Lux's Farewell

Chapter 258 [0255]

Chapter 258 [0255]
Temporarily ignoring the noisy crow, Swain looked up at Delevingne who was trotting all the way.

"You've made me miserable, Swain!" After meeting Swain, Delevingne groaned, "This prison is so boring, I'd rather be thrown into the arena than be in the arena." Stay here..."

"Understandable." Swain nodded seriously, "It's just as long as you're okay."

"If you keep shutting it down, I might go crazy!" Grinning his mouth, Delevingne looked terrified, "At that time, something will really happen!"

Not paying attention to the bluffing guy anymore, Swain waved his hand behind him, and a few Noxus soldiers took Delevingne away to wash.

Then, watching Draven make a request while being taken to the boat to leave, Swain finally turned his head to look at the other rescued person.

"Miss Tamara, is everything all right with you?"

"Not much." Tamara shook her head in a panic, "Mr. Swain, why did you appear here? Is there a war between the Empire and Piltover?"

"To be precise, this is just a personal act." Looking at the confused Tamara, Swain smiled, "Just like your failed kidnapping before."

"That's different." Tamara shook her head, "Also, Mr. Swain, your hand has obviously crossed the line. The war stonemason is only responsible to the Grand Commander!"

"No, the War Mason is only responsible for Noxus!" Swain shook his head and corrected, "Our Grand Commander is no longer the aggressive helm he was before, and now Lord Darkwill , has become an old man entrenched on the throne, he cannot represent Noxus."

Such words made Tamara's eyes widen. She looked at Swain in disbelief, and finally could only shake her head slowly and subconsciously.

"No, Mr. Swain, the failure of the war has driven you into madness, Your Excellency the Grand Commander is still—"

"Still what?" Swain raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a rather ironic smile, "Tell me, Tamara, what other words can you use to describe our Grand Commander?"

As he spoke, he quietly stared at Tamara in front of him with his jackdaw-like eyes, as if he could penetrate Tamara's heart through her eyes.

With such eyes, Tamara had to give up those embellishments against her will, and finally chose a passable rhetoric.

"Still... is an important person who maintains Noxus."

"The puppet on the throne, isn't it?" Swain took half a step forward, "The war stonemason should be the eyes of the empire, the most sensitive person, you can't deceive your heart, you can't tell yourself that the Grand Commander is still the former Grand Commander ,Right?"

Tamara gaped.

As a professional war mason, lying is almost an instinct for Tamara, but facing Swain, Tamara finds that every time she tries to lie, her language will change. Pale and feeble, even she couldn't convince herself. In this case, no matter how hard she struggled, she could only tell the truth honestly in the end.

She was able to wield her words and respond with less vehement words when faced with some open questions, but when Swain asked if she could, she could only nod awkwardly.

That's right, as a war stonemason, Tamara is now quite disappointed with her grand commander.

Originally, the war stonemason was lurking well in Piltover, but suddenly a young lady from the Kekao family ran over, took chicken feathers as arrows, and ended up with a lot of chicken feathers.

Of course, failure is not the reason for Tamara's dissatisfaction. What she cares more about is that as a war mason, she is inexplicably drawn into the vortex of the nobles' profit grabbing. The vanguard is a special organization that is only responsible to the Grand Commander, but as a result, the Grand Commander, Your Excellency, uses public tools for private use.

Even though the empire was using the guise of "accumulating technology" when delivering orders, Tamara is not a fool. How could she not guess the reason why the empire urgently asked for Hex's body modification technology, even at the expense of exposing the war masons? ?
If Grand Commander is really for the technology itself, why not slowly start from scratch?You know, about half of Tamara's copycat project has been carried out, and her success is actually enough for the empire to be able to manufacture a little more reliable prosthetics-this is self-evident for Noxus.

But what about the results?

With a general commander's order, all war masons are desperate to expose themselves, and they must desperately execute the kidnapping plan...

It was said that "there will be a fleet to respond", but in the end there is only a fool with a bad brain who is stupid and friendly.

However, even so, Tamara still chose to keep silent when she was in prison, not revealing a little information about the war mason-she still loves Noxus, and loves this country that can give everyone a way out equally, even orphans. A country that can live in national farms, ranches, and orphanages.

Even though Tamara knew in her heart that the empire raised these seedlings to provide more firewood for the rumbling imperial war machine when they grew up, she still did not regret it and maintained her loyalty.

The climb up can be brutal.

But a chance to climb up is enough for Tamara to shed her blood for Noxus.

In a bit nasty words, the Noxus Empire gave Tamara a chance to realize her self-worth!

However, now, facing Swain, Tamara was suddenly at a loss.

"So, what are you going to do?" Tamara, who was forced to the corner, could only change the subject, "Sir Swain, I don't know what gave you the confidence to go on the road of rebellion just by relying on some veterans. roads, and, with all due respect, Piltover is not a city like Uzzelis or Belguin..."

"My goal is not Piltover." Swain shook his head, "My goal is not this city, but Noxus——I don't want to conquer Piltover, but hope to To begin, return to the Immortal Bastion and restore the Empire to greatness."

Tamara's eyes widened in astonishment, looking at the confident Swain, completely unaware of where the other's confidence came from.

"The empire has gone astray. As a war stonemason, you should be very clear." Swain continued, "So, I am just a person who puts things right."


"In the empire, there are many people like me." Speaking of this, Swain stretched out his one arm to Tamara, "Join us, Miss Tamara, your boss is very optimistic. You, think you have the ability to become a master of war."

For some reason, looking into Swain's eyes, Tamara felt an indescribable sincerity—after a moment of hesitation, she stretched out her hand, wiped it on her dirty clothes, and held it Swain's big hand outstretched.

 Kalya's Little Classroom·Devil's Seduction:
  Swain, who traded with the devil, has a unique ability to bewitch—unlike the smooth-talking devil, Swain can always make people feel his sincerity without lying.

  PS. There are two more chapters tonight.

  Isn’t it the beginning of summer? Recently, the computer fan is noisy, and the air conditioner is turned on. The two complement each other—so I spent five hours cleaning the dust and replacing the main computer. A set of silent fans.

  The process was very smooth, there was no bloodshed, and there were no more or less screws. The only thing that made me feel a little horrified was that when I changed the silicone grease, I found that the protective plastic on my CPU heatsink The film didn't come off!
  Good guy, I was a good guy on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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