Lux's Farewell

268 [0265] Lacus' secret

268 [0265] Lacus' secret
Lak drew his sword without the slightest hesitation, supported the wall with one hand, and the whole person had already reached the wall.

Then, she suddenly realized that the problem was a little tricky.

In his current state... Swain can fly.

In the face of flying enemies, Lux's usual fighting methods are almost completely useless—fortunately, Swain's flight is just a ground-based version of flying on grass. In the face of his master's incompetence, he became furious.

"The battle against air targets is really memorable." When Lux was thinking about whether to directly get herself a 40-meter-long lightsaber to fight in the air, Kalya said, "I suggest you better not wait If you don’t come out of your comfort zone, melee attacks are indeed often low-cost, but the effect may not be good enough.”

"Isn't that what you taught?" Lux rolled her eyes and said, "Keep enough magic power to deal with emergencies at all times, and don't use magic that you can't control. This is what you have repeatedly reminded me since I was nine years old. thing!"

"That's Wen, but the gap between Wen and Gou is not small." Kalya chuckled, "Let's go and fight, this time I'll take care of you!"

"Don't look down on people!" Lux snorted, "You tell me the whole story? It doesn't matter!"

"Then you have to be careful." Carya reminded, "The demon on Swain's body is probably related to secrets...don't reveal too many secrets!"

"My acting skills, don't worry!"

While speaking, Lak poured amazing light elements into her back without the slightest hesitation, and the bright flowing light was woven and entwined with brilliance, forming a pair of wings on her back.

"Wings of Light, entrust me to ascend to heaven!"

Under the support of the wings of light, Lux's figure was also like a streamer, rushing to the top of Swain - on the broken sword in her hand, bright light came from both directions of the blade and the hilt at the same time. It stretched out, and finally formed a light-forged spear in her hand.

Thinking of the "secret" that Karya said, she held a spear in her right hand, and wiped her face with her left hand, and the light and shadow mask completely covered her face.

The next moment, she was condescending, swooping down towards Swain with a spear in her hand.

"Suffer to death, devil!"


Facing Lux who was condescending and stabbing with a light-forged spear, Swain tried his best to flap his demon wings, barely avoiding this fatal attack.

"Ah, what a surprising opponent!" In stark contrast to Swain was the demon Lamer. When Swain dodged in embarrassment, it was still in the mood to use its noisy voice to fight against Swain. Yin murmured in his heart, "The little girl who drives the pure light element, I didn't smell the stench of those protoss on her body! There must be countless secrets on her body!"

"Before looking for those secrets, you should think about how I can win this battle!" Swain tried to lock and drag Lux with demon power, but was easily dodged, "I accept the deal The purpose is not to change the position of your nonsense from your shoulders to the bottom of your heart!"

"Gahahaha, I'm already working hard on you!" Lamer didn't mean to be nervous at all, "But there is too little information, you need to work harder and expose her more, look at her now, Cover your face!"

"If you don't help me, how can I let her reveal more information?" Swain folded his wings, let himself fall suddenly, narrowly avoided a fatal stab, and then opened his demon wings suddenly, flying in mid-air Stable figure, "Should I remind you that I have not received too professional combat training."

"Ah, I know I know, don't worry!" Lamer's voice was still without any tension, "A reminder, if you want to obtain the secret, you can not only pass the battle, but also the most basic observation, everything about her identity My secrets are my greatest strength——Didn’t the little girl named Tamara say it, no one knows her origin!"

Swain finally understood what Lamer meant.

Seeing the secrets is not only effective for fighting style and spell construction, but even for the opponent himself!
Although I don't know the reason for this, it should be the special ability of the devil, right?

Thinking of this, while avoiding the attack from Lacus, he tried to observe Lacus himself.

Long blonde hair, if not dyed, should mean she is at least not Ionian or Freljordian, but considering Shurima, Noxus and Demacia have this hair color, so That doesn't mean anything.

While thinking about it, the two sides passed each other, and Swain's demon wings were scratched by Lux's light-forged spear.

The burning heat on the wound made Swain frowned—just now, he saw Lux's eyes, which were extremely pure blue, and this sky blue gave him a subtle, deja vu feeling.

Suspicious, Swain took the initiative to attack, desperately slashing at Lax's blow. He tore apart Lax's robe with his demonic right arm.

Under the robe, the familiar luster made Swain narrow his eyes slightly.

Maybe others will not recognize it, but Swain is sure that the luster comes from rune steel, and it is extremely high-quality rune steel!
Aware of this, Swain began to exchange injuries frequently, as if he was desperate for his life-although in the process, he seemed to be beaten unilaterally, but Swain, who had been strengthened by the power of demons, although Not as resistant to beatings as Tamm, but there will be no major problems in a short period of time.

In this way, Swain completely shattered the cloak that Lacus wore outside the armor, but unfortunately, on this set of rune steel armor, Swain did not find any elements that could indicate Lacus' identity.

No family crest, no emblem, no nameplate.

The only thing that is certain is that this armor is indeed the rune steel armor produced in Demacia.

This quality of armor is not something anyone can have!

No, no, this armor is not black market!

Swain recalled the rune-steel armor he had seen before, which Noxians secretly bought to imitate, and finally discovered the most critical problem.

Those high-end armors that were secretly sold all belonged to their owners, so the family crests, emblems, and nameplates were all worn off later!

But this one is different, it was not engraved with these things in the first place!
In other words, this armor was specially produced to conceal the identity of the user!

There are not many people with this qualification in Demacia——

Swain's brain was running fast, and under the distraction, he was hit by Lux's spear consecutively, and even the wings of the demon were torn open several times. Even if he recovered quickly, if he continued like this, he would Had to fall back to the ground to be a free-range chicken!

"Haven't you harvested yet?" Lamer squealed strangely, "You have to work hard, Swain, as long as you can figure out the identity she has been hiding, her power will be used by me—"

"Don't rush!" Swain snorted, "I already have a clue!"


"Now, it's just the last test." Swain tried hard to remember while dodging Lux's thrust, "Damn, I can't remember!"

"How about letting me help you?" Lamer seemed very happy, "Give me your memory and get rid of the unnecessary guards, I will mobilize all the memory and intelligence to help you analyze the correct answer... "

"Guard? Yes, it's the guard!" With one hand, he caught Lux's light-forged spear abruptly with one hand, and fended off Lux. Swain clenched the demon's hand into a fist and shook off the scorching blood of the demon. , a smile finally appeared on his face, "Thanks for the reminder, I have now remembered!"

The next moment, just as Lacus turned around and stabbed at Swain with his spear again, intending to win the battle with all his strength, Swain finally let out a hearty laugh.

"Laxana Crownguard!" His resonant voice resounded throughout the battlefield, "I have seen through your hidden identity!"

Hearing this voice, Lux's heart suddenly panicked.

Even though she has learned to be a double-faced person since she was nine years old, at this moment, Lux still showed the most imperceptible hesitation in her actions.

That is, following her momentary hesitation, an invisible energy bridge appeared between her and Swain—Swain, who had seen through Lacus' secret, successfully absorbed Lacus' power!
 Carya's Little Classroom Lux's Armor:

  These sets of rune steel armor carried by Lux actually do not have any flaws, but sometimes, having no flaws is also a kind of flaw—it is not that Demacia does not have rune steel armor, but those armors are all leaked after their iconic decorations have been destroyed. , only these armors of Lux have no engravings at all, and are ready to flow out from the beginning.

  There is another chapter in the back, in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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