Lux's Farewell

Chapter 269 [0266] The power of the devil

Chapter 269 [0266] The power of the devil

Lux had faced demons before.

In Bilgewater, she once confronted Tamm and managed to fight off the demon of greed in a very bad situation.

However, in that victory, the accidental factor was quite large-as a greedy demon, as long as Tam aroused the greedy heart of the target, he could swallow it and make it a part of himself, but because Lux herself was greedy Desire is very low, and he doesn't know Lacus well, so several temptations ended in failure. Tam failed to find the factors that caused Lux's greed.

Then, when Tam left a mental imprint on Lacus and was going to bewitch directly, he happened to run into Karya again, and had to leave in embarrassment.

But this time, Lux's luck was not so good.

Although she is not very greedy, she has too many secrets.

In front of Lamer, secrets... are weaknesses.

Through the details of the armor, Swain boldly speculated, and then, at the moment of Lux's hesitation, the power of the demon took effect.

Unlike ordinary magic, the power of demons is closer to a contract. As long as your secret is discovered, that power will be absorbed by Lamer—so, even if Lux has no problem controlling magic, but Her spells are still vaguely showing a tendency to get out of control.

The shape of the pair of light wings on the back began to blur, and the light-forged spear in his hand also became unstable. A feeling that was completely different from mana exhaustion, but completely different in essence, made Lux exhausted. The power of the demon made Lux feel a little weak.

The previous attack like a female warrior has now become weak and weak. Swain easily avoided Lux's attack and couldn't help laughing wildly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" The source of power extracted from Lacus was attached to Swain's body, making him feel a kind of power that seemed to control everything, "Laxana, Lacus... Demacia Has the human arm reached Zaun?"


"Is this the leader you have chosen?" Swain raised his tone. "Are the people of Zaun also going to be lackeys of the Demacians, bleeding and dying for Demacia?"

The unscrupulous words of cruelty blurted out, echoing on the gradually quiet battlefield.

However, the unrest Swain had expected did not materialize.

Seems like these Zaunites know this?
Blinking his eyes, Swain was a little surprised—if everyone in Zaun knew Lux's identity, could it be considered a secret?

No, it's not that they know Lacus' identity, but they only know that Lacus is a Demacian!
Realizing this, Swain shook his head lightly, and looked at Lux who raised his weapon at him again.

"I know you, Lux." He avoided Lux's spear again very easily, "The noble model of Demacia, the brave man who accepted the punishment of the stone crown... It seems that the truth of the matter seems to be the same as that of Demacia. The propaganda of West Asia is different, how come Demacia, which claims to be fair and just, is now starting to behave differently on the surface and yet another behind the scenes?"

In Swain's view, Lacus should be Demacia's move. She relied on the punishment of the stone crown to hide her name, and then left Demacia to stir up wind and rain like a war stonemason.

However, when he "insighted into Lux's deeper secrets", the previous feeling of plundering power did not reappear.

Wrong judgment?

Or is the other party's will too firm?
Swain looked complacent, but he was already full of vigilance against the power of demons in his heart. In Swain's view, this kind of power called BUG was too dangerous. Before he figured out the reasons and principles of all this, he I still feel that it is better not to use this power without this power.

Thinking of this, Swain simply gave up on continuing to dig into Lux's secrets - after the ebb and flow of the forces of both sides just now, he has the ability to gain the upper hand, since the most reasonable guess fails, then face-to-face Defeat Lacus!
"Protect your weak secret!" Swain continued to put pressure on Lux, while launching an attack on his own initiative, "Now, I see everything; you have nowhere to escape!"


Lux's situation is indeed a bit dire.

But unlike what Swain thought, she was not panicking.

Having been called out by her real name and part of her strength taken away, Lux is indeed very weak now, but this does not mean that she has no chance of winning.

For her, the most important question now is whether to accept Karya's off-court assistance.

In the brief confrontation just now, Lacus already had a relatively clear understanding of Swain's ability level - in her opinion, Swain belongs to the kind of guy who has great power but doesn't know how to use it very much .

For this kind of guy, she is completely confident of winning, after all, everyone came here from rookie days.

However, the demon on Swain's body really made her fearful, and the battle between the two sides was ebb and flow. If Swain discovered a little secret again, it would be really bad.

To be on the safe side, it may be time to accept Carya's off-court assistance.

But Lux actually didn't want to do that.

Although Kalya seldom talks about the void and her own past with her, Lacus knows very well that there must be a price for Kalya to use her power—this price may be borne by Kalya herself, or it may be Kalya’s own. bear.

Therefore, when Kalya asked to take over the situation, Lacus refused without hesitation.

"I can!" She pursed her lips, "This guy has very poor combat awareness, I can deal with it!"

"The devil is weirder than you think!" Kalya obviously didn't intend to let her take risks easily, "Once you make a mistake in the face of the devil, the result will be forever!"

"But that's better than having an accident with you!" Lacus gritted her teeth and flapped her wings on her back again, "I'm no longer a little girl who needs shelter!"

"What can happen to me?" Kalya asked anxiously, "Even if it's a demon, it can't kill the Darkborn!"

"Yeah, you won't die, but you will fall into a deep sleep!" Lacus and Swain passed by again, this time her light-forged spear failed to tear the wound on Swain's body, but she Three demon paw prints were left on his rune steel armor, "I can't live without you!"

"What are you talking about?" Carya was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and then suddenly couldn't help laughing, "Sleeping? Why do you have such thoughts?"

"You've been telling me that power has a price—"

"So I asked you to bring those rookie mages!" Kalya quickly interrupted, "I am your teacher, I don't need you to teach me how to do it more safely! Now, give them a signal and let them prepare to gather magic power , for my use!"

Lacus blinked her eyes, was stunned for a moment, and was almost locked by Swain's demonic power - the next moment, she understood Kalya's meaning, and couldn't help being ecstatic in her heart.

Just like that, when Swain raised the devil's claw again and grabbed Lax, Lax, who had been extremely heroic before, suddenly dissipated the light-forged spear in her hand, turned around and ran away!

At the same time, she raised her empty left hand high, and a group of bright, frequently flickering blue light lit up in her palm, clearly appearing in everyone's eyes.

After discovering this signal, although the mage apprentices of the Zaan mage group were a little strange, they still followed the signal requirements and began to gather magic power on the magic power circuit of the forbidden magic stone without sparing any effort.

While maintaining the blue light in the palm of her hand, Lacus spread the wings of light to the maximum, and went straight to the wall, as if she was about to escape.

Seeing this scene, Swain was somewhat puzzled—this blue light, no matter how you look at it, is a signal, right?

Is there an ambush?
However, after a little thought, he still chose to follow without hesitation.

Maybe the blue light in Lux's hand was a bluff, maybe it was indeed a signal, but anyway, Swain didn't think those rookie mages or clumsy guns could cause him too much trouble!


Those who can beat it are called ambushes, and those who can't beat it... so it's called refueling!
 Karya's Little Classroom Swain's Combat Power:
  Although Swain, who was born in a noble family, has received a pretty good education, but his own combat power... is actually just that—so, after getting the power of the devil, he needs to get used to it.

  Plus more 23/30!

(End of this chapter)

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