Lux's Farewell

Chapter 275 [0272]

Chapter 275 [0272]
As Lux directly expressed his intention to take back the Sun Gate, the situation outside the parliament building instantly became tense.

As for Piltover, the congressmen present immediately clamored—even when they faced the Noxus just now, they were not as excited as they are now.

However, this is not incomprehensible.

After all, the Noxus has never had a precedent for confiscating property. For most of the conquered, the Noxian policy has always been to not go back to the past. Even if Piltover changed to the Noxus flag, their Wealth will not decrease either.

(Of course, the occupation of Noxus also means bleeding. After all, the tax rate of Noxus is extremely high, merchants pay more taxes, and at the same time, they need to exchange a lot of money for exemption from military service.)
However, Lux directly stated that they wanted to take back the Sun Gate, which made them completely unacceptable. Half of the members of Piltover's councilors lived on the shares of the Sun Gate. Without the income from the Sun Gate, how can they maintain a life of debauchery?

It's a pity that Lacus didn't even have the intention of taking a look at these guys. She just looked at Camille in front of her with a smile, waiting for the Gray Lady's answer.

Camille couldn't answer.

There was no way she would allow the Sungate to fall into Zaun's hands under any circumstances.

But the problem is, she doesn't have the confidence to refuse now.

That's right, in the face of Lux's request to take back the Gate of the Sun, Camille could of course refuse through equity recognition, but under the current situation, is it useful to refuse?
Now the situation in Piltover is a mess in the north of the city. The Stillwater Prison has been breached, and the council guards in the council building have suffered heavy casualties and are almost out of ammunition and food.

Under such circumstances, it would be easy to simply reject Lacus, but then what?

Turn your face on the spot and fight a battle, everyone depends on their own abilities?

Can't beat it!

Compared with those bastards who only care about their own interests and have nothing but attitude, Camille cares more about how to solve this problem.

She tried to put forward several other alternative suggestions, but Lux remained unmoved. No matter what Camille hinted at, she insisted on taking back the Sun Gate sea gate.

Seeing that Lux seemed to be staring at the Sun Gate, Camille had to communicate in another way.

"With the development of Hex technology and the application of new equipment, Sun Gate Sea Gate is about to conduct a new round of financing." She sighed helplessly, "Maybe Zaun can use the reserve price to buy [-]% shares—how?"

This is already the closest way Camille can think of to get the best of both worlds.

Although the figure of [-]% is a bit insincere, the so-called exorbitant price and counter-offer, what matters is not the ratio, but the solution.

Piltover can give up part of the profits from the Sun Gate, but absolutely cannot hand over the Sun Gate!

The Sun Gate is the root of Piltover, and if you hand over the Sun Gate, you have dug up the root of Piltover. In comparison, it is better to simply take out part of the shares of the Sun Gate Sea Gate and use it to pay How about the reward for Zaun sending troops to help this time!
Luke, however, was unmoved in the slightest.

"Take back the Gate of Sun, this is not negotiable." Her tone still carried an unquestionable meaning, "It's not a part of the acquisition of shares, but to take back the Sea Gate of Sun Gate that should be taken back—— Why can't the builders of the Sungate even get back the Sungate they built when the Noxians could easily take the north of the city?"

Seeing that Lux is not getting in, she has no intention of giving in at all, and the helpless Camille can only give up mediation.

Shaking her head, Camille, who had been discussing with Lacus in a low voice before, suddenly raised her voice.

"Noxus should not occupy the north of the city, just as the Gate of the Sun should not be handed over to you, Miss Lacus." Camille finally used the method of killing her heart in desperation, "Zuan gets the Gate of the Sun, let the There are constant conflicts between the two cities, is this what you mean, or what Demacia means?"

To be honest, although I learned from Heimerdinger that Lax's original name was Laxana Crownguard and she was a Demacian, Camille didn't really want to take advantage of this if possible.

That's right, Lux's Demacia background can change the nature of this matter. Although it is not expected that the people of Zaun will give up their support for Lux, at least at the negotiating table, Camille can gain more maneuver space.

Now, I propose a compromise, but you don't give in at all, insisting on triggering conflicts, so you are taking back the Gate of Sun for the people of Zaun, right?
Are you sure it's not for Demacia?

"This has nothing to do with Demacia." Lak shook his head without hesitation, "I just want to take back what should be taken back."

"Then talk to me with someone else." Camille snorted, and said, "As you said, Piltover and Zaun were originally one, this is Oshra Vazu Ann's internal affairs!"

Camille has the confidence to face the other negotiators.

For her, if Lux can stay out of the matter, then all the problems will become easier - in the final analysis, she is only afraid of Lux.

However, what Camille didn't expect at all was that a bright smile appeared on Lux's face when she heard her say that.

"So you're willing to admit that both Piltover and Zaun were part of what was once Oshra Vazun?"

"...That's right." After hesitating for a moment, Camille finally nodded, "That's how history is."

"In this case." The smile on Lux's face became even stronger, "Then why not rebuild Vazuan?"

Camille was taken aback by such an abrupt announcement.

Not only Camille was stunned, but even the Zaun law enforcement officer behind Lux ​​was stunned for a moment-you know, even the people of Zaun, what everyone wants is the Port of the Sungate!

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Lux took out a golden feather.

"In the name of Kalya, Regent of the Shurima Empire."

Then, looking at the stunned Camille in front of her, Lux lowered her voice for the first time.

"We both benefit from cooperation. After we get rid of those insects who only know to lie on the wealth of our ancestors, we may need to talk alone."

Looking at the golden feather in Lux's hand, and listening to the whispers of the crowd, the light in Camille's eyes began to flicker.

While she's not interested in Shurima's regent or anything, she does need to have a private chat with Lux.

As Lux said, those guys lying on the wealth of their ancestors are really a group of insects that will only hinder them.

 Carya's Little Classroom·Sun Gate's original stock earnings:
  As the most stable and high-yielding "financial product" in the entire Runeterra, Sun Gate's original stock has already attracted a large number of rich people. They are the old money of Piltover and have always occupied a considerable weight in the parliament.

(End of this chapter)

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