Lux's Farewell

255 Attack and defense [0252]

255 Attack and defense [0252]
The weapons used to maintain law and order are obviously not enough to provide enough lethal firepower on the frontal battlefield. Most of the law enforcement officers guarding the parliament building, even if they pull the trigger to the end, it is at best to create some excitement.

For these Noxus veterans wearing black iron armor and walking in formation, unless they were unlucky enough to be directly hit by a stray bullet directly on the unarmored part, the weapon in the law enforcement officer's hand was a water gun!

Getting shot ten paces away is like being punched.

It was only within ten steps that the law enforcement officer's gun was slightly lethal.

In this case, Noxus veterans equipped with simple shields can push forward to the gate quite calmly, and then cooperate with each other to smash hard with the "battering ram" on the ground reinforced by Piltover. on the gate.

Just as the Noxus soldiers broke down the doors into shields, in the parliament building, Mrs. Piltover also used the materials available at hand to reinforce the defense of the building—from this perspective, both the attacker and the defender are still quite crouching. The meaning of phoenix chick and Yuliang for a while.

The battering ram shook the crude defense line, and after a few impacts, the beautiful curtain wall was smashed to pieces, exposing the bunkers and firing holes behind the curtain wall.

Although Mrs. Piltover did not officially participate in the war, the simple parapet was built. Using tables and chairs, stone carvings, security doors and other things in the parliament building, the law enforcement officers improvised a five-foot-high low wall.

This low wall almost completely blocked the passage from the gate to the lobby on the first floor, leaving only a narrow passage that could allow people to enter sideways. The only way for the Noxus to rush into the building was to completely destroy this facing the wall.

For this, the Noxians seem to be very confident. Although the parapet looks quite thick, it is absolutely impossible to push the destruction by one person, but Mrs. Piltover's weapon cannot break through the defense, and slowly dismantled it That's good!
Then, just when the Noxians thought they had won, a few high-pitched gunshots that had never been heard before, Caitlin's team and the parliamentary security team, two teams equipped with different weapons, finally Fired.

Although the models are different, what Caitlin's team and the parliamentary security team use are no longer water guns in the hands of law enforcement officers. These weapons are no longer gunpowder guns, but Hextech guns!
The parliamentary security team uses a relatively stable version. This version of the Hextech gun maintains the classic shape of the revolver as a whole. It needs to be manually loaded and used with special bullets. The firepower it can provide per unit time is quite limited.

And Caitlin's team's weapons are powerful. The experimental model Hextech gun has completely abandoned the shape and principle of the previous gunpowder weapons, and has almost touched the edge of energy weapons!

These firearms powered by Hex crystals are amazing in terms of penetration and shooting power. Even if the Noxus soldiers in the front hold their shields and receive a shot from the front, their defenses will still be directly breached.

And it's the kind of completely broken defense that even the person and the shield are pierced through candied haws, and the second soldier behind is also in danger!

The Noxians, who were advancing so loudly, suddenly found out embarrassingly that not all firearms can break defenses. Mrs. Piltover played lively with ping-pong-pong before, just to set off the atmosphere. These cunning guys will be lethal The weapon is used in the narrowest gate breakthrough area!

The battle at the parliament building has reached a stalemate.

But in another battle situation, the Noxus' assault went extremely smoothly—the raid on Stillwater Prison, led by Swain himself, was coming to an end.

Compared with the thin-skinned parliament building, the defense of the still water prison can be said to be airtight.

This prison was originally located on an isolated island in a V-shaped fjord, and the surrounding sea was calm all year round, and the still water was named after it.

As a prison for serious criminals in Piltover, the walls of Stillwater Prison are more than [-] feet high, equipped with professional watchtowers, lighthouses, barbed wire, and defensive firepower. Not only the latest Hex revolver, but also many Less fixed and movable coastal defense guns.

With such a standard defense system, even the capital of a small country is nothing more than that.

After the Noxians crossed the sea in black and launched a sneak attack, Stillwater Prison looked like the last place the city should have fallen.

However... the infallibility of Jingshui Prison is only "appearance" after all.

With Swain personally leading the team, the prison didn't even last for more than an hour-although the coastal defense artillery discovered the Noxian troop carrier at the first time, and mobilized superior firepower to directly sink it. Two ships, but that was just a trick by Swain.

On the surface, it seemed that the two troop carriers were heading straight for the prison, as if they were going to launch a surprise attack before the prison's protective firepower reacted, but in fact, there were not many living people in those two ships at all.

The cunning Swain played a beautiful trick. The black robes he used to cross the sea in black were used twice by him, and they were covered on the debris piles on the decks of these troop carriers. In this way, Stillwater Prison Looking from a distance from the lighthouse, there was a group of people in black robes on the deck of the troop carrier.

Then contacting the black clothes crossing the sea that came before, Jingshui Prison will naturally mobilize superior firepower and try to sink it at sea.

At the same time, through the data provided by the ghost, Swain, who had already found the blind spot of the lighthouse lighting in Stillwater Prison, was quietly hiding behind the cover of the sound of artillery fire, together with the most elite group of veterans.

It is obviously impossible for the 3000 people under Swain to cross the strait in one wave. In order to ensure that everyone can cross the sea quickly and attack in an all-round way, Swain has formulated a complete crossing plan, fighting for crossing in multiple directions in batches, and that's it. When the defenders of Jingshui Prison discovered the problem and turned their cannons, nearly 2000 people had already crossed the Jingshui Tianchao and came outside the prison wall.

The offensive and defensive battle of Jingshui Prison has officially started!
Lamer's Devil's Eye quietly appeared on the lighthouse, helping Swain to gain a clear insight into the situation of the entire battle.

This advantage of "opening the whole picture" is also the main reason why Swain chose to bring heavy troops to attack Stillwater Prison - with Lamer's report, Swain can stretch the space of the battlefield by frequently mobilizing veterans under his command , And then let the defenders of the entire Jingshui Prison panic.

The security personnel of Stillwater Prison have rich experience in security, but even the warden has never experienced such a large-scale military mobilization. Under the command of Swain, the veterans of Noxus cooperated tacitly and frequently moved along the high prison wall. Shifting, elusive, and successfully confuse the guards, exposing a small defensive vacuum.

This information was quickly discovered by Lamer's demon eyes, and Swain took the lead after getting the news, leading the assault team to rush up to the wall!

In this way, the seemingly impeccable defense of Stillwater Prison was finally torn open a wound—a quarter of an hour after Swain boarded the wall of Stillwater Prison, Stillwater Prison was replaced with the Noxus flag.

 Carya's Little Classroom: Lamer who is watching everything:

  The demon eye of the hidden demon Lamer can spy on everything—and for a commander like Swain, a demon eye suspended in mid-air can almost be regarded as a complete map hanging on a small battlefield. up.

  PS. There are two more chapters tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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