Lux's Farewell

Chapter 262 [0259]

Chapter 262 [0259]
Hearing the news of the massive Noxian attack from Jess, Victor was stunned for a moment.

"Now let's go to the laboratory first. The newly repaired laboratory is still safe." Jess urged anxiously, "I don't know what's going on outside now..."

"No, I can't go to the lab!" Victor came back to stop him immediately, "I'm going to Zaun!"

"Zuan... Can Zaun be safer?" Jess froze for a moment, "We are not familiar with the situation in Zaun!"

"Not to take refuge, but to ask for help!" Victor resolutely said, "I just saw the beam of light summoned by Lux, and Zaun may have realized something!"

"Ask for Zaun's help?" Victor said, Fajith obviously couldn't accept it. "It's not yet this time... Besides, will the people of Zaun be willing to help? What can they help?"

"We have to try." Victor took a deep breath, and looked at Jace calmly with his eyes, "If Piltover is occupied by Noxus, Zaun will not be spared."

This kind of question is obviously a bit out of class for Jess, he subconsciously looked at Mel.

Mel also hesitated.

Noxus sent troops to Piltover, and Mel naturally stood firmly on Piltover's side.

But if it is Noxus and Zaun, her psychological balance will not hesitate to favor Noxus.

Mel doesn't like Zaun, and doesn't have even a little affection for Zaun. As a member of Jess, if he asks for help from Zaun, what will happen if the people of Zaun don't leave?
However, after a while, she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

If Zaun doesn't leave, he must have defeated Noxus!

In Mel's view, the current Piltover, even if Noxus really attacks with all its strength, is not without the power to protect itself. The current turmoil is entirely due to the emergence of traitors inside, and there are two or five children. Do something here!
Even if they asked Zaun for help, it was just for them to hold on for a short time, preparing for Piltover to gather troops and defend and counterattack.

Thinking of this, she nodded slightly towards Jess.

Jess, who got the answer, was obviously relieved—although Jess is now a qualified member of parliament, his eyesight is really limited, and the chaos in the dark night is too complicated for him. I'm sure he's got the bottom line.

"It's okay to ask for help, but you can't go." Jess looked at Victor, "I'll go to see Miss Lacus in person—I don't ask her to come in person, as long as Miss Ino can come to help, just bring a team of law enforcement officers. !"

"Let me say it." Victor hesitated for a moment, "Forget it, let's go together. In this situation, the people of Zaun may not easily lend a helping hand."

"Your body?"

"I'm not so weak!" Victor snorted, "Don't worry, I'm quite aware of this kind of thing."


Although Caitlin took away almost all the law enforcement officers, she didn't even take away the people who guarded the elevator—after revealing their identities, Jess and his group used the elevator smoothly and came to Zaun .

And almost when the elevator landed, the cabin door just opened, and many black muzzles were already aimed at them.

"Who?!" The Zaun law enforcement officer surrounding the elevator was led by none other than Wei, who had just informed Lux ​​and returned to the team. "Martial law in Zaun, explain your identity!"

"Piltover MP, Jess Tallis."

"It's me, Victor, take it easy, Vi!"

Hearing these two voices, and seeing these familiar figures walk out of the hatch, Wei finally breathed a sigh of relief, and gestured for the law enforcement officers to put down their weapons and maintain basic alert.

"What are you doing in Zaun?"

"I want to see Miss Lux." Jess got straight to the point, "Piltover has suffered a shameless sneak attack, and is currently in need of support!"

"Then come with me." Vi glanced at the hammer in Jess's hand, then nodded, "However, before entering the municipal building, you have to deposit this hammer with me."

"Okay." Jess didn't care much about this, "I will remove the energy core."

In this way, following Wei's footsteps, a group of people came to the municipal building.

When they arrived, Lux had already come down from the roof. When Wei reported the news, she was discussing Zaun's next move with Kalya over a map.

Regarding this sneak attack on Noxus, Kalya's judgment is very clear-although the specific sneak attack process is unknown, it is certain that this is definitely not a large-scale all-out war.

Unless the Noxians have lost their minds from top to bottom, they should never have attacked Piltover when Besilico had just rebelled!

Since it is not a full-scale attack, the scope of judgment on the strategic intentions of the Noxus can be greatly reduced.

Either they have reached a consensus with the Piltover chaebol, and the goal is to overthrow Camille's rule; or they want to run away in a rush or frighten the disobedient, and make trouble at night.

Even if the Noxus really made up their minds this time, and must let Piltover raise the flag of the Noxus Empire...then they will definitely not be able to cross thousands of miles and parachute a set of slaves from the Immortal Fortress. From the top to the low-level officials.

In other words, even if Piltover is annexed, the current situation will still be maintained in a short period of time, just like Belgun and Uzeris, which were annexed by Noxus more than ten years ago.

After confirming this point, Carya combined what he and Ino had seen and heard in Besilico, continued in-depth analysis, and made a lot of firm judgments:

First of all, the number of Noxus troops is small, and the number of participants in this raid should not exceed [-].

Karya made this judgment based on the fact that the Noxians usually conduct military operations in the form of warbands, and except for the warbands guarding the Grand Commander, the size of other warbands is at most [-]—and considering This is a sneak attack with internal response, and it is not a complete occupation of digestion. It is almost impossible for the Noxus to send multiple battle groups to cooperate like the Ionian War.

Especially when Besilico just rebelled.

Then, when it is determined that there is a high probability that the Noxus will only have one battle group as the main action, the number of Noxian spellcasters may not be too many.

Unless the Noxus made up their minds to make an example of others, and directly sent a group of mages to Piltover... No, it's impossible, if the Noxus really prepared an organized group of mages, they wouldn't be able to There's no need to take off your pants and fart for a sneak attack!
With a complete group of mages, they can land on a remote and uninhabited coast in the west of Piltover or in the east of the city, and then swagger all the way into Piltover, crushing them with the coordinated casting of large-scale spellcasters. Crushing all dissatisfied people is the best deterrent method.

And... Noxus, which has just experienced an Ionian war and is not peaceful at all, will really send a complete group of mages to go thousands of miles away?

Based on the above inferences, Karya's judgment is that this Noxus raid is not fatal to Piltover, and it is even an opportunity for Zaun!
"So, you remembered your encirclement net again?" Feeling Kalya's eagerness to try, Lux pressed her forehead helplessly, "In a hurry, that is completely impossible to achieve!"

"No, it's not Noxus' siege!" Kalya chuckled, "It's taking back the Sun Gate!"

"You want to take advantage of the fire?"

"This is called a wall between brothers, so you can defend yourself against insults!" Kalya obviously disagreed with Lacus's statement, "Ms. Camille is a very thoughtful person, but from the current point of view, not every Mrs. Piltover can Understand her thoughts."

"But it's still taking advantage of people's danger!"

"If Zaun doesn't make a move, can Piltover survive on his own?" Kalya asked, "We stand by and let Mrs. Piltover face the premeditated raid of Noxus, and let Piltover become Is it better to become a comprador colony like Uzeris and Belguen, or is it better to take this opportunity to smash the shackles and take back the Gate of the Sun?"

Lux pouted.

Although from the perspective of personal morality, Zaun's action at this time is a bit of a predicament, but as Kalya said, compared to becoming a colony of Noxus or killing chickens to scare monkeys, Or the result of Zaun's shot came better.

"However, can we really confront a Noxus battle group head-on?" Putting aside her worries for a while, Lux quickly thought of another question, "The whole of Zaun, including militia reserves, law enforcement officers, and caravans Including the guards, including all the trained people, I am afraid the total number is less than [-]. Use these people to fight against a Noxus battle group..."

"No problem!" Carya's tone was full of confidence, "In a war, numbers don't mean everything, especially when we have a professional mage group."

"Mage group?" Lux finally realized, her eyes widened, "You mean... magic training class? They have only studied for three years, and they have just completed their enlightenment!"

"My dear Miss Laksanna, you seem to have some wrong and distorted perceptions of magic teaching." Realizing Lacus' surprise, Karya laughed and said, "My teaching, even if it is only three years of correspondence, is not enough. It is enough to be worth the lifetime of an ordinary mage working behind closed doors—not to mention, these children have experienced multi-person simulation training!"

Lacus was stunned.

"Multiplayer simulation training is for mages to jointly cast spells." Carya continued, "Besides, we don't have to confront the Noxians head-on—let's call people, we need to prepare a complete battle plan. "

At this moment, the secretary sent a message.

"Miss Wei has brought a new guest. He claims to be a councilor from Piltover, named Jess Tallis, and hopes to ask for help."

"Look." Kalya smiled even more happily, "Our chance is here!"

 Carya's Small Classroom Multiplayer Simulation Training:

  This mode allows more than one caster to train in the same illusion—however, due to Karya's ability limitations, when the trainer's magic power and magic control reach a certain level, this kind of training cannot be carried out .

  ps. There is a power outage at home, Chapter 2 depends on when the call comes in... Help, I'm going to be hot to death!

(End of this chapter)

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