Lux's Farewell

242 Bad news [0239]

Chapter 242 [0239] Bad news (plus 25)

By presenting the facts and telling the evidence, Camille has made the members of the parliament aware of the threat of Zaun.

But after realizing the threat, the first reaction of the congressmen was to divide them according to the old money and the new rich, and at the same time hope that the other party will pay for this competition...

No one said it, but everyone understood that if Zaun could be defeated, Piltover would eat and even vomit on the corpse of the new Zaun!
But how can it be so easy to suppress or even defeat Zaun in economic competition?

Paying the price is inevitable.

It's a pity that no one will take the initiative to bear this price, and it's best to push it to the other party.

This is exactly the main purpose of Camille holding this special meeting.

Although the two sides are now either quarreling with each other, or expressing their feelings outright, at least they have realized that this silent competition is inevitable.

And next, what Camille needs to do is to mediate and make both parties pay an affordable and acceptable price.

This is something Camille has been doing for some time, and now she is somewhat familiar with it.

In the case of holding power, this is the best way to guide!

However, just when she was about to have a good talk with these congressmen, there was a hasty knock on the door outside the meeting room.

The meeting was interrupted, and the expressions of the congressmen were a little subtle.

At this juncture, who is knocking at the door?


Amid everyone's surprised gazes, the secretary-general of the secretariat entered the meeting room. She glanced at the silent Camille, and then at the editor-in-chief beside her.

The bald editor-in-chief resigned tactfully—after he closed the door, the secretary-general finally spoke softly.

"Just now, the fleets sent by several chambers of commerce... all sent back news."

"Oh?" Camille's eyes flashed red, "What did they say?"

"The merchant ship of the Gunoga family was attacked by the Ionians." The secretary-general said in a low tone, "Their family's very similar to that of a Noxus war group, when it arrived on the coast of Ionia Attacked by locals, suffered heavy losses, was forced to evacuate, and is now repairing boats and looking for sailors on Philo Island."

"Trash." Camille commented coldly, "I've already reminded me of my business attitude, and I'm still clinging to the Noxus. It deserves it!"

Miss Secretary-General obviously couldn't answer Camille's words, so she could only continue to say:

"The merchant ship of the Midarda family arrived in Zhiyunia via Philo, successfully established relationships with the locals, and purchased a large number of Ionian specialties."

Camille finally nodded when she heard the words, and her expression relaxed a lot.

"However, on the way back, they were intercepted by pirates from Bilgewater - all the goods were robbed, and only one courier was released by Bilgewater..." Speaking of this, the Secretary-General's voice was low Down, "He brought a ransom demand from the Bilgewaters."

"Didn't Myrdalda's fleet buy a ship mark?" Jess, who was sitting on the council member's seat, said in surprise, "I heard from Mel that her family's fleet all had ship marks... those Have the pirates gone this far?"

"Uh, Mr. Tallis, in fact, the merchant ships of the Midarda family are not protected by ship marks at present." The Secretary-General said with some embarrassment, "Not long ago, there was a power change in Bilgewater, and the new The pirate chief is up."

"It's the one on the photo in your hand." Camille continued, "Sarah Fortune, the new King of the Twelve Seas—and a fleet? Was it also robbed by pirates?"

"That's right." The secretary-general nodded, "The ship of the Pang Kebei family was also robbed by pirates, and the pirate who robbed their family also declared... Any ship that dares to intervene in the trade of Ionia is the entire Birji Walter's enemy."

After saying this, the secretary-general lowered his head.

And the entire conference room became silent in an instant, and all the congressmen looked at each other in dismay, feeling unbelievable about this result.

"Those sea rats, really think of themselves as the king of the ocean?!" Someone slammed their fists on the table angrily, "They are actually working with the people of Zaun...I really think Piltover is just being manipulated by others. Is it?"

"They obviously came prepared." Camille took a stack of documents brought by the Secretary-General, nodded and let her leave the meeting room temporarily, "Hide all your advantages, and wait to hit us suddenly Caught off guard—you guys, while you are still thinking about who will be on the battlefield of this invisible war, Zaun has already carried out a shameful sneak attack!"

As Camille spoke, all members of the House of Representatives fell into silence.

"The trade between Hextech and the Sun Gate is the two legs of Piltover's pursuit of progress." Looking around, Camille's eyes flickered red, making it impossible to look directly at, "And now, Zaun Officially challenged us in two aspects at the same time!"

Everyone's expressions were somewhat hesitant, although they were unwilling to accept it, but at this moment... the situation was exactly as Camille said.

"With Hextech as the competition, we are not afraid of the challenge from the Zaun people." Camille continued, "But it is clear that the Zaun people will not be reconciled to such an understatement of competition, they are eager to use more intense methods, Take away our technology and profits from our hands, crowding out our future."

"They presented a challenge, and Piltover...will meet!"

The expressions of the congressmen are still hesitant.

Zaun is indeed a threat.

But to compete head-to-head so directly...

That is something that delays everyone's money!

At this moment, someone even almost blurted out the phrase "whoever abandons Zaun should solve Zaun's problems".

Fortunately, this guy still has a head. Although he has an unhappy expression, he at least keeps his mouth under control so that the trouble won't come out of his mouth.

"So, I propose." Camille finally stood up, propped her hands on the table, her eyes swept over everyone's faces, as if they were going to reach everyone's hearts, "From now on, we should give a response, do we need to respond?" Limited to economic means, teach the people of Zaun a lesson and let them put themselves in the right place—what do you think?"

Members of Parliament looked at me and I looked at you, but did not respond directly.

"Zuan's food is highly dependent on Kumanggra, and its non-staple food is highly dependent on Belgun." Camille didn't seem to care about the reactions of the congressmen, and continued to say to himself, "I propose that the United Trade Chamber of Commerce should be responsible. The price of high Kumanggra staple food and Belgun non-staple food, first teach the people of Zaun a little lesson... Now, start voting."

 Carya's Small Classroom: The Gunoga Family:
  This is a business family that is relatively close to Noxus. Their family emblem is very similar to the double-headed eagle of Noxus. Using this cleverness, their trade in Northern Shurima is quite strong.

(End of this chapter)

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