Lux's Farewell

256 [0253] The secret in the depths of Qingshui Prison

256 [0253] The secret in the depths of Qingshui Prison
Occupying the Stillwater Prison, a crow appeared on Swain's shoulder at some point.

"You did a good job, kid." Lamer's voice was as hoarse and ugly as ever, "As expected of me, the person who carries the secret!"

"Stop talking nonsense." Swain, who won the victory, did not have much joy in his tone, "Because this prison must be taken down, the warriors of Noxus have taken undue casualties—it is best for you The secrecy is worth the price."

"Oh, what a cold-blooded and ruthless ruler!" Lamer didn't care about Swain's tone, and continued to talk to himself, "In your opinion, the loyalty of these soldiers is just a bargaining chip? This demon is even crueler, quack quack quack—”

"Stop talking nonsense, crow." Swain clenched his teeth, the veins on his forehead protruding slightly, "Tell me, what exactly are you looking for?"

"A doll." As if he had finally laughed enough, Lamer finally spoke again, "An old, worn-out doll that no one cares about..."

"This is a prison, not a toy factory. I don't think there are any dolls here." Swain narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the soldiers escorting the prison guards into the prison, "Don't play charades with me, I'm right This kind of winding thing is not interesting."

"But you are naturally good at this, ah, the ability to explore secrets, that's why I fell in love with you." The crow flapped its wings, "And, this time I didn't play charades... what I hope to find, really Just a doll."

"Be specific." Swain put forward his own request, "I just need to let my soldiers know what they are looking for."

"It's hard to say, I only know that the doll is the only characteristic." Crow said in a rare serious tone, "Maybe it's a person holding a tattered doll, maybe it's a guy with a doll tattoo, maybe it's someone who transformed himself A puppet guy, maybe a puppet dancer...that guy is just a little too versatile."

Although Lamer chose to use "that guy" to refer to his target, Swain almost subconsciously believed that what Lamer was looking for was also a demon.

This cognition, which seemed to come from instinct, made Swain a little uneasy.

Swain didn't know why he thought so, or why he knew this. It was obvious that Lamer had kept his goal secret and never revealed it, but Swain had this feeling.

Is it the natural sixth sense in Lamer's mouth?

Or is it the subtle synesthesia after signing a contract with the devil?

Quietly twitching the corner of his mouth, Swain chose not to think about this issue.

"So, just find the person with the doll symbol, right?" Swain reconfirmed, "That's your goal."

"That's right, let's go!" The crow flapped its wings impatiently, "That guy always acts weird and whimsical, but he doesn't know that no matter how unpredictable things are, there will always be indelible There are traces of the delirium... the delirium also has footprints!"


Under Swain's order, the Noxian soldiers moved quickly.

Although it is not very clear why they were looking for a "person related to the doll", these soldiers still conscientiously fulfilled their responsibilities. After a brief interrogation of the guards of the prison, they began to look for someone according to the information provided by the guards.

As a precaution, anyone with a tattoo, anyone with a clear marker on their body would be found and brought before Swain himself for judgment.

As heavily armed Noxus soldiers escorted the prison guards and entered the prison like crushing prisoners, the prisoners inside the Stillwater Prison clamored one by one.

Most people don't even know that these armored guys are from Noxus, but as long as you take care of these bloody prison guards, you're our boss!

Excited prisoners began to slap on the railings of their cells, wanting to be released first, and a compliment that was so numb that it made people's skin crawl was uttered without money. These felony prisoners seemed to smell the freedom smell!
However, among the manic crowd, Draven and Tamara looked quite calm.

As true "insiders", the two of them are not only not in a hurry, but even have time to tidy up their appearance - Delevingne is trying hard to comb his bushy beard into three locks, Tamara wiped her face with her skirt to make herself look less embarrassed.

Then, as they had come to expect, the Noxian soldiers took the prison guards by their side and released the two of them first.

"Hey, buddies, you guys act fast, that bastard Swain is pretty good at what he says." Coming out of the small cell, Delevingne moved his body happily, and said familiarly, " Do you know where my ax is? I miss them!"

The silent soldier couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, ignoring Draven's ramblings, and just turned around quickly with him and Tamara, and left directly.

Some of the prisoners heard Delevingne's words and knew that they were in the same group, while others saw that Delevingne and Tamara were quiet, so they were taken away. Therefore, in the noisy prison, many people All shut their mouths, waiting for possible freedom.

Surprisingly, quite a few people did get the freedom they craved.

Tattoo artist, magician, gangster, murderer...

As if calling names at random, the Noxians took one prisoner after another.

However, there were too many prisoners in Stillwater Prison, and as the Noxians took prisoners away less and less frequently, the remaining prisoners began to lose their composure one by one.

Seeing that the Noxus even opened the door of the prison cell and took away a fool who usually only knew how to giggle, someone finally couldn't help it.

"I can contribute to the prosperity of the empire!" A strong-looking guy took the initiative to say, "Take me away, and I will dedicate all my loyalty!"

"Me too!" Someone started, and naturally someone followed, "For the empire, I will go through fire and water!"

"me too!"

"And I!"



In the cell that was gradually bustling, the eyes of the fool who was pulled out of the cell by the Noxians rolled slightly, and suddenly became agile and cunning.

Twirling the corner of his stiff mouth slightly, he turned his head slowly, looked at the prisoner in the prison, and showed a silent and terrifying smile.

 Carya's Small Classroom·Management of Stillwater Prison:
  As Piltover's severe prison, the conditions in Stillwater Prison are extremely harsh—unlike other private prisons, prisoners here will not receive any preferential treatment even if they have money.

  PS. There is another chapter in the second half of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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