Lux's Farewell

Chapter 271 [0268]

Chapter 271 [0268]
When Swain regained consciousness, he was lying flat on a rooftop.

The wide demon wings had disappeared at this time, leaving only a lot of hard and tough feathers, which tore his commander's windbreaker to pieces—Swain tried to turn over, and stretched out his arms, wanting to To support yourself to stand up.

However, it was such a simple action that caused Swain's world to spin around for a while. He squeezed his eyes hard and barely cleared the Venus in front of him. Only then did Swain realize that at this time a crow was standing In front of him, he tilted his head and stared at him.

"You're awake!" The crow was Lamer, of course, it stared at Swain for a while, and after confirming Swain's state, it finally patted its wings with satisfaction, "It can still move, it seems that at least my life is saved .”

"Where are my soldiers?" Swain looked at the strange scene around him, his heart sank, "Also, where is this?"

"Who knows?" Lamer shook his head. "Saving your life has already consumed my demon power. Now I don't have time to pay attention to those mortals who have been wiped out."

erased? !

Lamer's answer made Swain's blood pressure soar—that is to say, Lamer manipulated the devil's wings to save himself, and abandoned the soldiers who followed him along the way!
And without Swain's command, the results of those soldiers...

Thinking of this, Swain felt a throbbing pain in his heart.

Even though this was not his original intention, after being named by the soul-stealing roll and losing consciousness, Swain still passively became a deserter who abandoned his soldiers and ran for his life alone.

Realizing this, Swain fell on his back dejectedly, almost out of breath.

As the commander of the battle, he fled the battle when the victory was not decided. This kind of thing that Swain once despised was happening to him now—even if Swain knew it very well, he would not hesitate to stay. It may not be able to change the situation of the battle, but he still can't pass his own level.

In the eyes of many people, Swain is a very strict person, from head to toe, from the inside to the outside, he is always meticulous; in the army, whether it is enforcing military laws or assigning tasks, he has no sympathy. speak.

However, it is such a strict person who is almost strict, but thousands of veterans can follow him to the death, because of what?
It is because Swain treats everyone equally.

In the army, Swain never cared who your father or mother was, and they worked together without any discount.

And outside the army, he will not condone anyone who endangers Noxus, even if the person who does so is his own flesh and blood.

Swain is strict, but this strictness stems from his love for the Noxus Empire and his pursuit of Noxus-style equality—not only for others, but also for himself.

Therefore, when he realized that he had run away, Swain even had the idea of ​​self-punishment and suicide on the spot.

Fortunately, he is still sane after all.

After a while, he barely calmed down, and then slowly got up.

The situation at the college is over, and now Swain needs to hurry to the parliament building and take away the last available people!
"Can the Devil Wings still be used?" He leaned on the wall and barely stood up, "I'm going to the parliament building!"

"Of course." Lamer let out a quacking laugh again, "It seems that you have really deserve to be my favorite partner!"

"Stop talking nonsense." Swain took a deep breath, "Let's go, we don't have much time!"

The crow flapped its wings, flew to Swain's shoulder, and then disappeared—the next moment, the demon wings on Swain's back spread again, supporting him to take off from the rooftop crookedly, half-flying In a half-gliding posture, it floated towards the north.

Then, just as Swain was about to leave the block, he heard a familiar shout.



Unlike fearless soldiers, as a war mason, Tamara didn't think it was wrong to retreat in time—so, when Swain flapped his wings and retreated from the battlefield, she grabbed Delevingne , dragging him away directly.

Draven still wanted to struggle, but when he grabbed his throwing axe, Tamara grabbed his beard directly. Now that his weakness was caught, Draven could only call Tamara Lightly, he followed behind her with strides.

And almost when the two of them ran away, Karya's spell of turning stones into sand erupted among the Noxus soldiers who had not received the retreat order and were still maintaining their battle formation. the lives of these soldiers.

Seeing that the area of ​​the quicksand vortex was getting bigger and bigger, Tamara took Delevingne without hesitation and hid in a nearby sewer pipe.

Along this pipeline, the two of them ran all the way.

Tamara was lucky.

Because Zaun cut off the direct sewage pipeline of Piltover three years ago, part of the sewage pipeline in Piltover was rebuilt once - the newly repaired pipeline has redundancy in many places, and considering the cost factor , The construction team did not backfill.

(Piltover's labor is more expensive than Zaun's by more than 01:30.)
And Tamara was in charge of the surveying and mapping work in the college area before copying the Hex body transformation technology, so she took Delevingne, and quickly found an abandoned pipeline that was slanting upwards, and avoided it here. A raging tide of quicksand.

And when Tamara finally confirmed that the surrounding area was safe and brought Draven out of the ground, she had arrived in the business district without knowing it.

"So we just ran away?" Delevingne, who was finally able to take a big breath, seemed a little dissatisfied, "To be honest, I really want to try throwing an ax at that guy..."

"Calm down, don't court death."

"That's Draven's brave, charismatic, daring kind—ah, it hurts!"

Seeing that the incomprehensible guy in front of him seemed to be talking, Tamara's fingers quickly reached out, and after they rested on Draven's arm, she pulled and twisted it very familiarly as if she had practiced countless times.

The pain from the separation of skin and flesh made Draven gasp, and then he shut his mouth obediently—although Draven often acted like a bastard, but at the same time, he always upheld the principle of being a good man and not taking immediate losses. As long as he grasps this principle, Tamara can always make him act in the way he wants.

Just like that, Tamara grabbed Draven again and headed straight for the parliament building.

Then, Draven, who was seeing him, saw a black figure passing in the air, took a closer look, and then called out Swain's name loudly.

 Kalya's Small Classroom Kalya's Soul Stealing Scroll:

  This magic seems to be curse magic, but in fact it relies on the tide of magic to cause damage - Carya doesn't know much about curse spells, and it's purely pretending to make a book. This kind of fancy way can be well hidden The nature of magic.

(End of this chapter)

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