Lux's Farewell

Chapter 263 [0260]

Chapter 263 [0260]
Jace's plea for help came at the perfect time.

Enter Piltover as a reinforcement, which will minimize the resistance of the Piltover people and avoid some unpleasant things from happening.

Therefore, when Jess explained the reason for his visit, explained the reason why his lips were dead and his teeth were cold, and hoped that Zaun could provide the necessary help, at least to help the Piltover Council reorganize its situation, Lux readily agreed.

Thanks to Lux's consistent image, Jess let out a long breath, but Mel, who had been silent by the side, felt something was wrong.

From Mel's point of view, Lacus's response was too quick - apart from the necessary equipment and supplies, she didn't even make any additional requests!

As we all know, free is often the most expensive.

Lux agreed so easily, which made Mel feel a little nervous, but she didn't find any problems after thinking about it.

From Mel's point of view, after thinking about it, the people of Zaun may take advantage of the chaos to obtain only the confidential technology from the Joint Collaborative Laboratory, but the Joint Collaborative Laboratory is still blocked, and there are law enforcement officers. Look, the people of Zaun want to steal technology, I'm afraid it's doomed to be nothing!

Following Lux's order, Zaun mobilized, and quickly mobilized three squadrons of law enforcement officers. Together with the students who had just graduated from the magic training class, they came to the square in front of the municipal building.

For this operation, Lux chose to lead the team herself.

After announcing the main goal of the operation, Lux led the silent team to Piltover in batches by taking the elevator.

After three years, Lux set foot on the land of Piltover again.

Unlike the investigator who left Piltover before, this time, Lux played a completely different role from the past.


When reinforcements from Zaun arrived, Piltover was finally thrown into complete chaos.

On the other side of the parliament building, Swain's adjutant failed to seize the door and could only attack by force. A fierce battle broke out between the two sides at the gate. Mrs. Piltover, relying on the relatively small space and insufficient equipment, The parapet that had just been built was able to withstand the Noxus' offensive.

At Stillwater Prison, Swain had already taken down the prison, and reached a second devil deal with Lamer. At this time, he was heading south with Delevingne and Tamara, who were rescued from the prison, and went straight to Peel. From the Twerf Academy of Science and Progress.

Although the news from the adjutant had already come, and Swain also knew the news that the attack on the parliament building was not going well, he didn't plan to join them directly.

This is not because Jess escaped with Mel, and the Myrdalda family was not fully brought under control.

In Swain's view, Jess and Mel are not important, because after being reminded by Tamara, he finally understands the difference between Piltover and other places - as a relatively "progressive" city in Runeterra, Piltover is not the kind of city that is centralized, has a clear city lord, and can be completely occupied as long as the city lord's mansion or the governor's mansion is taken down.

In a sense, Piltover can be regarded as the first "decentralized" city in Runeterra. Even if the parliament building is taken down, it does not mean that the city can be occupied.

Moreover, according to the information provided by Tamara, compared with the parliament building, Piltover's college, the north of the city, the port area and other places have even higher strategic significance than the parliament building!
In this case, Swain agreed with Tamara's judgment, and instead of going directly to the parliament building to join forces, he turned around and headed straight for the academy.

The Noxians and the Zaunites moved north and south almost simultaneously outside the academy.

At the very beginning, Heimerdinger thought he would not let anyone in if he didn't know the situation, but when the Noxians formed their formation and began to attack the walls of the academy, even the reinforcements from Zaun With doubts in his heart, he also had to accept support and let the team from the north of the academy enter the academy.

"Jess, you're here! Oh, and Victor!" After seeing Jess and Victor, Heimerdinger was visibly relieved, "It's so chaotic outside today, I don't know what happened— —I saw Miss Caitlin before, and she said that someone betrayed Piltover, betrayed progress, and joined the Noxians, bringing war!"

"That's right." Jess nodded, "Mel and I were also assassinated... Jagu Myrdalda defected to the Noxus, and the Gunoga family even opened their doors to steal."

"That's too bad." Heimerdinger hugged his pet Poro in his arms, blinking a pair of big eyes, "The Noxus outside are menacing, and my self-aiming turret may not be delayed for long , You said you brought reinforcements?"

"That's right, this is Ms. Lux, the leader of Zaun." Jess nodded, "She personally brought reinforcements, including a professional magic force."

When it came to magic, Jess was clearly in high spirits. Even at this bad moment, magic still gave him some subtle confidence.

Contrary to Jess, Professor Heimerdinger's expression became a little unnatural. He blinked, looked up and down Lacus, and hesitated for a moment before reaching out his hand.

"Miss Lacus, I've heard of your name, you are a powerful spellcaster..."

Although Heimerdinger's attitude was quite friendly, everyone present found a subtle unwelcome from his greeting, from the expression that the yordle professor tried to hide, but didn't hide it at all. Look, he seems to be full of jealousy towards Lux.

Seeing this scene, Lacus and Kalya were a little nervous.

Could it be that this old man has sensed his own thoughts?
Should not be!

In Mrs. Piltover's cognition at this time, Zaun shouldn't be a threatening target!
Then, before Lux was ready to test the opponent's attitude, Jess sighed helplessly.

"Professor, magic does not necessarily represent danger. I know that the Rune Wars once left a deep impression on you, but now facing the invasion of Noxus, we need the power of magic to defend our city."

"I understand, I understand." Heimerdinger, who was holding the Poro, nodded again and again, with a forced smile on his face, "Miss Lacus, I hope you can forgive an old man for worrying from deep in his memory , but please believe me, you must control the power of magic, it is far more dangerous than you imagine."

 Carya's Small Classroom Automatic Shooting Weapons:

  After Hextech was truly incorporated into Piltover's development system, Professor Heimerdinger unexpectedly devoted himself to the research of weapons—under the circumstances that "mastering magic with science" has gradually moved towards reality, he Choose to bring the field of weapons research into your own hands, so as to avoid some people developing more dangerous things in a hurry for quick success.

(End of this chapter)

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