Lux's Farewell

Chapter 245 [0242] The hidden demon

Chapter 245 [0242] The Hidden Demon (Plus 55)

With a wave of his hand, Swain dismissed his adjutant.

And just as the adjutant took the notebook and turned to leave the room, a voice that seemed to be crowing appeared in his ears.

"Piltover, nice, I love this place."

"Does this commercial city have the secrets you covet?" Swain filtered his plan in his mind for the last time, and replied, "Their Hex technology? Or something else?"

"Unfortunately, I can't tell you." The voice pretended to be helpless, "You are not willing to accept my power, and we lack the most basic trust."

"Trust is quite a luxury. You who have mastered the hidden power should know it better than anyone else?" Swain smiled cruelly, "Besides, I chose Piltover, no Have you already shown my sincerity?"

"Is your sincerity to find a way to get yourself a hextech arm?" The crow-like voice disdainfully said, "I have the gift of the devil but I don't want to accept it. Superficial use... I suddenly doubted whether it was a mistake to choose you as a partner."

"A secret that only one person knows is a real secret." Swain was unmoved at all, "and the same is true for power. Only power that is mastered by one person is power."

"Tsk tsk tsk, another dictator who wants to spy on other people's hearts." Crow's voice was a little more teasing, "However, if you don't cooperate with me, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to truly see through the secrets in other people's hearts. !"

"Don't tempt me anymore." Swain shook his head nonchalantly, "This is a cooperation, you long for the secret hidden in Piltover, I need a new arm, we each take what we need .”

"But you can get more. A demonic arm is always better than a mechanical arm of unknown material."

"Your seductive words are really barren." Swain disdainfully said, "It's far from the real greedy devil!"

"Greed Demon—Tam?" The crow's voice fluctuated obviously for the first time, "Did you see him? When? Why didn't I know? This is really an interesting thing..."

"Are you interested in this secret?" Swain smiled, "If you want to know, we can make a deal!"

"What do you want to know again?" Crow's voice was still hoarse, but this time it seemed a little more impatient, "Come on, trade, hahaha, I like this kind of trade!"

"What is the true face of that pale lady?"

"Well, I can tell you that even I can't confirm her true face." The voice of the crow quickly gave the answer, "So, when did you meet Tam?"

"You haven't given me the answer you want."

"Your secret is only worth so much."

"... Well, it was in Bilgewater." Swain paused, and finally said, "Just when I returned from Ionia to the Immortal Fortress."

"You went to Bilgewater?"

"Just passing by." Swain didn't say much on this issue, but responded with the words of the other party, "Your news is only worth so much."

"Hahahahahahaha, what a cunning guy, but I like it very much!"


Why was there no Noxus navy to greet Tamara after kidnapping the target as planned?
Because the Noxians were not prepared to welcome it at all at the time—Darkwell was rushing to the doctor in a hurry and sending empty checks.

But why did Tamara meet Draven after arriving at the predetermined location?
That's because her boss had already defected to Swain at that time, and Delevingne was also sent by Swain.

Or to be more precise, almost the entire southern region of Noxus, most of the high-ranking war masons have already invested in Swain's command.

Then, why did these war stonemasons, who were supposed to belong directly to the Grand Commander, quietly choose to betray and join Swain's command?

This involves the voice that just talked to Swain.

The owner of the hoarse, shrill, crow-like voice was a demon—it was none other than the identity that Tam had misunderstood when he saw Kalya.

Hidden Demon, Lamer.

Although Lamer and Swain had just concluded a deal not long ago, in fact, as early as Swain was born, his family had already been entangled with this hidden demon.

In terms of background, Swain is an out-and-out nobleman of Noxus. His family made great efforts when Darkwill ascended to the position of Grand Commander. At that time, the Swain family was still a branch. Large leafy family.

However, the human heart is never satisfied.

After becoming an elder nobleman, the Swain family began to covet greater influence—when the noble status was not enough to satisfy their hands, they chose to secretly form an association to conspire to overthrow Darkwill.

At that time, the young Swain discovered their tricks—out of his loyalty to the Grand Commander and his love for the empire, he took the initiative to report and even personally executed several leading conspirators.

In the list of the dead, Swain's parents were impressively listed.

In the eyes of many people, Swain is an unscrupulous guy who climbs up, but only Swain knows that the real reason behind such "fatherly kindness and filial piety" behavior is that Noxus in his heart is more valuable than family and family.

Afterwards, Swain gained the trust of Darkwill, and made great progress all the way, becoming the strategist commander of Noxus and the rising star of the empire, seemingly completely cutting off the fetters with the decadent family.

However, for some reason, since then, Swain has always felt that there is an eye staring at him-although the Swain family failed to chase the demon power before, they at least attracted Lamer's attention.

In the eyes of Lamer, who longs for secrets, Swain is a very interesting mortal, and his words and deeds involve countless ancient secrets, so after the Swain family is finished, this demon is watching Swain. Vin, waiting to make a deal with him.

However, Swain was not interested in the devil's deal.

It wasn't until after Prechdian's disastrous defeat that Swain, who had learned from the painful experience, began to pursue his own personal strength, and in the almost desperate situation, he finally chose to agree to Lamer's deal.

As a hidden demon, Lamer knew a lot of news that ordinary people didn't know. With Lamer's help, Swain found the leader of the Noxus Southern War Mason from among the crowd.

For Darkwill, these war masons are the most loyal people.

They are not like the nobles who run around like dogs, nor are they eager for glory and killing like those soldiers. They would rather hide in the dark and not seek fame and fortune, just to provide information to Noxus and pave the way for the expansion of the empire.

However, Darkwill did not realize that the object of their allegiance to such loyal war masons is not the Grand Commander himself-they are very loyal, but not to the Grand Commander, but to Noxus!
There are too many people in the War Masonry organization who are similar to Tamara. When they were born, they lived a life like cattle and horses. The future is dark. It is the conquest and expansion of Noxus that changes their lives and lets them live in There was a glimmer of light in the darkness.

For these hard-born war masons, Noxus, which is fair and consistent, is the object of their oath of allegiance, and Darkwill on the throne... used to be their leader, but he is no longer !

Therefore, after figuring out the identities of the leaders of these war masons, Swain's instigation went extremely smoothly.

These war masons who are loyal to Noxus, and Swain who also considers Noxus, are the real like-minded people.

Most of the people who are willing to join the war masonry are firm-willed idealists. Although Swain seems to have nothing, these spy leaders are more willing to believe in Swain than Darkwell who is still in power.

In this way, in silence, the war stonemason organizations in Mud Town, Kumanggra, Piltover and Karduga were recruited by Swain to instigate rebellion. They were still working for Darkwill on the surface, but In fact, the information obtained by Swain is far more detailed than the information obtained by the Immortal Fortress!

As a price, Swain will send troops to Piltover to find a secret that Lamer longs for.


The chattering Lamer finally shut up, and Swain was slightly relieved.

The veterans under his command have almost assembled, 5000 troops are quite a lot, but it is very difficult to take Piltover - even if Swain can use the power of demons now, even if Noxus is in this place The city is ready to respond.

If there is more time, Swain can completely infiltrate more, and even completely peel off Piltover's defenses little by little, and then completely conquer the city just like he conquered Uzeris.

But unfortunately, time is not on Swain's side. The soldiers under his command are nothing more than a group of retired soldiers who were defeated in Ionia, and they rely on their own dry food for supplies.

With such a bad situation, Swain couldn't help but think of the Battle of Presidium—the same was true for the Noxus army at the time. In order to seek the final victory, he put all his eggs in one basket to boost morale, but failed miserably in the end.

Faced with such a situation, another person will inevitably hesitate.

Swain, however, would not.

He is not a mediocre person who thinks wildly and looks for troubles, and he will not be depressed because of one failure, and he will never dare to give up again.

Even after experiencing Preshidian's disgraceful defeat, he was still able to remain calm. In this shocking gamble, he accurately calculated the overall situation and then put down his chips.

After sorting out the plan again, Swain finally set his sights on Zaun.

On this map full of markers, only the area representing Zaun is left blank.

Swain, who is in charge of the overall situation, hates this kind of blankness.

 Carya's small classroom timeline arrangement:
  When Lux went to Bilgewater and the fire wave happened, Swain had just evacuated from Ionia and had a relationship with Tahm - but Tahm chose Plank as the target .

  Then, Sarah took over, and at the same time Swain arrived at the Immortal Bastion, and reached a deal with Lamer.

  When Lux returned to Zaun, Swain was exiled to Hedoram and was the first to instigate Tamara's boss.

  PS. Woohoo, I'm a waste, I've saved so much after a long time, hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

(End of this chapter)

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