Lux's Farewell

Chapter 260 [0257] The Tallis couple

Chapter 260 [0257] The Tallis couple

To Mrs. Piltover, Jess was a pacifist.

This guy who is so proud that he is almost narcissistic has the naivety that is unique to technology workers in many cases-if it is not for Mel, a "plug-in political brain", Jess would never have the status he is today.

Therefore, no one would think that Jess himself is actually very good at fighting.

This is the case with these assassins.

When Jess showed up with his hammer, these assassins all thought he was fighting a trapped beast.

A scientist with a hammer?
Stop it!
After confirming that there was indeed no other ambush and that Jess was the only one here, the assassin who was walking in the front jumped out like an arrow from the string without any hesitation, heading straight for Jess.

Perhaps in the eyes of people of insight, a genius scientist like Jess is a treasure, and belongs to the kind that should be well protected no matter what his position is.

But unfortunately, neither these assassins nor Jagu behind them think so.

Therefore, as soon as he started, the assassin used a killer move.

On the surface, it seemed that he had pulled out a knife and charged at him, but in fact, he had already held a Hex revolver in his left hand.

However, before this guy could pull the trigger, the hammer in Jess' hand opposite him had already completed its transformation.

"Particle activation! Electric energy surge!"

Hex's core charged rapidly, and this hammer, which looked like a hammer, fired an energy cannon directly out.

Compared to Jace's Mercury Cannon, the Hex revolver that the Assassin secretly lifted was like a water gun. Even though the guy immediately realized something was wrong and dodged sideways, the energy bullet still hit his right arm.

The cannonball hit the body, and an invisible impact spread out, directly tearing the assassin's body and tearing off his right arm—as the high-energy particles turned into energy and spread, the blood stains also evaporated and dried in an instant. It turned into red lines like tattoos, covering the wound.

Because this process was so fast that the unlucky assassin didn't even realize the problem at the first moment. He was still trying to roundabout from the flank and continue to approach Jess until he lost his balance and fell headlong. Convulsed by the coming pain.

Seven assassins, now only five remain.

The five assassins looked at each other.

By this time, they had already realized the problem. It turned out that this Mr. Pacifist was not as refined and refined as he appeared, and his special warhammer was extremely dangerous.

Hell, this isn't a battle of trapped beasts at all!

Abandoning the contempt in his heart, the remaining five assassins decisively dispersed—four of them surrounded Jess in four directions, trying to make him unable to look at each other head to tail, while the remaining one rushed into the laboratory direction, wanting to attack Mel directly.

Assassins have no bottom line at all, and assigning one person to deal with Mel can not only complete some tasks, but also distract Jess, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone!
"What a bunch of bastards!" Seeing these assassins split into two groups, Jess quickly realized what they were thinking, "Don't be a coward, come and fight head-on!"

While roaring, Jess pulled the trigger continuously, the Mercury Cannon fired continuously, and the high-energy particle light balls hit the surrounding walls one after another.

It's a pity that these five assassins obviously didn't mean to confront Jess. After seeing the power of the Mercury Cannon, they all put their own preservation as the top priority. The four of them moved at high speed and changed positions frequently. Threatening Jace in different directions and preventing him from returning to the lab to support Mel.

They made up their minds, to hold Jess first and kill Mel first!
A moment later, there was a crisp gunshot in the laboratory, and the four assassins who were trying to avoid the attack of Mercury's cannon all heaved a sigh of relief.

The gunshot just now was the sound of the Hex revolver - Mel was taken down!
And this also means that the goal of their trip has been achieved!

"Stop it, Mr. Jess." Pulling back a distance, one of the assassins issued his own declaration of victory, "The traitor has been eliminated, and you don't need to be buried with her."

"That's right." As an extremely tacit partner, after the first assassin spoke, the second assassin also said, "You are a great Hextech scientist, there is no need to fight us to the end..."

What responded to them was another shot of high-energy particles.

The next moment, Jess, who looked like a madman, directly switched to the form of Mercury's warhammer, and under the push of the propeller, he rushed directly to the first assassin who opened his mouth.

Seeing Jess' face flushed, the assassin he chose as his target was terrified on the face, but secretly delighted in his heart - Jess's appearance was obviously insane!

Next, as long as you work harder, lure him to lose his mind, and fight with yourself, you can avoid his dangerous high-energy particle cannon and take him down together!

This is simply a windfall!

So, he pretended to escape, but turned back in a small area, creating time and opportunities for the other three to outflank.

Facing the outflanking of the three assassins, Jess, who seemed to have the will to die, didn't care about it. He just grabbed his warhammer, the power of the propulsion system was full, and he went straight to the assassin he had locked.

No matter what fancy little moves you have, I am the locking attack of Li Da Fei Brick!

One moment, he was secretly delighted that Jess had been fooled by the assassin, and the next moment he found out in horror that if Jess was determined to exchange one with him, he might not be able to escape at all!

Jess is crazy, his companion has come behind him, took out the hex revolver and aimed it, and he is still hitting himself with a hammer...

Pain too!

"Bang bang bang-"



Almost at the same time, several voices sounded.

Jess's warhammer hit the assassin who was locked by him, and the warhammer with a small propeller directly smashed his tendons and bones, and he made the "pop" sound.

At the same time, three gunshots sounded behind Jess—but the source of the gunshots was not the three outflanking assassins. Among the three assassins, only one aimed at Jess and pulled the trigger. , the other two assassins did not shoot, but were shot.

The gunshot in the laboratory was not the assassin who entered the laboratory, but Mel who was hiding in the laboratory!
Mel is not a businessman like Jagu. She was also raised by her family as a warlord when she was a child, but because she was not so ruthless, she was abandoned by her family and sent to Piltover!

Just as people always mistakenly think that Jess is a pacifist who is not good at fighting, Mel is often regarded as a politician with good skills-but at the critical moment, she can also hold a gun and pull the trigger!

As for the last buzzing buzz...

That was the sound of the Hex core being overloaded on Jace's Warhammer.

As a low-profile imitation version of the adaptive shield, Jess's warhammer has more than just an attack module!

The original four-on-one battle turned into a one-vs-two in an instant. The only remaining assassin watched blankly as his bullet hit Jace's adaptive shield, and looked at the two guns in Mel's hand. (One of his own, one of the seized ones) aimed at himself, watching Jess turn around with the hammer in hand, and finally threw away the poisoned blade and the Hex revolver in his hand decisively.

"I surrender!"

 Karya's Little Classroom Mercury's Hammer's Defensive Shield:

  Because of knowing Camille, Jess learned about the interesting device of adaptive shield. Unfortunately, due to the different types of crystals, it cannot be completely copied. His warhammer can also provide a shield, but this shield The shield is not adaptive, just a purely physical barrier.

  Of course, it is more than enough to stop bullets.

  PS. It was embarrassing to be criticized by the editor for the recent chapters being too short.

  Write the big chapter, write the big chapter... Huh, the big chapter is written slowly, and the readers may not be able to see it until tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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