Lux's Farewell

257 [0254] Demon's Competitive Awareness

257 [0254] Demon's Competitive Awareness

In the still water prison, the light is not bright.

However, when the fool smiled at the door, almost all the prisoners saw his grinning mouth and crazy eyes.

The noisy prison suddenly became extremely quiet in the next instant.

Just when the Noxus soldiers escorting this fool realized something was wrong, the prisoners who had suddenly quieted down at that moment suddenly started to roar louder as if they were going crazy.

Different from the previous oath of allegiance, the prisoners who yelled again were all extremely excited. Their faces were flushed, their eyes protruded, and there was no logic in their words. Some even started to grab the ground with their heads. .

Realizing that something was wrong, the two Noxus soldiers who dragged the fool quickly reached out and grabbed the weapon at their waist.

However, the fool who was dragged by them twisted his joints in an unreasonable way, and took out a small knife with a flip of his wrist.

This small knife is not sharp, but it is such a blunt knife, but it easily bypassed the protection of the armor and pierced the necks of these two Noxus soldiers—these two elite soldiers did not even have time to let out a muffled sound. Hmph, just fell limply.

Withdrawing the knife, the idiot hummed an out-of-tune tune in satisfaction. She twisted her neck, raised her hands high like an actor taking a curtain call, and turned around at the prison door.

"Come dance!" He clapped his hands above his head, and the crisp applause seemed to penetrate time and space, "Jump up, jump up, don't stop!"

All the prisoners, no matter what their identities or charges, how long they have been in the prison, after hearing the applause, they all started a sick dance as if they had been ordered.

Although no one matched the idiot's applause rhythm, as the frequency of his applause became faster and faster, the dance of the prisoners did become more and more crazy.

In the beginning, the dancing postures of the prisoners were just mechanical like puppets, and each of them looked blunt; but as the clapping speed became faster and faster, their dancing postures gradually became crazy.

During this high-intensity, inhuman dance, the prisoners began to slobber and bleed from their orifices—when the Noxus soldiers outside noticed the problem and hurriedly informed Swain to rush to the scene, this happened. In the prison cell, all the prisoners had died in this crazy ball.

The next moment, Lamer's demon eyes appeared at the entrance of the cell.

This idiot who only knows how to play with dolls in the eyes of other prisoners finally let go of his slap.

There was no begging for mercy or howling, and the entire cell was silent, only a dry laughter echoed.


It seemed that because he was laughing so happily, the corners of the fool's mouth were cracked. He raised his head, narrowed his eyes, and looked at the demon eyes watching him in mid-air.

"The dog's nose is really good!" He maintained the smile on his face, and his tone seemed to be telling a joke he heard recently with an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time, "Unfortunately, you are late again!"

As he spoke, he raised his right hand and made a very impolite gesture towards Lamer's demon eyes—before a gravitational force pulled him towards Swain, he raised the dirty handle again. Xi Xi, the rusty knife, inserted it into his throat without hesitation.


When Swain arrived at the scene, there were only horrific corpses all over the floor.

Without exception, the faces of these dead people all had obviously sick smiles, it seemed that at the last moment of their lives, they were all crazy and confused.

As for the guy who insulted Lamer at the last moment, when he fell down, his eyes were still open and full of ridicule.

Vaguely, Swain felt Lamer's anger.

"He committed suicide?" Swain glanced at the cell full of corpses, and frowned, "Nothing?"

"Cunning bastard, he gave up another body." Lamer's tone was full of undisguised anger, "'s not a waste of time, as long as he leaves traces, he won't escape my pursuit !"

"Chasing?" Swain was rarely surprised, "Do demons have targets?"

"Of course." Lamer smiled, "The devil always has its own pursuit, and I am no exception—just like you are for Noxus."

"It's different." Swain turned his head and stopped looking at the mess, "It's completely different."

"Maybe it can be the same or not?" The devil's eyes dissipated, and the black crow appeared on his shoulder again at some point, "How about making a deal? You help me find him—or his traces— — I'll help you deal with those you want to deal with."

"Sounds good." Swain strode out of the cell, "But, are you going to recommend your Devil's Hand?"

"Things like that are not worth paying attention to." The crow flapped its wings, and seemed to be in a better mood. "You have proved your own potential, mortal."

"Then, I need to know who he is and why you are chasing him." Swain obviously had his own thoughts, "It's too dangerous to make a deal with you without knowing anything."

"He is also a demon." As if he was sure that Swain would agree to the deal this time, Lamer generously shared this secret, "We usually call him Shaco, the demon of delirium."

"Delirious..." Swain moved his ears to catch the trace, and chewed the word carefully, "It's really interesting, delirium—deranged madness?"


"Then what can I do?" Swain asked. "Catch a demon? I can't do that."

"Nobody can catch Shaco," snorted, "but just let me know everything about him, and he'll become a part of me."

Knowing everything about Shaco, can he devour him?

Hearing this, many thoughts flashed subconsciously in Swain's mind—could it be that this is the way of internal competition among demons?
Is insight that devours only for hidden demons, or does it work for all demons?

If it's the former, does that mean Tahm's way of devouring other demons is true devouring?
Thinking of this, Swain suddenly remembered some legends about demons circulating in Noxus—there seems to be a demon that represents fear?
If the demon of fear wants to devour other demons, isn't it enough to make other demons afraid?

At this moment, Swain thought of a lot.

However, on the surface, he remained calm, and even the pace of walking away did not change at all.

"Let me think about it." Swain said calmly, "Let's talk about it after I meet Darius' brother."

What responded to Swain was the noisy crowing of a crow.

 Carya's Little Classroom · The Devil's Devouring Each Other:
  Swain's guess is correct, the way demons devour each other is related to the nature of demons.

  The demon of delirium wants to devour other demons, it must let other demons fall into delirium madness; Other demons will pull other demons into endless nightmares; if the demon of pain wants to devour other demons, they will make other demons fall into endless pain and cannot extricate themselves.

  Plus more 20/30.

(End of this chapter)

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