Lux's Farewell

244 0241 Frustrated

Chapter 244 [0241] Frustrated (plus 45)

Swain has had a tough time of late.

Noxus is a place that respects strength, where failure is a despicable thing——the failure of the Ionian War, although the military leaders knew that the commander was holding back, and they were all disappointed with Darkwill, but As the one who was cheated, Swain's reputation was also severely damaged.

Swain used to be the commander of strategists, a rising star of the empire.

Now Swain is just a poor wretch whose arm was removed by a little girl.

In this case, even if Swain is full of strategies, it is useless-no one wants to believe in his ability.

When Noxus and Ionia actually stopped the war, Swain returned to Noxus, and was quietly squeezed to the edge of the army sequence.

No chapter would accept Swain, even as a staff member or strategist, and no chapter would swear allegiance to Swain.

Swain, who had lost almost all his power, could only leave the Immortal Fortress in despair, and was exiled to the remote Hedoram, where he sought to make a comeback.

For anyone, this situation can almost be regarded as a dead end-the soldier lost the army and was branded as a loser. Even those who have been vigilant against Swain no longer He sees it as a threat.

But... In Swain's own opinion, he still has a chance.

As the commander-in-chief of the Ionian War, although he suffered a disgraceful defeat in Prestidian, this failure was not completely fruitless-if Swain is a frustrated person, then at least in Noxus, there is still a There are a considerable number of the same frustrated people, those veterans who have experienced the Ionian War, their situation is similar to that of Swain!
If Swain should be fully responsible for the failure of the Ionian War, then these veterans would probably hate Swain to death, but anyone who understands the course of this war should be clear that it is not Swain who is really responsible for the defeat. Wein, but Darkwill.

Therefore, even if he was defeated in battle, even if his arm was cut off by a little girl among the thousands of troops, Swain did not lose the morale of the army!
For Swain, the support of these soldiers is the biggest reliance for his comeback.

Once Swain was very ambitious, and a series of victories in the Principality of Valoran and Shurima made him full of confidence in his command art-and after Irelia cut off his left arm, the other party's vision The fighting power of thousands of troops and horses as if they were nothing quickly gave him a new understanding.

Therefore, Swain, who learned from the failure, returned to Noxus after the defeat. On the surface, he was begging the Grand Commander to give him another chance, but the actual situation was that he used the The humiliating plea was used as a cover, and he found the power that his family had been looking for.

He made a deal with the devil.

In the eyes of others, Swain, who had lost his military status and failed to beg forgiveness from the Grand Commander, was just a useless person.

But in fact, Swain, who was running around the Immortal Fortress, unearthed some kind of incarnation of ancient power.

It was a demon, it had tried several times to devour the secrets that Swain had grasped and glimpsed, and it had an indescribable fanaticism and desire for these secrets.

Swain made a deal with it, and after the deal was completed, he was exiled from the Immortal Fortress and came to Hedoram.


Twilight was deep.

The little Hedoram ushered in a rare excitement.

Recently, teams of Noxus soldiers have gathered in this small city in small groups. They don't have any banners and lack indicators.

At first, the Hedoramites thought that Noxus was ready to form a new Hedoram warband—since the Hedoram warband was transferred three years ago and then finished, there has been no the local battle group.

However, as more and more people came here, and there were more and more disabled people among the crowd, the Hedoram people quickly noticed something was wrong.

When the local orderly officer began to report, the orderly mansion had already been surrounded.

In this way, although Hedoram was still flying the Noxus flag, the actual control power quietly fell into Swain's hands.

And these small groups of Noxus soldiers gathered in Hedoram are veterans of the Ionian War—they followed in the footsteps of Swain and came to this remote town, preparing to fight Together with their commanders, they charged again.

"How many people have arrived in Hedoram?" Swain, who was in the steward's mansion, put away a secret letter, and looked at the adjutant beside him, "Can the supplies still keep up?"

"More than 5000 people have entered Hedoram so far." The adjutant following Swain took a step forward, opened the notebook in his hand and replied, "Material already very insufficient, although we just obtained some time ago A batch of supplies was made, but that was just a drop in the bucket."

"Based on the march consumption of 5000 people, how long can our supplies last?"

"At present, the rations are relatively sufficient. Even if you don't collect food on the spot, it can last for at least ten days." The adjutant quickly reported a series of figures, "But the grease used for armor maintenance and the special food for mounts are almost enough. In addition, our military supplies are seriously lacking, soldiers only have the most basic weapons, and only three or five armors have a pair..."

"How many people are still on the way?"

"This, this is not easy to say." The adjutant hesitated for a moment, "In Ionia, even after Preshidian, we had at least 5 people, but no one knows how many people are willing to come to Hedo Ram..."

"5000 people is almost enough."

Swain raised his head slightly and set his gaze on the map on the wall.

This map is in the collection of Hedoram's former service officer. It belongs to the commercial map—on the narrow and long map, it records and describes in detail most of the commercial cities, special products and routes on both sides of the Valoran Strait.

However, after it fell into Swain's hands, after some smearing, it had already changed its appearance.

The special product label was covered by a new note, which was changed to local garrison information and military special products.

Sweeping his eyes across the entire map, Swain finally set his sights on Piltover—and beside the city symbol representing Piltover, a long note was pasted.

The note contained a large amount of military and political information about Piltover, many of which involved Hex technology and Hex body modification.

If Tamara was here, she would definitely exclaim - because most of this information was top-secret information passed on to her boss after she investigated it!

 Karya's Little Classroom Swain's Origin:

  Swain's full name is Jericho Swain. According to the custom of Noxus, it is actually more reliable to call him Jericho.

  But why did everyone call him Swain?

  That's because he is the only one left in the Swain family...

(End of this chapter)

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