Lux's Farewell

274 Chapter 0271 [[-]]

274 Chapter 0271 [[-]]
When the Lax Ribbon arrived at the parliament building, the Noxus flag hanging outside the curtain wall had just been put away.

But even so, Camille didn't have time to worry about anything anymore - she knew very well that the current situation in Piltover was already one of refusal at the front door and entry at the back door, and she didn't think that the Zaunites' trip was really just for resistance aggression.

Most people are self-taught in extortion and extortion.

Especially after learning that Lux had wiped out thousands of Noxus main forces by herself, Camille raised her vigilance to the maximum, although according to Heimerdinger, it seems that Lux is Some kind of summoning spell was used, but it was still quite scary!
Considering that the people of Zaun are extremely strong nowadays, Camille's consistent tough stance is likely to cause some unnecessary problems, so she has no time to deal with those guys who want to die.

At this time, Mrs. Gray needs a little time to prepare a set of rhetoric for herself that is neither humble nor overbearing.

It would be best to get the people of Zaun to shut up and not make too many demands.

Of course, then again.

The Zaunites had sent to the rescue, so Piltover had to pay a price anyway.

The most important thing right now is to draw a bottom line for this price.

Open commercial trade, transfer import of materials, sharing of some technologies...

Piltover still has plenty of cards to play.

Thinking of this, Camille finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The fact that the Zaun people are very good at fighting is actually somewhat beyond Camille's expectations.

But being able to fight does not solve all problems!
At the negotiating table, Piltover still has more confidence!

The light guided Zaun's team of law enforcement officers, all the way to the Piltover council building.

And when they arrived, Camille had been waiting here for a long time.

As Camille stepped forward to greet her and Lux ​​took the initiative to step out, Piltover and the actual leader of Zaun met for the first time in a formal and aboveboard manner.

This time, Camille finally had to wear a polite smile on her face, and stretched out her arms to hold Lacus, expressing her gratitude immediately.

"Piltover is grateful for Zaun's support!"

This is a polite remark, but also a qualitative one—the people of Zaun are here to support.

However, what Camille never expected was that Lux reacted extremely quickly, and the answers she gave were also very aggressive.

"There is no need to thank you for what you do. After all, Oshra Vazuan is one."

Oshra Vazuan is one?
This statement itself is not wrong.

After all, in history, Piltover and Zaun were indeed one city—but with the opening of the Sun Gate, the gap between rich and poor in this city expanded rapidly, and finally split into today's Piltover and Zaun .

When Lux talked about this incident at this time, she was obviously not talking about history. Camille was only slightly stunned for a moment, and then instantly realized the subtext of Lux, and a terrifying idea also appeared in her mind. inside.

"Could it be that Zaun wants to take the opportunity to annex Piltover?"

If someone had said this to Camille before this, she would have thought the other party was crazy—why did the Zaun people conquer Piltover?Why keep the city running after conquering Piltover?

Yes, Camille can admit that in the past three years, Zaun has indeed changed a lot, but compared to Piltover, Zaun is still a city that has just started, whether it is industry or commerce. , the two are simply incomparable!

However, this failed invasion of Noxus almost shattered all the pretense of Piltover.

Facts have proved that in the face of pure barbarism and violence, Piltover will also feel intimidated; under the threat of life, Piltover's surrender faction is not lacking at all!

It cannot be said that the Noxians broke Piltover's bones, it can only be said that the Noxians unreservedly exposed the soft bones of most of Piltover's senior management.

At such a time, Lux suddenly spoke pointedly, which made Camille extremely vigilant.

"That's why we should maintain this friendly relationship." She was terrified, but Camille maintained her composure on the face, "The Noxians are staring at them, and only by working together can we resist the Noxus' aggression."

Undoubtedly, Camille's words carried a sense of warning and reminder - the Noxians are the biggest trouble at the moment, so don't think too much about Zaun!
"Noxus can't take care of itself, and this kind of warlord leader's solitude is inevitable." Lux chuckled, "Besides, without the Gunoga family and the Myrdalda family as internal support, the Noxus would not be able to Fly over the majestic barrier."

Lux's response made Camille a little overwhelmed for a while.

Is this Noxus offensive the warlord alone?Noxus is overwhelmed now?Where did the people of Zaun get this information?

Is this true, or is Lux fooling herself?
Moreover, the second half of the sentence seems to be a criticism of the Gonoga family and the Myrdalda family, but there is also a satire of Piltover's "self-inflicted punishment".

As Lux said, if there is no internal response, the Noxians would have to attack the port and overcome the magnificent barrier if they want to trouble Piltover, neither of which would be as easy as it is today.

"Black sheep can be found everywhere." Camille could only reply dryly, "But it didn't cause too much damage after all."

"It's fine if there's not too much loss." Hearing what Camille said, Lux seemed relieved, with a very satisfied look on his face, "In this way, I can safely take back Zaun's thing."

"Retrieve Zaun's things?" Camille was quite surprised, "Has anything in Zaun left in Piltover?"

"Of course Zaun's things have been falling on Piltover." Lux nodded, "Isn't the Sun Gate?"

Even though she had reminded herself many times in advance to be calm, after hearing the Sun Gate, Camille still couldn't be calm anymore.

"That's impossible!" She replied firmly, "All the shares of the Sun Gate and the port are in Piltover. Starting from the original shares, every transaction and transfer of shares has clear records— —”

"Yes, there are records." Lux nodded after hearing the words, and her expression finally became serious, "But the problem is that the people who built the Gate of Sun didn't get the original shares at all."

 The original stock of Carya's Little Classroom·Sun Gate:
  During the construction of Sun Gate, shares were publicly offered—it's just that the workers in charge of the actual construction couldn't afford even one share.

(End of this chapter)

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