Lux's Farewell

243 Economic Warfare [0240]

Chapter 243 [0240] Economic Warfare (Plus 35)

Kumanggra is the largest grain-producing area in North Shurima, and Belgun is the largest pastoral area-the two are the most important grain and non-staple food buyers in Zaun.

However, because Kumanggra and Belgun are rich in natural resources and have unique geographical conditions, it was almost impossible in the past to increase the prices of grain and non-staple food through bulk purchases and material hoarding in these two places. Impossible.

Not to mention the question of how much money it will cost, even if you spend money, Belgun is flying the Noxus flag!

Once the supply of non-staple food in Belgun ran out, the Noxians would not ignore it.

But now, a godsend opportunity presented itself.

With the defeat of the Ionian War and the recent Besilico Rebellion, the Noxians will be very busy for a while.

Once Noxus is busy, it means that they don't have the energy to take into account the price of Besilico's non-staple food.

Moreover, if the Piltover Council really reaches a consensus, the issue of funding will not be a problem.

The members of the House of Representatives look at me and I look at you, and most of them have a little emotion in their eyes.

Although this kind of behavior of frying grain and non-staple food requires a large initial investment, if it can really control the market—even if it is a short-term control of the market, the profits will be amazing!
Using this method to put pressure on Zaun's economy and people's livelihood, and at the same time take the opportunity to make a fortune, why not do it?

After a moment, six arms went up.

Six of the eight MPs agreed with the plan.

The plan passed smoothly.


Jace didn't raise his hand.

At the end of the meeting, he was still hesitant.

On the one hand, although he, like most Piltovers, looks down on Zaun, he doesn't think that the two sides insist on this kind of war in the economic field. Among the many councilors, he is the only one who is not a businessman. There is resistance to this kind of thing.

On the other hand, he is a little worried about Victor's situation. Now because of the joint cooperation between the two cities, Victor's physical problems seem to have a solution. At this time, if the relationship between the two cities deteriorates and the cooperation is terminated, Victor will eventually lose Without treatment, it would be too heavy for Jess.

Therefore, after the meeting ended, he hesitated a bit.

Camille obviously noticed this.

"Don't be too nervous, Jess." Finally using relatively peaceful means to persuade the members of the parliament to take the path she wanted, Camille seems to be in a good mood, "Don't worry about Victor, the joint cooperation experiment will not be affected of."

"If that's the case, that'd be great." Jace responded dryly. "Actually, I don't mind some competition..."

"I understand." Camille nodded lightly, "Mr. Jess, instead of worrying about joint cooperation, it's better to go back and comfort your girlfriend—those lawless sea mice are really hateful."

"Yes!" Jess could only nod stiffly, "Poor sailors."

Just like that, the two ended their meaningless pleasantries and passed by.

Jess quickened his pace, wanting to go back and chat with Mel, while Camille found the editor of the Piltover Evening News who was anxiously waiting next door.

"Your Excellency Gray Lady!" After seeing Camille, the balding middle-aged man seemed to let out a long breath, "Should we make some choices in today's evening paper? The news about those Zaun people..."

"There is no trade-off, just seek truth from facts." Camille gave an answer that stunned him, "Speak clearly to the public what the completion of the new port, the visit of sea mice, and the emergence of new technologies mean... We should get through this time together.”

The editor-in-chief couldn't help but took out his handkerchief and wiped his forehead again. He seemed to understand something, but he didn't fully understand it, so he could only stand there blankly, forcing his brain to think hard.

As if due to mental overload, the sweat on his forehead was wiping more and more, almost streaming down in streams—fortunately, before his handkerchief was soaked, he finally understood what Camille meant.

"Understood, I understand." The editor-in-chief bowed his head and said, "The public should understand the threat of Zaun..."

Seeing that the other party was very good, Camille nodded in satisfaction and said no more.

Seeing this situation, the editor-in-chief simply picked up his file bag and left the parliament building at a trot.


Soon, the day's Piltover Evening News finally came out fresh after being delayed for an hour.

Today's evening paper changed its previous disdainful attitude towards Zaun, and turned to seek truth from facts and report the whole process of the commissioning of Zaun's new port. It also focused on describing several breakthroughs in Zaun, whether it The machinery is still a precious commodity in the Ionian trade, and the headlines are full of ink.

At a time when the dockworkers often took to the streets to protest due to high work pressure and lower salaries, the objective report of the Piltover Evening News was like cold water being poured into a frying pan, which immediately caused the Piltover dockworkers to explode up.

Our days are hard enough!

At this time, the people of Zaun will come to engage in low-price competition?
I really don't want a face!
Normally, when this happens, dock workers often choose to attack the parliament building, but this time, according to the Evening News, the council has expressed its attitude and will definitely fight for the right to work for the people of Piltover and make the people of Zaun pay the price—so , these workers who had nothing to do because they couldn't find a job simply rushed to Zaan.

With the experience of being arrested for attacking the joint cooperation laboratory last time, these workers simply stayed on the elevator passage, and began to output crazily to Zaun below. The words were extremely insulting. .

However, the Zaun people below are not made of mud. After the scolding battle started by the workers in Piltover here, many Zaun people below chose to scold them back—and when it comes to trolling people, even if everyone is bitter haha With more workers, Zaun's advantage is also astonishing.

The war of words was started by the dock workers in Piltover.

But it ended with a complete victory for the Zaunites.

And this also means that the relationship between the two parties has finally begun to become tense.

However, just when Mrs. Piltover was gearing up and planning to use economic means to make Zaun look good, they didn't know that in Hedoram, not far from Piltover, someone had already set their greedy eyes on On Picheng.

To the people of Piltover, economically weak Zaun is nothing more than a piece of meat on the chopping board.

And in Swain's view, why isn't Piltover, who is military weak?
 Karya's Little Classroom Zaun Words:
  In terms of trolling, the people of Zaun have always been far behind. The complicated slang and allegory, coupled with the habitual rap rhyme... listening to it makes people's blood pressure high.

(End of this chapter)

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