Lux's Farewell

Chapter 259 [0256]

Chapter 259 [0256]
After convincing Tamara, Swain added another person to his career team.

Although Tamara has no fighting power, as an ace spy, she can help Swain fill in many gaps in intelligence by checking for gaps.

For example, after Tamara joined and learned a little bit about Swain's plan, she quickly became aware of a key player.

"Miss Mel is the actual helm of the Midarda family. That Mr. Jagu is now dead."

"What he said has been in Piltover for many years and holds many patents?"

"Old calendar, Mel Myrdalda and Senator Jess Tallis are unmarried couples who are about to talk about marriage - and Jess Tallis is the founder of Hex Technology." Tamar La quickly sorted out the internal relations of these wealthy merchants and nobles in Piltover, "So, if we need to rely on the power of the Myrdalda family to control Piltover, we need to hold that Miss Mel in our hands."

After getting the news, Swain called Jagu immediately.

When Jagu Myrdalda saw Swain, the old man was already sweating profusely—judging from his restless performance, he didn't seem to be in a very good condition.

"Didn't you find and beat that Ms. Mel?" Relying on the information provided by Tamara, Swain was deceiving when he opened his mouth, "She ran away?"

"You... how do you know?" Jagu sweated profusely when his mind was peeked out, "Dear Your Excellency Swain, that was just a small accident."

"So, is the Myrdalda family under your control?" Swain didn't care about Jagu's excuses, "Gunojia has already demonstrated his strength, so what can Myrdalda do but provide a few maps? "

Swain's words made Jagu extremely anxious - he never expected that he would send a team of people to arrest Mel and Jess, but it would fail? !
"It was just an accident." Under such circumstances, all Jagu could do was to reassure, "Jess' combat effectiveness exceeded expectations—but it doesn't matter, we've already driven them away!"


Was Jace pushed away?


Let's turn back time a little bit -- from the end of that special session of lawmakers.

As a pacifist, Jess doesn't want Piltover to start a full-scale confrontation with Zaun. Although he has always been biased against Zaun, it doesn't mean that he wants Piltover to pass this kind of almost The means of war, and Zaun tear up the face.

On the one hand, it is because the two-city joint cooperation experiment is still related to the life and death of his friends, and on the other hand, Jess also has absolute confidence in himself.

Maybe Zaun has some new technology, but the potential of hextech is endless!
We can win the fair competition in technology and business, so why engage in such a confrontation that may hurt one thousand enemies, harm eight hundred ourselves, or even trigger a violent war?

But it's a pity that in the Piltover Council, only Jess is a true technologist and pacifist.

In the face of all the votes in favor, Jess's persistence alone is meaningless.

Jess, who had no choice but to leave the parliament building, was depressed.

In this way, the depressed Jess decided to put himself into work to relieve his unhappiness.

The Tallis family had always been toolmakers—or, to put it bluntly, hammer forges.

Although he was a genius all the way to the Piltover Academy of Science and Progress, Jess spent a lot of time by the fire in his youth, and the means of earning a living finally became a way of life for him. Chic hobby.

In his spare time, Jess has been forging a hammer—but this is not a simple hammer, but a high-tech hammer that uses all the Hex science and technology that Jess has mastered.

In Jess's plan, this hammer will have a variety of form functions and uses including deformation attack, energy impact, shield generator, and acceleration force field.

With an inventor's romance, he decided to use the hammer as his first prototype.

Now that he was in a bad mood, Jess simply ran to the private forging workshop and went shirtless to modify his hammer.

Mel rushed over after hearing the news, wanting to release Jess who was in a bad mood—as Jess's "political mind", after hearing about the council's decision, Mel knew very well that this decision was irresistible , she just wanted Jess to accept it calmly.

Then, before Jess's anger dissipated, the assassins of the Myrdalda family followed.

Objectively speaking, as the former head of the Midarda family, the assassins that Jagu Midarda recruited are very good in terms of strength and equipment.

They used Hextech weapons that flowed into the black market and were tacitly allowed as the private armament of each family, and in order to be sure, they also took the Noxus military-style shimmer thinner—since Singed was caught After that, the price of Shimmer has been soaring all the way. Even a tube of Shimmer Thinner costs more than twenty gold hexes.

The Myrdalda family is qualified to be a patented vampire, and this secret assassin team has also contributed a lot.

But the problem is that these assassins are good at killing people, but they are not good at Hex technology-they can use the tools at hand familiarly, but they don't know anything about the principles of these tools.

So, when they just arrived outside Jess's private laboratory, Jess inside the laboratory received an alarm.

Jace had no idea who these people were.

But Mel realized something was wrong with just one glance through the hex-scope.

"They are Jagu's subordinates!" Mel's eyes widened in disbelief. "Could it be that he is going to attack me? Damn, how dare he!"

Realizing that something might be wrong, Mel urged Jess to leave, but Jess, who was already full of displeasure, also became stubborn—run?Run a hammer!
Although there is still a big gap between Jess and Heimerdinger in terms of automation design, this private laboratory still has some automated security. When these killers are looking for the best place to climb over the wall, they hide The coil at the corner was suddenly charged, directly allowing a guy who was too close to the wall to enjoy the feeling of a body over-electricity.

Seeing their companions twitching, foaming at the mouth, and having scars caused by electric arcs on their palms, how did the other six people not know that they were discovered?
It seems that the stealth assassination has failed... Then change the method and come directly to it!
The next moment, the leading assassin took out the spare battery of his energy weapon, then carefully disassembled it, took out a Hex core from it, and stuffed it into the keyhole of the laboratory door.

With a bang, the door of Jess's private laboratory was opened.

Six assassins swarmed in - then, they didn't see Mel, the target of their trip, but saw Jace in full armor and holding a warhammer.

 Carya's Small Classroom Engagement:

  Jess and Mel held an engagement ceremony not long ago, but Mel didn't seem to have his mother's blessing.

  PS. Today, after clearing the dust of my case and replacing the RGB fan with a set of quiet fans from Xianma Gaming Storm, when I was coding at night, I suddenly felt an indescribable loneliness.

  The usual whirring and radiant fan is now extremely dark and quiet. In the silent night, the air conditioner is not turned on, and the whole world seems to be only left with the sound of typing on the keyboard.

  Looking at the darkness inside his translucent case, the author suddenly had a subtle realization.

  Is it a kind of maturity—or aging—for a man to replace a fancy RGB fan with a quiet fan without light?

  I feel quite sad about this feeling.

  Forget it, don't stay up late today, adjust your schedule, the old man needs to go to bed early and get up early, and continue to add more tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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