Lux's Farewell

Chapter 270 [0267]

Chapter 270 [0267]
Without the slightest hesitation, Lacus quickly rushed back within the walls of the academy.

When she arrived and returned, the wizards of Zaun had connected eight giant enchanted stone slabs together according to her order, forming a complete and huge enchanted stone circuit.

Retracting her wings, Lacus swooped down, stretched out her right hand without hesitation, and pressed the hilt of her sword against the giant magic power circuit.

At this moment, in the magic power circuit, the accumulated huge magic power seemed to find a vent, poured into the magic piercing rod, and then, under the astonished eyes of everyone, turned into a substantial semi-element melted bones.

The semi-elemental skeletons condensed with magic power were suspended above everyone's heads, spreading rapidly like thorns after the rain, and soon formed a tall skeleton.

During this process, the dissipated energy set off a tide of magic power in mid-air. As the air filled with magic power rippling back and forth, no matter whether it was a Noxus, Lady Piltover or a Zaunite, they all breathed in the same way. , Involuntarily came to the same frequency.

In the blink of an eye, a complete skeleton was built, and then the lavender lines covered the bones, and after swelling, they turned into the muscles of this body—Kalya's figure was relatively thin, but that was against the devil. As far as an ascender like a muscular man is concerned, in fact, from the perspective of a mortal, Karya's figure can only be described as strong and strong!
In just a few breaths, Karya temporarily created a body for himself with pure magic power as bones and twisted magic power as flesh and blood.

Then, just when everyone was stunned, a deep buzzing sounded.

Carya, whose skin was gradually covering his entire body, waved his hand, and all the gold hexes, gold experimental instruments, and gold jewelry within a few hundred meters seemed to be soldiers who had received orders, and instantly seemed to come alive. He flocked towards Carya in fear.

In the process of flying to Kalya, these gold wares shed their mortal bodies one after another, like Xiaju soaring, got rid of all the impurities inside, and finally merged into a pure and incomparable golden river, rushing towards the sea like returning to the sea. Karya's body.

The incomparably pure gold formed pieces of feathers, weaving a cloak of pure gold for Kalya.

With Karya's thought, the cloak naturally opened back, split into two, and turned into a pair of golden wings, fluttering with the rhythm of the magic tide, like two clouds hanging from the sky in the sea of ​​reflections.

Zaun's mages were about to be drained. When a golden mask covered Kalya's face, all Zaun mages headed by Ze Li entered the stage of magic power overdraft almost at the same time, and they fell to the ground one after another.

Those carefully carved magic power circuits made of forbidden magic stones also completely collapsed due to overload at this time. Karya's right hand was bluffed, and this giant magic power circuit was suspended in front of him.

Like stacking newspapers, Kalya easily stacked these hard magic-forbidden slabs into a pile, stretched out his left hand, and held it in his hand like a book.

Afterwards, he snorted lightly, and stroked the spine of the "book" with his right hand.

The book is opened.

"Lamer, the hidden demon." Karya turned a few pages casually, and finally spoke for the first time, "It's really interesting, does the scum that Yazakana evolved dare to challenge the authority of Shurima?"

At this moment, everyone present seemed to have stopped breathing.

"And you, Swain Jericho of Noxus." Kalya's golden mask suddenly changed into an exaggerated smiling face, "Congratulations, on my soul-stealing scroll, there has been With your name."


Swain had already realized something was wrong when he saw Carya's skeleton.

Unfortunately, it was too late to turn around and leave at this time.

After Carya's body was shaped, Swain felt locked again—the last time this happened was in Preshidian!
Feeling bad, Swain immediately asked Lamer what was going on.

"The Ascendant." The crow, who usually likes to quack and giggle, is no longer as excited as before, "He is the Ascendant!"

"A god warrior in Shurima mythology?"

"That's not a myth." Lamer's tone was helpless, "Soul-stealing scroll...why does he have a soul-stealing scroll?!"

"What soul-stealing scroll?" Swain was completely confused, "What is that?"

"It's a very dangerous thing, in short - run!" Lamer spread his demon wings and flapped them desperately, "There's no time to explain, run!"

Swain, who was fully powered on, flew very fast, but Kalya's movements were even faster. He tore a page from the book in his hand, rolled it into a ball in his hand, and turned it into a book in the blink of an eye. A small statue, exactly like Swain.

Then, he took the statue in his hand, and with a light wave, the statue turned into flying stone chips, like quicksand in an hourglass, scattered from Kalya's palm, and went with the wind.

At the same time, Swain only felt a sharp pain in his chest.

Inside the chest cavity, his heart stagnated for a short time as if someone had grabbed it.

Swain, whose body was stiff, almost fell to the ground—if Lamer hadn't been able to control the demon wings and lead him flying all the way, I'm afraid Swain would have thrown himself to death!

Seeing Swain leaving, Kalya did not chase after him, but turned around and looked at the dumbfounded Noxus soldiers.

"Your names are not worthy of appearing on the soul-stealing scroll."

While speaking, Kalya put away the scroll in his hand and rolled it up——in his hand, the solid magic stone was as soft as plasticine, stretched by both ends with ease, and finally became a Hold the scepter firmly in your hand.

Slowly descending from the air, Kalyash suddenly stood in front of a group of Noxus soldiers and smashed the scepter to the ground.

The ground began to tremble.

Following an invisible ripple, the bricks and stones on the street turned into fine quicksand, and the quicksand rolled into a bigger and bigger vortex, like a giant beast from ancient times, devouring the bewildered Nuo with big mouthfuls. Texans.

Some Noxus soldiers on the edge of the quicksand vortex ran away, and some threw ropes and other things in an attempt to rescue their comrades in the quicksand, but even if they tried their best, they couldn't Man can escape from this terrible quicksand.

The desperate quicksand re-solidified into masonry ground little by little, completely burying the lives swallowed by them. As the magic tide dissipated, a pungent bloody smell filled everyone's nostrils.

The Zaun mages who were originally dizzy due to the overdraft of magic power couldn't help but began to retch on the spot, and the vomiting seemed to be contagious, spreading to the Zaun law enforcement officers and even the academy guards.

Seeing that the Noxians outside had almost lost their combat effectiveness, the defenders of the academy finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Just then, a gust of wind blew by.

The sky began to rain golden sand, and as the delicate golden sand fell to the ground, Karya's tall body finally disappeared in the evening wind.

In the vast night, there was only one insolent voice, which clearly echoed in everyone's ears with a somewhat crazy warning.

"Oshra Vazzuan...belongs to Shurima forever!"

 Carya's Small Classroom: Fossils into Mud:

  Turning stone into mud is a very common spell, and turning stone into sand is not very high-end, but in Kalya's hands, its power is still extremely amazing.

  PS. The schedule is too chaotic, go to bed early today, and continue to add more tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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