Lux's Farewell

Chapter 252 [0249]

Chapter 252 [0249]
Gu Nuojia's plan is actually quite reliable.

This kind of strategy, which is close to encircling the spot to fight for aid, has a high success rate, and even if it fails, there is no loss. Therefore, after thinking for a while, the adjutant agreed to his plan decisively.

Soon, three Noxus centurions were separated. They changed into civilian clothes, wandered around the parliament building in small groups, and began to look for those wearing law enforcement uniforms.

As long as a law enforcement officer comes over, they will be dragged to the alley to beat sap and strip clothes!

In this way, the Noxians managed to get more than 100 law enforcement uniforms and supporting equipment really quickly.

But these alone are not enough. If you want to enter the parliament building, you must have a guy with sufficient status as the leader, and you must open the gate of the parliament building!

Why did Kaitlyn and her team of lawmen find a particularly high number of disabled people nearby?
On the one hand, it was because among the Noxus soldiers, there were already a large number of disabled people; In a residential building not far away, waiting to catch a powerful person, they sneaked into the parliament building directly!

No matter what, Gu Nuojia never imagined that the bait he dropped was indeed discovered by a big fish, but this big fish was too calm, even if it got close to the bait, it didn't bite the hook rashly!

Meanwhile, on the other side.

The alert Caitlin acted quickly after realizing the problem.

First, she had to take off her law enforcement uniform and change into civilian clothes—so she led the charge into a nearby mall and impromptuly requisitioned a few outfits.

The crowd quickly changed their clothes, and gave up the large law enforcement equipment that could not be hidden, leaving only the miniaturized personal equipment, either with a briefcase between them, or pretending to be carrying a bag, filed out, and approached the parliament building.

The Noxians in the crowd didn't realize at all that this group of people were actually law enforcement officers who took off their uniforms, so they just watched them come to the door of the parliament building, and watched the leader light up a I don't know what kind of certificate, so I entered the parliament building smoothly.

The incident happened suddenly, and it was too late to rush out at this time. The Noxus soldiers who were paying attention here could only continue to look for possible law enforcement officers.


The Noxians seem to be in good luck.

Not long after Caitlin successfully entered the parliament building, Marcos finally arrived outside the parliament building with a team of law enforcement officers who had finally assembled.

During this period of time, Marcos's life can be said to be very bad.

Three years ago, he had mistrusted Silko's words and led a team to the Zaun mines, where he had a big fight with Silko's shimmer addicts.

Although compared to the subsequent series of changes, this experience of Marcos can only be regarded as a trivial matter, but compared to those who followed, Marcos is also an out-and-out small person!

Even though Marcos was injured on duty at the time, he was still punished after he recovered and was discharged from the hospital.

Although according to the ostensible statement, considering that Marcos worked hard and was even seriously injured, his position level has not been lowered, but his scope of duties has undergone tremendous changes.

He used to be the leader of the law enforcement officer in charge of matters related to Zaun. This job was very troublesome, but both the oil and water and the prospect of promotion were quite objective.

After being discharged from the hospital, he was transferred to the eastern suburbs, where he was responsible for maintaining order in the eastern suburbs of Piltover and arresting stowaways and smugglers.

It seems that this work seems to be ok...

But the problem is that the eastern outskirts of Piltover is a forest. Although there used to be a port, it is completely abandoned now—Piltover has many places where smuggling is possible and convenient. Who would be free? Come here, across twenty miles of wilderness with smuggled goods?
It would have been fine if it was just that.

At least the job in the eastern suburbs is relatively leisurely. Although there is no gray income, at least there are fewer things to do and he can commute to and from get off work on time. Marcos has more time to spend with his daughter, and earns less if he earns less.

However, just a while ago, a shocking kidnapping case broke out in the Shuangcheng Joint Cooperation Laboratory. Originally, this incident had nothing to do with Marcos, but Tamara's escape route was to the eastern suburbs.

And on that abandoned pier, there was a pick-up ship!
What the hell!

That wharf has been abandoned for almost three years, why would anyone not think about what to do there single-handedly? !
The follow-up of this kidnapping case was that Caitlin was rewarded, but Marcos was blamed. Because of the "unfavorable patrol", he had an extra title of "agent" in front of his position, and his salary, which was already very ordinary, was even higher. It was cut off a lot.

The people of Marcos, who have suffered such a disaster, are all stupid. During this period of time, he is trying to clear up the relationship and wants to get rid of the agent in front of his position.

But as the saying goes, people take tea to cool down. After leaving the fat job in Zaun and returning to his family with peace of mind, Marcos's previous connections are now almost invalid.

In addition, this incident was originally to help Caitlin take the blame, so even if Marcos moved up and down and lost countless smiles, it is still far away to recover and become a regular.

Now, an opportunity lay in front of Marcos.

A call for help was sent out from the parliament building, hoping that law enforcement officers from all over the world would come to support them—the name of Noxus was enough to scare many law enforcement officers, but Marcos planned to fight hard.

To you, Noxians are scary, but to me, Noxians are nothing more than that!

As a person who experienced the changes in Zaun three years ago, Marcos has no fear of Noxus at all!
In this way, he mobilized all his reliable manpower (actually only five), set off from the law enforcement booth in the eastern suburbs, and rushed all the way to the parliament building.

In Marcos' view, with a big boss like Madam Cinder, he can at most wave the flag and make an atmosphere group, and take this opportunity to show his face in front of the big bosses and see if he can do some activities, isn't it? Not very good?
However, before he entered the parliament building, he was directly arrested on the spot by the long-prepared Noxus, and then, together with the law enforcement officer who followed him, was pressed in front of Gunojia.

The moment he saw Mr. Gunojia, Marcos' pupils instantly became bigger.

And after recognizing the identity of this man and discovering that he was already standing with the Noxus, a new path lay before Marcos.

Or... how about taking refuge in Noxus?
 Carya's Small Classroom Piltover's Town:

  In addition to urban areas such as the North City District, the College District, the Industrial District, the Central District, and the Commercial District, Piltover also has two insignificant areas, the Eastern Suburb and the Western Suburb—the Western Suburb is a mountainous area, and the Eastern Suburb is a a forest.

(End of this chapter)

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