Lux's Farewell

Chapter 253 [0250] Preparation

Chapter 253 [0250] Preparation
To be honest, Marcos was really shaken the moment he saw Gu Nuojia.

The originally peaceful life suddenly downgrades consumption, and anyone will feel unhappy in this kind of day-under such circumstances, it is naturally normal to occasionally have the idea of ​​"tired and ruined".

However, that was only for a moment.

As a witness to the change in Zaun three years ago, Marcos was not in awe of Noxus. After calming down, it is not difficult to find out that the strength of Noxus is not as strong as it seems. Strong, otherwise just storm the parliament building directly, why do you need to act as an internal response?

Even though Gu Nuojia's promise sounded nice, Marcos, who had experienced ups and downs, didn't take this kind of unguaranteed promise to heart!

He is willing to lead a team to rescue the parliament building because he has confidence in Mrs. Gray, and this kind of public order, even if it is to appease the law enforcement officers, the parliament will honestly reward it according to its merits.

But this Mr. Gu Nuojia's is really just a promise.

Therefore, Marcos made up his mind and planned to perfunctory.

It's a pity that he seems to have misunderstood the Noxians—three years ago, even the cunning Cassiopeia didn't want to tear her face completely; and today, three years later, Swain and The Noxus veterans under his command came to Piltover with the attitude of facing the war.


You have no right to refuse!
Without the slightest hesitation, Swain's adjutant nodded. A Noxian soldier pulled out the blade without hesitation, stabbed one of Marcos's subordinates to death, and then pressed the bloody knife against Marcos's chest. on the back.

"The next one is you and your family." The adjutant stared at Marcos face to face, imprinting his violent face into the trembling pupils of the other party, "No one can negotiate terms with Noxus, surrender or die, the second choice one."

Marcos is not a rookie who has not seen blood.

But at this moment, his mind still went blank for a moment.

The pervasive smell of blood irritated his nasal cavity, making him a little sick—at this moment, Marcos could clearly feel the blood flowing from the blade behind him.

The sharp blade that had just killed a law enforcement officer somehow penetrated Marcos' law enforcement uniform and touched his skin.

Sweat dripped out silently, and Marcos opened his mouth, but he seemed unable to make a sound at all.


As if aware of Marcos' fear, the adjutant turned his face and looked at Mr. Gu Nuojia.

"Do you know where his home is?"

These words seemed to be a heavy sledgehammer, hitting Marcos's heart hard, completely breaking through his defense line-at this moment, he finally gave up thinking about his future, and no longer thought about his future. Fear gripped his mind at any scheming.

"No." He responded in a low voice, "I will cooperate..."


The parliament building is still in chaos.

Although the Noxus' raid was swift, thanks to the sound transmission system, the council building received the news quickly.

All of a sudden, the whole building was busy.

As Piltover's most important political landmark, the Parliament Building has its own unique and complex security system.

However, the target of this security system is the recent frequent workers' demonstrations - Mrs. Piltover would never have imagined that one day this building would become the target of foreign invasion.

Therefore, the first time they received the news, everyone in the building panicked.

Many people want to leave the parliament building and take refuge in their own manors. In their view, this building is thin-skinned, and the defense facilities are fine against workers who throw stones during the parade. If you are not capable enough, staying here is waiting to die.

However, Camille immediately issued an order to block the building, prohibiting anyone from leaving.

"The Noxians have already entered the city, and at this time they are dispersed one by one!" Camille's thinking was quite clear, "Since they chose to sneak attack, the number of Noxians will not be too many. In this case, the only option is to stick to the parliament building!"

The truth is this, but the question is, can the parliament building really be defended?

Even though Camille was swearing, the congressmen still had no idea. At this time, they had no idea of ​​the goals of the Noxians, and they could only sit in the parliament building.

In order to appease these councilors, Camille quickly issued a series of response instructions, including but not limited to gathering law enforcement officers, dispatching guards from various manors, etc., and it was under such circumstances that Caitlin brought her own team into the up the parliament building.

Caitlin's arrival caused everyone in the parliament building to give a low cheer. These few law enforcement officers can't play a big role in the defense of the parliament building, but they have a very significant effect on boosting morale. Law enforcement officers are assembled, then everything will be fine!

Facing the hopeful faces, Caitlin hesitated for a moment, but finally did not make the choices of other law enforcement officers public.

Even though she had never joined the army, Caitlin realized the importance of morale at this time.

After parting the questioning crowd, Caitlin quickly found her parents (thankfully, they were fine), and then, guided by the Gilamans, she met Camille.

"Your Excellency Gray Lady." Caitlin, who had met Camille, ignored the etiquette and went straight to the point, "The Noxians outside seem to have some plans..."

Then, she quickly told Camille about her experience and knowledge, without any concealment, even Heimerdinger's words were no exception.

"So you think those Noxians outside might pretend to be law enforcement officers?" Camille raised her eyebrows after hearing this. "Yes, according to your description, there is indeed such a possibility."

"So we have to be more vigilant!" Caitlin said anxiously, "If you are tricked into opening the door, then the parliament building will be very difficult to defend—"

"Change your clothes, you go downstairs now." Camille nodded, and gave the order without delay, "The back door of the building has been sealed, and you are watching the front door. If Noc The SARS people really intend to play tricks, so we will use the tricks."

Will it count?

A trace of doubt flashed across Kaitlyn's face—then she saw Camille take out a bottle of viscous translucent liquid from nowhere, took out a silk scarf, dipped it in and began to wipe herself joints.

"Go." Camille patiently and slowly, as if applying body lotion, using this bottle of special aquatic-based lubricating oil to maintain herself, "I will give them a surprise."

 Carya's small classroom Camille's daily maintenance:

  The parts of Hex's body modification require daily maintenance and maintenance just like the machines, and as an elegant lady, Camille uses an unusual lubricating oil—the special lubricating oil she uses to maintain herself contains a special fragrance , in addition to maintaining parts, it can also be used as a perfume.

(End of this chapter)

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