Lux's Farewell

Chapter 261 [0258]

Chapter 261 [0258]

With the surrender of the last assassin, the Tallis couple (or the unmarried couple) finally won the raid - and it was in this soft-boned mouth that Jess and Mel got the news that Jagu lured the wolf into the house .

"Noxus attacked Piltover? It's impossible, my mother didn't tell me about it!" Mel screamed when she heard the words, "I just got engaged without telling her, it's not like that at all..."

"Calm down, honey." Jess scratched his head helplessly as Mel looked at Mel, who was going crazy, "It wasn't your mother, he said, it was Swain—the one who was defeated in Ionia. Swain."

"Swain, Swain, that's right, Swain." Mel rubbed the space between his brows, "Wait, I heard that Swain has been expelled from the Immortal Fortress. Could it be that this is a dark secret?"

Hearing what Mel said, Jess froze for a moment, and then frowned quickly.

Obviously, they never thought that Swain's attack on Piltover would be done alone, let alone that Swain was ready to set things right for Noxus. He glanced at it, and all he could think of was "Noxus pretended to exile Swain in order to make a surprise attack".

As for the confession of the killer, such as "many soldiers are disabled" and "relying on the cargo ship of the Gunojia family to bypass the defense on the pier", they all interpreted it as "this is a prepared and premeditated attack." ".

In this way, after the captured killer confessed all the news, Jess and Mel panicked somewhat.

Jess is worried that Piltover will fall. In his opinion, with the ghost leading the way, the situation in Piltover has reached the most critical moment.

Mel was worried about herself and her family - she hadn't received any news beforehand, did she get abandoned by her mother?Or, in order to protect herself, the mother opposed this military operation, which led to the power of the family division represented by Jia Gu?

The two fell silent at the same time.

Fortunately, Jess and Mel are not ordinary people either. After a brief silence, they all settled down and began to deal with the current situation.

Since he is in the newly built private laboratory and the sound transmission tube is blocked, Jess now knows nothing about the situation in Piltover. After thinking about it, the best way is to go home and take his mother with him, and retreat to the south.

According to the prisoner, the entire northern part of the city is now under the control of the Noxians, and apart from a canal, the entire Piltover can be used as a defensive fortress, and only the college, the parliament building, the still water The prison and the newly repaired joint cooperative laboratory.

Therefore, Jess planned to go to the nearest joint cooperative laboratory after picking up his mother and taking Victor.

Mel and his thoughts are highly consistent—although she still has a lot of influence on the Myrdalda family, she really dare not go north rashly under the current circumstances, and Heimerdinger at the academy has always had some problems with her. Contradictory, Mel's best choice now is to go to the joint cooperative laboratory.

In this way, the two packed up some of the most precious materials and works in this private laboratory, tied up the hapless assassin, left them in the laboratory, and rushed to the artisan area together.

Because Jagu was eager to silence and grasp all the resources of the Myrdalda family, when the two of them acted, Piltover hadn't become chaotic yet, and they received Jess's mother smoothly, and packed up. All things, go straight to the joint cooperation laboratory.

When they arrived at the Joint Collaborative Laboratory, Caitlin had just gathered the nearby law enforcement officers and took them away. The two sides were not on the same road, so they missed it perfectly.


With the progress of joint and cooperative experiments, Victor has gradually become familiar with this kind of "experimental equipment" being studied by others.

To be honest, at the beginning, Victor was not used to this feeling, because most of the experimenters seemed a bit stupid to him—if it wasn’t for the start of the joint cooperation experiment, he was strictly restricted from working hours. With Rika's full efforts to teach, I'm afraid Victor himself will be another Hex crystallographer after Hakim.

With the shortening of working hours and the use of some targeted drugs, Victor's physical condition has miraculously improved a lot, and his experimental assistant Skye has also changed jobs to become his life assistant.

In a sense, the current period is the happiest period in Victor's life.

This kind of happiness and leisure made Victor even a little overwhelmed. With Skye watching, he was not even allowed to pick up a pen and paper outside the stipulated study time. In life, I thought about some things that I never thought about, which were closer to sensibility.

Skye usually reads books to him, but in order to prevent Victor from thinking wildly, Skye reads to him mostly novels with history and mythology as the main content.

For Victor, this was almost another world.

Sometimes Victor even thought that even if his operation failed and he died on the operating table, maybe his body would be of great significance in future history books, right?
Born in the dilapidated Zaun, entered the highest institution in Piltover with difficulty, and then became one of the discoverers of Hextech, and witnessed the rebirth of Zaun...

Victor, who has become more open-minded, is becoming less and less like a lonely survivor, especially after Skye read a few books about Rune Wars part of the documentary literature published by Zaun, he even had a vague feeling The aftermath feeling.

If it wasn't for joint and cooperative experiments, but to explore by himself alone, he couldn't imagine what would happen.

When this upheaval happened in Piltover tonight, Skye was holding a hardcover copy of "Gravel Dance" and had read the last chapter for Victor.
"The yellow sand is still long, and when the wind blows, Minovie is still the same as when she was a child, wishing she could have eyelashes as long as Scarash."

"But unlike when I was a child, Minovie no longer envies their wide feet."

"A smile blooms on her face, and the corners of her mouth curled up seem to be the bend of the seasonal river at the head of the village every spring."

"She's on tiptoe, as she's been every year for the past decade when she's on stage and dancing for the Ascension Ceremony."

"But this time, instead of stepping on the gilded stage, sprinkled with paint and gold dust, Minovie stepped on Pinocca's old boots, as if two people were playing a game of stepping on shadows when they were children."

"She's no longer the golden dancer who plays the Ascended Empress, nor does she need gilded wings."

"She smiled joyfully and from the bottom of her heart, and looked at the astonishment and dullness on Pinocca's face with satisfaction. Her long loose hair covered his slave mark, just like ten years ago, when he used a kite The shield covered her body."

"'I...I'm not.' Pinocca's eyes averted. 'I'm just a slave.'"

"'Ascended Martial Empress does not allow Shurima to have any slaves.' imitating the tone of the aria of the choir,' the smile on Minovie's face disappeared like a river of seasons, and the expression changed again to the one Pinocca usually sees. , imitating the appearance of Empress Feisheng Wu on stage, 'Stand up, warrior, stand up!'”

"'You are gold.' Pinocca murmured, 'and I, only gravel.'"

"'Gold comes from the gravel, and someone dug it up and polished it to a radiant glow—however, in Soongsa, these gold objects will be thrown into the sand waterfall, and the gold and yellow sand will become one again .'"

"Pinocca's throat moved, that's how she is, she always has her reasons."

"Minove tore off her own gold thread On the costly Nashemara silk, Embroidered Soang Sasha waterfall blows in the wind."

"Like the real Soang Sasha waterfall, flying down in the silent night."

This is the first novel that Skye read for Victor with obvious love elements——reading to the end, the hidden words in the text made people blush, and Skye, who put down the book, couldn't help but want to raise his hand. Pick up the book and cover your face.

Did Victor understand?
You should understand, right?

He won't misunderstand anything...

Well, no one told me that there is such content in it!
Ms. Assistant is almost boiling now. Reading this kind of cryptic article to her sweetheart, even if it is just a few words at the end, still makes her feel ashamed. At the moment she buried her head, her glasses All covered with mist.

Then, when she didn't know what to say, Victor stood up without warning and grabbed her hand.

Skye's eyes widened.

She looked at Victor in disbelief, as if her heart was about to jump out of her chest—she subconsciously closed her eyes when her mind was blank.

However, the imagined situation did not happen.

Victor didn't do what Skye thought, but pulled her to the window.

"Look, there is a light in Zaun!"

Skye opened his eyes in disappointment and helplessness, and then saw the bright light that was summoned by Lux and soaring into the sky!
All the beauty dissipated at this moment, Skye took off his glasses and wiped them quickly, then asked in disbelief, "What is that?"

"It should be something like a warning." Victor said solemnly, "Miss Lux of Zaun seems to be issuing some kind of signal or order..."

At this moment, there was a hasty knock on the door outside Victor's residence.

"Victor! Open the door, I'm Jess! Something serious happened!"

 Carya's Small Classroom "Gravel Dance":
  This is a masterpiece of Shurima literature wrapped in the skin of a love novel. Although the main story is just a story of a pair of childhood sweethearts who care about each other and finally come together after many years of twists and turns, but through the perspective of the male and female protagonists, the novel shows the After the collapse of the Shurima Empire, each city-state regarded itself as orthodox in Shurima, slavery was revived and prevailed, and the nobles and poor people were completely separated. Self-expression as much as possible, but all this is based on the suffering of countless slaves, and Setaka himself is a staunch opponent of slavery.

  The novel has a comic ending, but in the eyes of many literary critics in Shurima, it is nothing more than a peach blossom metaphor.

  PS. Is this chapter considered sugar?

(End of this chapter)

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