238]

241 Internal friction (0238)

In fact, after Zaun issued a strategic cooperation statement with Bilgewater, Piltover's shipping caravans have already set off on their own initiative, and several shipping fleets set off separately, heading towards the Ionia——In order to facilitate the departure of this caravan, Camille even relaxed her guard and control over the families with Noxus background headed by the Myrdalda family.

There is no way, the local business family does not have a route map to Ionia, and they will face many difficulties if they want to stop in Noxus and go north to Ionia. Only these have been suppressed for three years, and Noxus Only families with Si background can go through this trade route to Ionia.

Camille's response is not unreasonable, and the choice is not unwise.

However, Zaun's leapfrog development has far exceeded her expectations. The completion of the new port and the visit of the Siren this time are clearly Lux boosting the morale of Zaun!

That's right, the living conditions in Zaan are not as good as those in Piltover - there is no sun gate in Zaun, and everything has to be created by the efforts of one's own hands.

However, as long as there is Lux, Zaun has the qualifications and ability to promise the future to the people of Zaun!
In the past three years, Zaun has created too many miracles, so the people of Zaun believe that Lux and New Zaun will create more miracles in the future!
Maybe our life is not as colorful as Mrs. Piltover now, and the commercial products are not as rich as Piltover.

But Zaun, who is striding forward, will inevitably surpass Piltover at a certain moment. At this point, the vast majority of Zaun people are full of confidence in Zaun and themselves!
This is dying.

If the people of Zaun have always maintained self-confidence and are willing to slowly improve the quality of life with the new Zaun, does Piltover still have an advantage in facing Zaun?
Camille has no answer to this question.

Therefore, she will hold a special meeting at this time.

Just like the last time she did not hesitate to use violence and break the rules to eliminate a few unsuspecting MPs, this time, Camille is also fully prepared to unify the goals of the Piltover Council.

Seeing that the congressmen are starting to pretend to be deaf and dumb one by one, they are unwilling to stand up and speak out at this time, and they are unwilling to sacrifice short-term interests and start a full-scale competition with Zaun without a bottom line. He took the photos in his hand and handed them one by one to the members present.

There are eight members of parliament, exactly one card per person.

"All of you here are businessmen." After sharing the photos, Camille finally spoke again, "Then, let's not talk about politics, but business."

Hearing what Camille said, the congressmen finally raised their heads.

"Look at the new allies, new routes, new ports, and new products of the Zaun people." Camille's voice was cold and unhurried, "Putting aside the political competition between the two sides, economically, Zaun has also become our opponent."

After a moment of silence, a potbellied councilor finally couldn't help but speak in a low voice.

"This... Madam Gray's words are a bit exaggerated." He held up the photo in his hand, and couldn't help sniffling, "This strange very interesting to look at, but I'm afraid The functionality is not even comparable to the handling cranes in our port 20 years ago, right?"

"What you said has been kept secret from us from the very beginning. If it wasn't for their intentional disclosure this time, I'm afraid we still don't know about it. They have opened up a new technological path." Camille snorted coldly, "Bo Mr. Nasser, I need to remind you that their new gadgets are very similar to our latest Hex products in many places."

This sentence caused Senator Bonase to fall into silence—apparently, what Camille meant was that this technology might have the same bright future as Hextech.

"But we all know the consumption of Hextech." Another congressman looked at the photo of Zaun Newport in his hand, and said with some hesitation, "We have the Gate of Sun and generous sponsors to support it. Why should the people of Zaun start the research and development of hex technology? Maybe they have discovered a new project, but how many people and resources can they mobilize?"

Everyone cast their eyes on him one after another.

"Look at their port, it's not small." Sensing everyone's gaze, he stood up and cleared his throat, "But, there are two ships parked alone in such a huge pier... What's the use of that? ?”

"Zuan and Bilgewater have reached a cooperation agreement, and the profits of Ionia's commodity trade are visible to the naked eye!"

"But we can definitely compete with them in the field of Ionian trade!" The congressman showed a smile on his face, "It's completely unnecessary for the whole city to fight against this kind of thing and kill one thousand enemies and self-defeating eight hundred. Just hold the Zaunites by the neck when it comes to Ionian trade."

Camille gritted her teeth silently.

This congressman belongs to the upstarts and comes from an academic background. In the past three years, he has invested in many Hex technology projects-these projects have brought him an astonishing rate of return.

All-out confrontation is obviously not good news for him. It means that many new inventions and new investments will be cut off, which is not what he wants to see.

On the contrary, he is happy to see the small-scale competition in the maritime trade field - that is the field of the old money, you have to defend your own field, and fight to the death with the people of Zaun in trade.

As for us Hex investment experts... We and Zaun are completely two parallel lines!
After he spoke, three more councilors (including Jess) nodded.

Whether it's from the perspective of their own interests or the consideration of avoiding competition, they are unwilling to let Piltover and Zaun fall into an endless consumption according to Camille's statement.

Their attitude caused obvious dissatisfaction among the other four congressmen.

Originally, after the Ionian War, the income of the Sun Gate has been declining day by day. At this time, Piltover also vigorously developed Hex technology, so that you are eligible to sit here. Challenged Piltover, shouldn't you also contribute your strength?
nothing else to say...

In order to gain an advantage in the trade competition with the people of Zaun, can the patent fees for the latest Hex products be discounted or even cancelled?

For Piltover!

For this kind of rhetoric, the upstarts are obviously well prepared.

Hex product patent fee cancellation?

Ok, how about the tax exemption for hex related products when they go through the gate of the sun?
Since everyone wants to help each other in the same boat, let's share the benefits in an all-round way!
 Carya's Small Classroom Hex and the Gate of the Sun:
  Piltover's upstarts and old money have always hoped that Hextech will reduce patent fees, and the other hopes that Sungate will reduce tolls.

(End of this chapter)

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