Lux's Farewell

Chapter 272 [0269]

Chapter 272 [0269]
Tamara and Delevingne are still alive, which is undoubtedly good news for Swain - Swain is already mentally prepared for the annihilation of the entire army. In this case, any survivor For him, it was a surprise.

Moreover, Tamara and Draven are not ordinary people.

Tamara was a front-line war mason familiar with Piltover intelligence, and her intelligence was very important during the retreat.

Draven's own fighting power is good, and he also has an older brother who is quite prestigious in the Noxus military circle. In a sense, he is Swain's last retreat.

Therefore, after seeing them and confirming their identities through Lamer, Swain simply fell back to the ground—anyway, this place is not far from the parliament building, and it is possible to walk there.

Swain, who came to Tamara and Draven, did not hide his injuries, so after seeing his pale, dead-like face, both Tamara and Draven were obviously taken aback.

"Are you okay?" Seeing Swain's appearance, even Draven felt anxious at this moment, "Can you still fly?"

Swain didn't speak, but just motioned for the two to follow, and walked in front by himself.


Different from the battlefield on the academy side, in the direction of the parliament building, although the Noxians adopted the most stupid attack, they gradually gained the upper hand.

The parliamentary guards and Caitlin's team of law enforcement officers, relying on the temporary parapet at the beginning, had already firmly supported the battle situation.

However, with the Noxians' fearless onslaught, a serious problem emerged.

Ammunition for the council guards... not enough!

Although there is a special storage room in the parliament building, which stores a lot of defensive weapons and equipment, due to the safety of ammunition, there are not many ammunition here.

After all, the duty of the parliamentary guards is to deal with security battles, and the intensity of the battles is usually not too great.

The Hex technology weapons did cause a lot of damage to the Noxus, but due to the heavy armor, it often takes more than [-] rounds of ammunition for a Noxus soldier to completely lose his combat effectiveness.

The total ammunition of the parliamentary guards is less than [-].

Therefore, as the Noxians began to attack regardless of the cost, the firepower used for defense gradually became sparse.

In order to maintain the battle situation, Camille even had to join the battle situation.

The Gray Lady who joined the battle has amazing combat power. Her leg blades are precise and elegant, and can easily bypass the Noxus' armor defenses and pierce through the weakest places.

Wherever she went, almost no one was a close enemy of Camille.

However, the person opposite her was not a third-rate guy like the Hedoram battle group.

A transcendent who is difficult to deal with?
To put it bluntly, they saw a lot of this kind of people in the Ionian War!

So, after dropping more than a dozen corpses, these veterans of many battles quickly found a way to hold Camille back—the veterans who had sacrificed fearlessly held their kite shields and formed a circle, and Camille The attackers didn't dodge at all, they just wanted to delay Camille's actions and create opportunities for his colleagues to fight back.

Through the sacrifice of teammates to create opportunities, this fighting method can be said to kill eight hundred enemies and lose one thousand, but it is undeniable that this method is really useful when dealing with extraordinary people.

In fact, in the Battle of Presidian, if it weren't for the fact that there were too many superhumans assembled, and without the mutual protection and support of various sects, Irelia would have to rush into the battle alone, and the result could only be defeated by Noxus. The army formation was crushed!

But now, Camille is going to deal with a group of fearless soldiers single-handedly.

With the exquisite cooperation of these soldiers, Camille's offensive quickly came to a standstill, and the adaptive shield had to be activated.

What's more, her hexheart went into overdrive mode as well.

Although the overload mode is powerful, it will not last long after all.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Camille could only give up rushing to defeat the enemy, and instead covered the council guards and law enforcement officers, and retreated towards the corridor—compared with the open hall on the first floor, the corridor is undoubtedly more suitable for blocking place.

In this way, the front of the Noxians advanced steadily, and by the time the three of Swain arrived, the first and second floors of the parliament building had already fallen into the hands of the Noxians.

At this time, Swain came to the parliament building.

"Mr. Swain, our victory is just around the corner!" The adjutant who had been in charge of the battle before received the news of Swain's arrival, and walked out of the lobby on the first floor with great excitement, while reporting, "Those Picheng guys can't escape. It fell! It was full of big fish—”

Then, before he finished speaking, he looked up and saw Swain's pale face.

The adjutant froze for a moment.

He never expected that the wise and mighty Lord Swain would appear in front of him in such a embarrassed manner at this time.

"Over there..." the adjutant said hesitantly, "Our people?"

"Send an orderly, prepare to retreat." Swain waved his hand, "Retreat in an orderly manner, bring the members of the Gunojia family, and we will go directly to Findor by boat. The next step—"

Before Swain finished speaking, there was a burst of cheers in the parliament building.

Then, an orderly rushed out excitedly.

"We took three floors—then the defenders accepted our uniforms and banners!"

this is a good news.

But after hearing the "good news", Swain couldn't laugh at all.


Also unable to laugh was Camille, who was cooling down due to Hex's heart overload.

Camille never expected that there would be a congressman who would directly choose to accept the Noxian flag at this time!

What the hell!
This kind of behavior is simply getting cold feet!

They don't even have to think about it with their own heads. If Piltover became part of the Noxus Empire, and when the Noxus army settled in, wouldn't one of the big merchants in Piltover count as one? The Sheep of Noxus?
Maybe the Noxians don't kill the goose and take the egg.

But that's just maybe!
Piltover can become today's Piltover, relying on the Sun Gate, Hex Technology, and continuous evolution and progress.

And once Piltover hangs the Noxus flag, all the output of the city will be thrown into the quagmire of war, and the working capital will also flow into the military industry, and the military industry, that is Noxus The private plot of the nobility!

These short-sighted insects can't see the situation clearly at all!
However, if you are anxious, you should be anxious, and if you are angry, you will be angry. Camille has no good solution at this time.

Originally, she wondered if she could last until tomorrow, until the center bloomed, but judging from the current situation... this Noxus army is really too elite. Tonight, the parliament building may not be able to hold on.

Then, just when Camille was feeling desperate, the microphone rang.

 Carya's Little Classroom Hex Weapon Bullets:

  Although Piltover has achieved a certain degree of industrialization, the special Hex gun bullets are almost all produced by hand-this is because the demand for bullets is not high under the combat intensity; To be on the safe side, avoid the leak of this weapon.

  PS. There is another chapter tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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