Lux's Farewell

266 [0263] Industrial mage group

266 [0263] Industrial mage group
Kalya didn't know Swain, but he was sure at this moment that the team outside the academy's walls must belong to Swain.

Summoning a one-eyed man in the sky and mobilizing an army without a banner is something that no one in Noxus can do except Swain!

Although it is unclear why Swain came to Piltover with the army, this is definitely excellent news for Kalya and Lux, and for Zaun——Swain's part The potential for war is completely incomparable with the Noxus Empire.

"This army must not be allowed to gain a firm foothold in Piltover." Kalya quickly made a judgment, "Mage group, go to the wall and prepare to cast spells!"

Through the light signal agreed in advance, Lacus quickly passed on Carya's instructions.


Zeli took deep breaths again and again. In the dark night, electric arcs crackled and flickered beside her, showing the unrest in her heart.

When learning magic, she has experienced simulation training, and even conducted joint simulation training with her classmates.

But it was still the first time for Zeli to actually participate in a battle or even a war.

She was a little nervous.

"Relax, Zeli." She could only remind herself, "It's no different, it's the same as usual, constructing the scaffolding of the spell model, injecting magic power and..."

As her breathing gradually calmed down, Zeli's heart stopped beating wildly—and at this moment, the light in Lux's hand began to flicker.

As the group leader of the third group, Zeli's attention was concentrated like a conditioned reflex, her eyes were fixed on the light in Lux's palm, and at the same time she began to count silently in her heart.

"Long, long, short; long, long, short...ready to attack! Everyone, arrange into a casting formation, ready to attack!"

Hearing Zeli's order, the third group of twelve mages quickly lined up in a row, as in the previous sunrise exercises, led by Zeli, and followed the second group, running with tails on their tails. To the improvised shelf behind the fence.

Quickly distanced themselves from the second group in front. Zeli and the group members used their arms to estimate the distance between each other, and finally stood against the wall, and took out a pair of heavy symbols from the backpack behind them. Aragonite.

The magic power circuits engraved on these rune slates were their "final subject" in the second grade, and they were also learning teaching aids in the third grade. It was the combination of these magic power circuits that they conducted many joint simulation trainings.

Although many people's hands were a little trembling, the members of the third group still put together their 12 yuan stone slabs. Then, Zeli stretched out her right hand, starting from the first piece and ending with the last piece, using Swipe your index finger along the entire through circuit.

The arc is uniform and the circuit is complete.

After trying again, Zeli finally breathed a sigh of relief, and lightly tapped, lighting up the entire magic power circuit.

The third panel was the first to light up.

Then came the first group, the seventh group, the second group...

In less than 2 minutes, all eight groups lit up their magic circuits.

Then, Zeli poked her head out slightly, and saw that outside the wall, the Noxus seemed to be moving again. A team was coming out of the huge army formation. They stepped on the rhythm of drums and quickly approached the city wall.

This team walked firmly and silently—they were Swain's personal guards, veterans of the Ionian War who had survived many battles and made great achievements.

As Swain's trump card, they were all tall and physically strong. When the attacking team retreated, they were ordered by Swain to put on triple armor.

In addition to the regular black iron plate armor, they were covered with a layer of dragon lizard leather armor to enhance the resistance to spells, and then put on a layer of chain mail to protect the leather armor.

The multiple armaments made them look like moving fortresses one by one. On the battlefield of Ionia, it was precisely because of this team that Swain dared to launch a desperate battle in Preshidian.

(It's a pity that the extraordinary force of the Ionians is somewhat unreasonable.)
Of course, Zeli didn't know this - she didn't feel afraid because of the orderliness and solemnity of this army, but rather looked forward to it.

Because in the joint simulation training, the best ranking of the third group came from a simulated confrontation against a heavy armor target. At that time, Karya simulated a weakened version of the Ascended Guards.

At that time, the other teams were tortured helplessly by this troublesome heavy armor with powerful magic and physical resistance, and even the seventh team was judged to fail. Only the third team, led by Ze Li, used the chain Lightning's spells caused effective damage, and finally won the best of the group.

In comparison, Zeli actually hates the guy who moves extremely fast and runs around. The amazingly powerful electric spells deal with that kind of target, and it is easy to have the embarrassing situation of anti-aircraft guns hitting mosquitoes.

Just as Zeli was expecting, Lux with the searchlight on quickly confirmed the team's situation - this is a heavy armored troop. In addition to heavy armor, they are also uniformly equipped with shields as secondary weapons , the strength of these soldiers is obviously quite amazing, even carrying kite shields like door panels and a heavy warhammer, they can still maintain a complete formation during rapid mobilization.

There is something bulging in the bag around each soldier's waist.

Don't let them near the fence!
The walls of the college are fairly strong, but they are still not up to par with the city walls. This kind of guy with amazing strength is discharged at this time. Either he has the ability to suppress the firepower on the city head, or he can simply cause damage to the city wall itself. , it's too dangerous to let them get close.

Without hesitation, Lux raised her right hand, and in the palm of her right hand, a red light lit up and began to flicker regularly.

Zeli read Lux's command signal clearly, and then couldn't help grinning.

"Hurry up!" Zeli urged loudly, "Get our brontosaurus ready! This time it's our forte!"

Hearing Zeli's words, the expressions of the other eleven team members relaxed a lot. They are not as big-hearted as Zeli, and they can be excited for the first time on the battlefield, but after receiving the command to use familiar spells, they can always Make it a little easier for them.

According to the usual training, starting from Ze Li, they pressed their hands on the magic circuit one by one, and then started their tasks step by step.

The spell model is built!

Spell stability maintenance is in progress!

The spell scrambler is ready!

Spell shape shaping is complete!
The spell energy is filled!

The spell is out of the magic circuit!

Spell control transfer!
On the magic power circuit, one after another resonant lights representing the flow of magic power lit up. With the cooperative efforts of twelve people, a spear with a flashing arc appeared in front of them.

As the team leader, Zeli finally took over the control of the lightning spear.

In Lux's hand, the red light flashed faster and faster.

Behind the wall, one magic group after another completed joint spellcasting—connected through a magic power circuit, and each person was only responsible for a part. A spell of the war spell level.

When the eight spells were fully formed, Heimerdinger's eyes widened in a daze, and he couldn't close his mouth no matter what!

Although he doesn't know these spells, as a yordle, he can clearly perceive the amazing energy in these eight spells.

In the past, Heimerdinger had seen the magic troupe.

But most of the mage groups that Heimerdinger has seen are actually more like "archers who use magic volleys". Only a very small number of powerful mage groups can gather magic power together and attack in the form of energy shocks .

However, because each person's magic power is different, this kind of joint casting of magic power and using it as an energy impact will also cause a lot of internal loss, unless it is a large-scale attack (such as bombing a city gate, or someone trying to destroy a forbidden magic stone statue) ), otherwise rarely occurs.

However, this mage group in Zaun is completely different from the situation that Heimerdinger has seen. They subdivide the entire spellcasting process, and then use the group as a unit, each person is responsible for a part of it, through the magic power circuit. Joint spellcasting...

The result of this is that 96 rookie mages forcibly created eight spells that make people shudder at a glance, and they are even easy to operate!


Heimerdinger was terrified, but the Noxians outside the wall knew nothing about it.

Even as these humanoid tanks approached the city wall a little bit, Swain, who was commanding from the rear, couldn't help but smile.

After realizing the arrival of the reinforcements, confirming the failure of the automatic artillery, and losing the full picture hanger, Swain decisively chose to mobilize his personal guards, in order to take advantage of the failure of the two sides to form a cooperation and make a weak foothold.

In his opinion, the people of Zaun and Mrs. Piltover will definitely not be able to cooperate closely, and even the combination of the two parties will have the effect that one plus one is less than two—at such a time of attack and pressure, it is very likely that the academy will be taken down in one fell swoop. Also deter the people of Zaun from meddling in their own business.

Those soldiers carried a lot of explosives around their waists. Although he did not get the Hex crystal because of the strict control, after those black powder pots were buried under the wall, as long as they were detonated, they would be enough to loosen the entire wall. .

Afterwards, this team will go all out, smash the city wall with a hammer, and rush into the academy!
Victory is ahead!

Swain nodded, and the rhythm of the drums began to pick up.

And this elite division with three layers of heavy armor drove faster and faster like sliding down a glacier on a plateau.

The guards who hadn't got down the wall started to fire sporadically, but with the protection of the kite shield, the shooting effect of the Hex revolver, which was invincible before, was not very good.

The bullet's warhead grazed the kite shield, sparking sparks in the dark night.

A few sporadic guys who were hit by ricochets or stray bullets in the unprotected position just fell down without saying a word-then, his position was replaced by his comrades behind him. In the process, their steps didn't even move. Not even the slightest bit of confusion.

The inspiring light in Lux's left hand was finally cast a horrifying shadow at this moment. The fingers of the academy guards who saw this scene even trembled a little as they pulled the trigger. They could clearly feel that they were facing Yes, it is a group of enemies who fear no death!

In the panic, someone fired an empty gun.

Then, empty guns seemed to be contagious, and they became more frequent one after another—several college guards pulled the triggers to the bottom because of nervousness and fear, and either emptied the magazines and emptied the guns, or jammed directly.

A hundred yards away, the clicking sound of the firing pin against death can be heard endlessly.

Ninety yards away, the academy walls seemed to vibrate slightly.

At eighty yards, the guard's heart beat faster and faster with the beat of the drum.

At seventy yards, someone was starting to lose the hex revolver.

At sixty yards, half of the people were too shaken to change bullets.

Fifty yards away, the red light in Lux's hand suddenly turned yellow.

Zeli, who had been waiting for the signal for a long time, stood up abruptly—in her left hand, it was as if a god was half holding a spear with flashing thunder and electric arcs!

When the dark clouds were overwhelming the city, the eight mage groups finally showed their fangs for the first time.

The magical aura that complements each other is the final harvest of their repeated joint simulation trainings and their near-death survival!
A thunderous spear swept across the battlefield and connected a large number of soldiers with lightning chains, ignoring armor.

A pair of giant flaming hands melted the soldiers in their palms together with their armors into lumps of metal.

A pair of high-speed water flow cut the entire row of soldiers neatly like an unstoppable sharp knife.

A gust of violent wind mixed with razor-like ice flakes passed through, leaving only a crystal trail.

A pair of small clay figurines turned into clay giants after touching the ground and swept away thousands of troops with a wave of both hands.

Although the elite who had been placed with high hopes still maintained their formation and were not defeated, there was almost no room for struggle in the face of such a terrifying spell.

They cannot counter and have no ability to defend.

In front of such spells, the earth dragon lizard skin armor is no different from a layer of cowhide or pigskin. If you want to resist spells of this level, unless Swain can mobilize a magic team, or equip everyone with a suit of rune steel. Armor, dragon skin armor!
Seeing this scene, Swain seemed to have returned to Presidium again, and returned to the battlefield of Ionia—although the time was different, the location was different, and the enemies were different, but this kind of "I have prepared everything, But still losing to extraordinary means" almost drove him crazy!

Seeing all the loyal soldiers who have been with him for many years and have fought for the rest of their lives, even if they lost their military status, they are still loyal soldiers falling under the brilliance of magic. Swain's eyes finally turned red, and he took a deep breath. , twisted his neck slightly, and looked at the crow on his shoulder that had been silent for a long time.

"I want to try the demon arm."

"Gahaha!" The crow flapped its wings excitedly, "What a wise choice!"

 Karya's Little Classroom Decision in the Battle of Preshidian:

  In fact, at the tactical level, Swain did not miss anything in the Battle of Presidium. He mobilized the most elite troops and provided them with the best equipment. Go down to the Presidium Gate.

  But it's a pity that the extraordinary power in Ionia can only be combined, and he can't beat it.

  PS. Adding 22/30, this time is really a big chapter, right?

(End of this chapter)

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