Lux's Farewell

265 Swain and Lacus [0262]

265 Swain and Lacus [0262]

The devil's eye was exploded, and Lamer was obviously in great pain.

Similarly, Swain, who had lost his high-altitude vision, was also a little embarrassed for a while - from extravagance to frugality, and losing the devil's eyes to see the battlefield, Swain was even a little unaccustomed for a while.

Fortunately, before there was no devil's eye, Swain was an excellent commander, but after a moment of embarrassment, he quickly adjusted his mentality.

The enemy has support!

"The person who came should be Lux, the leader of Zaun." Tamara, who also saw the beam of light, quickly provided key information, "Great changes have taken place in Zaun in the past three years, and all changes are related to her. Related, based on known information, she is a rather difficult mage who uses light elemental magic."

"Light element, really interesting."

Swain nodded, indicating that he understood, and then quickly issued a series of instructions. Beside him, a team that had never acted before, and had not even worn armor, finally received the order , started to act.

"I heard that the people of Zaun have developed the alchemy and magic stone, right?" Swain asked Jagu with a smile while waiting for the team to put on their helmets and armor, "You didn't ask about it. , their raw materials and processing technology?"

Jagu could only show an embarrassed smile.

"The people of Zaun have done a good job of keeping secrets." Tamara explained straightforwardly, "Even war stonemasons have difficulty infiltrating key positions in Zaun."

"But this guy said that Zaun's technology is left over from Piltover." Swain still had a smile on his face, but his tone gradually cooled down, "It seems that Mr. Jagu didn't You are so sincere in what you claim!"

"Your Excellency Swain, Zaun does use outdated and eliminated technologies." Jagu was also quite wronged, "but about alchemy... I think you should know better than us about this part!"

"I know better?"

"It is said that the people of Zaun once sold a lot of alchemy products to the empire." Jagu spread his arms and put on a look of helplessness, "It was not until three years ago that the supply was almost cut off."

Hearing this, Swain's complexion finally turned sour.

Because he heard about the alchemy taboo, subconsciously, he regarded alchemy as a way of processing metal materials—the same kind as forging and casting.

After all, in Noxus, metal processing sometimes uses methods related to alchemy such as wax etching and pickling, and these methods are mostly used to process gorgeous patterns.

However, when Jagu mentioned "alchemy products sold to Noxus", Swain realized that he was wrong.

Is Swain familiar with the alchemy products Jagu mentioned?

So familiar!

You must know that the place where these alchemy products are used is not other places, but Ionia!
As the marshal of the Ionian War, Swain can only describe these alchemy products as abhorrent—this is not because he has extremely high moral standards, but because the abuse of these alchemy products has no fundamental impact on the battle situation. On the other hand, it contributed to the unity of the Ionians.

As a commander with considerable political level and pattern, Swain's attitude towards the Ionian War from the very beginning was to "divide the Ionian people as much as possible".

To this end, Swain also wrote a letter in detail and secretly sent it to the Grand Commander Darkwill.

In the letter, Swain clearly stated that the Ionian people live a prosperous life, but their structure is loose, and it is indeed different from what the empire conquered in the past. Considering that there are many small and delicate organizations here, they want to conquer Nia, the most important point is not to unite the Ionians.

Following this principle, Swain proposed a series of very practical strategies.

First of all, he believes that Ionia's monks, elders, etc. can be wooed, just like in Northern Shurima Uzeris and Belguen, and they can be lured without affecting their core cultural customs , win over, divide and coerce, and eliminate its hostility towards Noxus.

Secondly, instigate conflicts in Ionia to cause conflicts between various sects, and if necessary, can help the conflicts escalate and lead to bloody conflicts.

Then, give Ionian civilians a clear room for improvement, so that these civilians who can see their heads at a glance for a lifetime can have the opportunity to become masters, so they stand on the side of Noxus.

Finally, resort to force for those who cannot win over, provoke and seduce, and at this point, the victory of Noxus will become a necessity.

It can be said that there is nothing wrong with Swain's strategy. If Noxus is willing to spend 20 years to follow Swain's plan step by step, then Io, who has not had a unified cognition since ancient times Nia is likely to be completely divided, torn apart, and eventually swallowed by the Noxus Empire.

It's a pity that Darkwell ignored this detailed and reliable plan, and wholeheartedly asked Swain to "use the means of war to solve the problem quickly."

It's not that Swain can't understand this kind of request—the Noxus are eager for military merit, and if they have to go to war, it's not impossible!

As a last resort, Swain once again put forward his own plan. He hoped that the war would be carried out selectively, and the front could not be fully spread. It would be like eating beans, and eliminate the Ionian sects one by one. and organizations; for civilians, it cannot arouse public anger. It is okay to raise taxes, but try not to conscription.

Facing this humble request, Darkwill waved his hand, allowing the wargroups to "do things cheaply", and at the same time issued an order to plunder magic items.

The result was... alchemical potions were misused, demoralizing Noxus soldiers; alchemical gas was thrown into battle, and the Ionians were utterly enraged.

So far, the Noxians in the land of birth have completely fallen into a passive state. They have no fighting spirit and are fighting everywhere. However, the Ionians, who were originally a small country with few people, have united together. , which became the later uprising.

Then, Navoli stood upright. Under the absolute predicament, Presidian fought against Swain, hoping to capture Presidian and disintegrate the fighting spirit of the Ionians, but the result of the battle was defeated by Ai. Rylia cut off an arm, and Noxus was ultimately defeated.

Therefore, when alchemy medicine and alchemy gas were brought up, even though the war had been over for a few months, Swain still hated it so badly!

Exhaling heavily through his nose, Swain finally stopped talking, but quietly waited for this special team to be dressed.


Although Swain also gave the order to retreat when ordering this special team to start cloaking, but it was not that simple for the Noxus soldiers who had rushed to the wall at one point to retreat completely.

They can use their mobility to play with the programmed automatic artillery, but the academy guards by the wall are not fools. How could they let these Noxians leave easily?

But it is a pity that although the walls of the college are high, they are not thick. Even if they fight back with all their strength, the number of Noxus soldiers left behind in the end is not many. The Texans have all withdrawn.

Looking at the densely packed Noxus soldiers fighting in the darkness outside the wall, Lux couldn't help narrowing her eyes slightly, and subconsciously pressed her hand on the hilt of her sword.

"Why, are you scared?" Carya teased, "I feel like you are a little excited!"

"Of course I'm excited!" Lux licked her dry lips, "This should be the elite soldier of Noxus, right?"

"It looks similar." After confirming that Lux is in good condition, Kalya said again, "Use the light to find the flag!"

According to Kalya's request, Lux swept across the Noxian positions like a human-shaped searchlight—however, she didn't find even a single iconic flag.

Although Lux was sure from the style of armor and weapons that these people were [-]% Noxus soldiers, but there was indeed not even a single flag in this team of thousands of people.

There is no Noxus flag, no commander-in-chief's flag, not even a flag representing the battle group - this is completely different from the Noxus army that Lacus knows!
"This is really strange." Lux, who discovered this, couldn't help wondering, "Why don't these Noxians even have a flag?"

"Are you sure?"

"It's true... If it's for a sneak attack, it's understandable not to raise the flag, but now that they are attacking the academy openly, it is necessary to raise the flag in the dark, right?" Lux rubbed the sword anxiously Handle, "Judging from the opponent's army formation, their commander should not be a fool who would forget to even raise the flag - there is definitely something weird in it!"

"It's just weird!" Kalya finally laughed out loud when he heard the words, "Just now I made some guesses when I reminded you that there is a strange eye on the top of your head. My guess was absolutely correct!"

"What guesses, don't keep it up!"

"Although the people here are Noxus soldiers, they are not regular soldiers!"

"Don't lie to me, the Crown Guard family is a military family, and I still know the black iron armor!"

"They used to be, but they are not now." Seeing that the Zaun mages were ready, Kalya didn't let it go, "That is the defeated army of the Noxus after the Battle of Ionia, and they should be led by Swain—they don't raise a battle flag because they don't have one!"

Hearing this conclusion, Lux was finally dumbfounded.

 Karya's Little Classroom Noxian Battle Banner:

  As an enterprising empire, Noxus' battle flags and other flags have very strict specifications and standards, such as the legion battle flag, once captured, it means that the number of a legion has been cancelled.

  One of Lux's father Pete's most prized possessions was a Noxian battle flag that Oh captured during a conflict—even if it belonged to an ulterior warband.

  PS. 21/30 will be added, and there will be another chapter in the second half of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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