Lux's Farewell

254 0251 Air Force

254 0251 Air Force
Caitlin returned to the gates of the council building.

Not long after, Marcos arrived.

Marcos has a high position, but after all, there are not many people under his command. In order to allow more Noxus to blend into the parliament building smoothly, the Noxus wrote and directed a chasing scene—by a part of Noxus. The soldiers put on the uniform of the law enforcement officer and ran in front of Marcos, followed by another group of Noxians who blazed behind.

To be honest, the performance level of these Noxus people is not very high, but considering that it is completely dark now, as long as the momentum is in place, it is difficult to see the clues.

Under duress, Marcos performed very hard. The fear and exhaustion on his distorted face could not be faked. Before he reached the gate, he raised his ID card high and announced own name.

Without Caitlin's reminder, Marcos and the more than 100 "law enforcement officers" behind him might have really been let in.

But Caitlin, who had already realized that something was wrong, naturally wanted to check these law enforcement officers carefully—even if the "chasers" behind were getting closer, she still asked these law enforcement officers to wait in line, and after showing their IDs, they came in one by one .

"Behind, those Noxians are already here!" Marcos looked extremely anxious, "They are right behind—"

Caitlin ignored the anxious Marcos, but carefully looked at the law enforcement officer behind him. After a while, she sighed helplessly and pressed the alarm on the table.

A piercing alarm sounded.

Under Marcos' astonished gaze, the window on the third floor of the parliament building was opened, and a figure jumped out of the window dragging the hook rope. A pair of leg blades protruded out of the night, and quickly plowed through the ground behind Marcos. "Law Enforcement Officer".

Camille strikes.

As a gust of fragrant wind blew, behind Marcos, these Noxus soldiers who took off their armor and disguised themselves as law enforcement officers were in bad luck.

Camille's red electronic eyes drew scarlet tracks in the dark night, causing extremely tragic damage to these Noxus who tried to pretend to seize the door. In the absence of armor and shields, facing Camille's leg blades seemed like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Realizing that they had failed to seize the door, many soldiers began to fight back, but after stumbling to open the safety catch, although the sound of gunshots like popping beans was loud and lively, one looked carefully and Camille was still massacring.

No way, the task of these Noxian soldiers was to enter the parliament building, create chaos, and open the gate, so they couldn't carry their usual handy weapons, they could only carry the standard equipment of law enforcement officers.

But the problem is that these standard equipment are all law enforcement equipment, and their lethality is limited. In addition, the Noxians are not familiar with these firearms at all...

Only needing to maintain the lowest power shield, Camille can completely ignore these squirt shots!

Many factors collided and eventually led to a tragedy for the Noxus—in order to boost morale, Camille even took the initiative to reveal that the Noxus did not have the means to cope. He picked up all the parts of himself that could light up.

Camille forcibly turned on the signal lights that were originally used to mark overloads, abnormalities and other bad states. The streamers from all parts of her body combined to clearly outline Camille's figure in the night.

In the parliament building, many people looked at the figure wandering among the Noxians in surprise, watching the bullets ripple on her adaptive shield, watching the blood pollute the lights and then immediately get wiped clean...

Camille, who has solid dancing skills, seems to be a dancer who uses the night as a stage. While bringing death to the Noxus, it also gives a shot in the arm to the anxious congressmen in the parliament building. .

Even though it is clear that the situation of the enemy is still unknown, these congressmen are still relieved by coincidence—the Noxus may be very cruel, but Your Excellency Gray Lady is still invincible!

The more than 100 Noxus soldiers without armor did not cause any trouble to Camille even in the end. She completed the battle gracefully, and even reached out the hook and pulled herself back to the ground. When they got to the parliament building, they bent slightly, as if they were taking a curtain call.

And it wasn't until she safely returned to the parliament building and closed the window that the Noxus soldiers pretending to be chasing behind barely reached the parliament building.

Each of these soldiers was fully armed and wore black iron armor. They were originally the main force prepared by Adjutant Swain to take down the parliament building.

Seeing the failure of the comrades in front who seized the door, and the massacre of Camille as if showing off, the eyes of these soldiers turned red.

If you can't outsmart the door, then attack by force!
Swain's adjutant gave a cold snort after casting a sideways glance at the embarrassed Mr. Gu Nuojia.

This Picheng guy's plan sounded clear and logical, but in the end, he was seen through in a face-to-face meeting...

Sure enough, we still have to follow the Noxus way!
While Gu Nuojia was planning to seize the gate, the other Noxians were not idle. Although they lacked the necessary equipment for attacking the fortifications, and there was no military craftsman in time to build them, more than an hour was enough for them. Cobbled together something usable.

Remove the iron door and install the handle, which is the siege shield.

Add a hammer head to the iron lamppost and place it on the shelf, which is a battering ram.

While the three centurions were fishing, the seven centurions were doing their best to manufacture equipment that could attack the parliament building.

Gu Nuojia's fishing plan failed, he didn't catch any fish, but caused a bloody mess instead.

Then do it the Noxian way!
As the whistle sounded representing an attack order, these heavily armed Noxus soldiers put up their newly refitted shields and formed a strict formation to cover the "siege engines" that were rolled out from the alleys in the dark night. ", squeezed towards the parliament building step by step.

Although these siege equipment is very simple.

But the defense of the parliament building... is also very simple!
Even though the morale in the parliament building was boosted at this time, everyone picked up their weapons and fired freely, but except for the improved Hex weapon in the hands of Caitlin's team, almost none of the other standard weapons could penetrate the protection of the black iron armor.

Looking at the soldiers who were slowly moving forward and pressing towards the gate of the building, and hearing the muffled sound of bullets hitting the black iron armor, Swain's adjutant finally smiled.

In this offensive and defensive battle, even if fishing for the air force and failing to win the door - I still have the advantage!
 Carya's Little Classroom · Penetration of the Musket:

  Although the firearms look very high-end, in fact, the current popular firearms in Runeterra are almost impossible to break through refined armors such as black iron armor and rune steel armor. To be able to cause effective damage, it needs to enchant bullets, or use energy ammunition, or use hex crystals as an energy source.

  PS. The update is a bit late, sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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