Lux's Farewell

Chapter 264 [0261]

Chapter 264 [0261]

Because of Heimerdinger, the atmosphere of this victory meeting is somewhat subtle.

However, with the wave after wave of Noxian attacks outside and the danger of overloading automatic firearms, this small unpleasantness did not attract much attention.

Now is not the time to discuss the dangers of out-of-control magic, the Noxians are already at the gates!

"I still have some special equipment that I can use." Shaking his head and not thinking about magic for the time being, Heimerdinger led a group of people to the academy's equipment warehouse, "Noxians outside His armor is made of black iron, which cannot be penetrated by ordinary firearms."

"What about blunt weapon attacks?" Wei, who was following Lux, shook her glove and couldn't help asking, "Can blunt weapons pierce armor?"

"It's possible in theory, but it's really difficult." Heimerdinger shook his head and turned on the lights in the warehouse. "In short, let's try these special weapons. These are all experimental models, and there are hundreds of them. Although it is not enough to support a counterattack, it is still possible to hold them and defend the academy..."

"It's not enough just to hold the academy." Lux frowned upon hearing this, "I can leave a squadron of enforcers at the academy, and the rest will continue north with me, trying to penetrate the Noxus The line of defense, go to the parliament building to join."

"The parliament building has been surrounded. Without the equipment that matches the Noxians, you have no chance of breaking through the encirclement!" Heimerdinger said anxiously with a sharp voice, "Children, bravery should not be reckless!"

However, before Heimerdinger finished speaking, a shrill siren sounded from the north wall of the academy.


Hearing the siren, Heimerdinger's face changed drastically on the spot.

"Hurry up, go up the fence!" He urged anxiously, "The automatic shooting artillery is about to fail!"


Unlike the anxious Heimerdinger, Swain, who led the team to besiege the academy, was in a pretty good mood right now.

As Tamara said, the colleges are indeed quite strategic - among other things, the artillery that can automatically aim and shoot on the walls of these colleges is enough to make him salivate.

These automatic cannons have laser aiming and ranging devices, infrared temperature sensing devices, function ballistic calculation systems, and Hex drive power modules. After adjusting the data parameters and connecting the energy sources, as long as the switch is turned on, no one can pass through its firepower. coverage.

Not even a Noxus soldier in iron armor!
If it was Swain in the past, facing this level of defense, without the support of the mage group or long-range firepower, the only thing he could do was to command the brave soldiers to pile up with their lives.

But things are different now.

With the help of the devil's eye floating in mid-air to "open the whole picture", he can pull it through multi-directional mobilization, and then judge the specific parameters of the college's defense system, so as to carry out targeted attacks.

As an excellent commander and commander, Swain, who is followed by veterans of many battles, lacks this kind of insight into the battlefield!
As long as he can clearly understand the situation on the battlefield, Swain has the confidence to make a correct judgment, so as to achieve greater results at a lower cost!

Under the command of Swain, as his veterans who survived the battle in Ionia formed a small team, they maneuvered back and forth on the edge of the range of the self-aiming artillery with incomparable flexibility, and even figured out the fire control system little by little. The firing threshold of the system.

According to the calculations and plans at the time of design, even if Heimerdinger's automatic shooting artillery system fell into an overload state, it would be after causing enough damage.

However, because of Swain's repeated pulling, Heimerdinger's automatic shooting artillery system failed to cause enough damage, and it fell into overload. Twelve Noxus combat teams were exchanged for the Academy The defense system in the area close to [-] yards from the north wall is ineffective, no matter how you look at it, Swain is making a lot of money!

When the shrill sirens sounded, not only Heimerdinger inside the academy acted, but outside the academy, Swain also directed the soldiers to build ladders and climb over the walls.

The security guards of the college who stayed near the city wall tried to restart the automatic cannon immediately, but because of the serious overload and high temperature, even if the Hex crystal was replaced, it would still take time to restart.

The academy's security guards were far superior to ordinary law enforcement officers in terms of equipment and treatment. Therefore, when the Noxus soldiers began to build ladders to climb over the wall, these security personnel threw themselves into the battle without hesitation. The geographical advantage afforded by the walls fired furiously, trying to delay the Noxian advance.

Because of their well-equipped weapons and strong will to fight, after they went into battle, the Noxus' offensive was obviously contained - the soldiers under Swain's command obviously lacked long-range attack means, and the academy security on the wall could output at full strength. There is no need to worry about your own safety at all.

Even without salvo training, let alone the theory of fire coverage, but relying on free shooting, the academy security gathered here is enough to fill the gap in the defense line.

After all... the automatic artillery just failed within the range of less than [-] yards of the wall!

Through the eyes of the devil, Swain saw all this clearly.

Swain felt extremely distressed when every veteran fell, but he still ruthlessly insisted on attacking—not enough, those academy security guards with weapons that could threaten him hadn't fully engaged in the battle, and Plenty of reserves!
Now is not the time,
As the saying goes, kindness does not control soldiers, even though Swain treats soldiers equally on weekdays, on the battlefield, he still treats the lives of all soldiers as a simple number!

Attacking on the one hand, pulling on the other places, with this almost dual-purpose command method, Swain finally opened the gap in the defense in more places.

Under the watchful eye of the devil's eyes, more reserve teams were put into battle, and fewer and fewer people in the academy remained assembled.

A smile has quietly crept onto the corner of Swain's mouth.

Finally, after passing through the Devil's Eye and confirming that all the assembled reserve teams in the academy have gone into battle, Swain himself also took action.

He turned his head and looked at the crow perched on his shoulder.

"Come on, let me feel your demon power again!"

"No problem, hahaha, my powers are no- ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

The originally confident demon suddenly screamed in pain, and Swain raised his head in astonishment, only to see a bright light rising into the sky, directly piercing through the demon eye suspended in midair.

Amid Lamer's wailing, the devil's eye exploded instantly, like a crushed watermelon.

 Karya's Little Classroom·Evil Eye:

  The devil's eye can provide Swain with high-altitude vision, and ordinary people cannot see the devil's eye.

  PS. There was a power outage yesterday, and the power of my mobile phone was low. I fell asleep as soon as it got dark. I woke up in the middle of the night and found out that there was a call. Then I cleaned up, turned on the air conditioner, and fell asleep again...

  There are more updates tonight, at least two chapters!
(End of this chapter)

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