Lux's Farewell

Chapter 276 [0273] Shurima is orthodox in Vazuan!

Chapter 276 [0273] Shurima is orthodox in Vazuan!
After a lot of tossing by the Noxus, Piltover was seriously injured. In terms of force, he was no longer an opponent of Zaun—especially in Zaun, where an elite team had already reached the parliament building. in the case of.

However, although Lux wanted to take back the Sun Gate as soon as she opened her mouth, in Camille's view, if Lux must resort to force, then Zaun will inevitably pay a heavy price.

It is based on this judgment that Camille mediates with various parties, hoping to exchange for a result acceptable to both parties, and satisfy Lux's appetite while reducing the loss of Piltover.

And as Lux insisted that the conditions remain the same, Camille felt a little embarrassed-as the saying goes, barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes, and now Piltover has become the barefoot one, but it doesn't matter whether Camille or anyone else , I couldn't even hold back my face, and the situation was naturally a little stiff for a while.

At this moment, Lacus proposed to have a private conversation with Camille, which naturally fulfilled Camille's intention.


Just now Camille directly pointed out the identity of Lacus, trying to separate the relationship between her and Zaun, but when she came to the side with Lacus, Camille suddenly realized that Lacus was also alienating the relationship between herself and other councilors .

Camille, who discovered this, was quite helpless—she had met Lux a few times before, but in her impression, Lax was just thoughtful and well-prepared, and she had never been so insidious and cunning as she is today pit.

Just as Camille used words of hatred to separate Lacus and Zaun, Lacus took advantage of the situation and proposed to integrate Zaun and Piltover, and then took the initiative to chat with herself in private during the stalemate...

What's even more frightening is that when she agreed to private chat with Lacus, Camille herself subconsciously had the idea of ​​"leaving those useless congressmen alone".

Although the birth and disappearance of this subtle thought is only a momentary event, Camille, who realized this, was somewhat panicked in her heart.

She suddenly realized that it seemed that Piltover... was not as united as everyone thought.

And just when Camille was in doubt, the two came to the ruins of the empty hall on the first floor of the parliament building. After standing still, Lacus finally took the initiative to speak:
"Ms. Camille, do you have to protect those trash?"

Sure enough, this guy was trying to alienate himself!
"This is an internal matter of Piltover, so don't worry about Miss Lacus." Although she had her own thoughts in her heart, she still maintained a calm posture on the surface, "comparatively speaking, you should care more about The good thing is, if this thing ends with dignity - Piltover is not defenseless."

"But Mrs. Piltover doesn't have the heart to fight." Lacus's words were extremely heart-rending, "I saw some people lure wolves into the house, some opened the door and robbed, some had nothing to do with them, and some were indifferent... The big Piltover, one The remnants of Noxus walking alone are rampant, is this the strength of Piltover's first battle?"

Lacus's words are true without any falsehood. Facing Lacus' eyes, Camille has nothing to refute for a while, but she can only give up this point and use more direct and less decent words. way, changed the subject.

"Sun Gate, Zaan doesn't have such a big appetite."

"This is not Zaun's appetite, it's Zaun's reasonable possession." Lux shook her head with a smile upon hearing this, "There is no room for bargaining."

"It's impossible for Piltover to lose its source of wealth." Since it was so direct, Camille shook her head flatly, "Without the Sun Gate, Piltover will no longer be Piltover!"

"You still have Hextech at least."

"Hextech without financial support is just water without a source." Camille snorted, "So, this condition is unacceptable to Piltover!"

"How could there be no financial support?" Lux widened her eyes when she heard the words, and put on a look that I didn't understand, "If investment is needed... Zaun is also very willing to bet! Didn't Jess and you Have you said that, I have already reached an investment agreement with him, and I am willing to help him build a Hextech laboratory in Zaan!"

This time, Camille finally couldn't hold back anymore—she really heard from Jess that before the Zaun change, Jess and Victor, who had nowhere to go, had reached a sponsorship agreement with Lacus!
Of course, what she cares more about is not any cooperation intention between Lacus and Jess, but the meaning behind Lacus' words: "In terms of Hex technology, you also want to reach out?!"

"Mutual benefit and win-win, Zaun's alchemy technology can completely complement Hex technology..."

"This is not mutual benefit, this is an annexation." Camille interrupted without hesitation, "Miss Lacus, your appetite is too good, right?"

"Is there?" Lux spread her hands, showing a very innocent look, and Camille's teeth were itchy with anger, "I said, this is mutual benefit and win-win, you may not know, if I am willing to take out This plume of the regent goes to Nasramey, and Nasramey will be renamed Oshra Vazuan on the same day!"

Camille's electronic eyes couldn't help but start to flicker - although Lux's exaggeration, it may not be impossible in fact.

After the collapse of the Shurima Empire, the entire Shurima continent was almost completely divided. As long as each power has one or two cities and three to five thousand people, it will definitely dare to call itself "Shurima Orthodox". The Sai Desert has expanded to one-seventh of the size of the entire continent, but various "orthodox Shurima Empires" are still dotted around the Great Sai Desert.

These various "Shurima Empires" use towers to support a copper disk, dare to say that it is a sun disk!
Although this scene may seem a little funny to outsiders, Camille is very clear about what the Shurima Empire means to the Shurima people.

Even her former lover, the crystallographer Hakim, devoted himself to the study of crystals at first to revive that great empire.

If the golden feather in Lux's hand is real, it is indeed a token left by a great regent; if Piltover and Zaun really officially proclaim the rebirth of Oshra Vazun ...

Although it is difficult for various places to change their flags and surrender with courtesy, at least from now on, Piltover's industrial products will be covered with a layer of "Shurima orthodoxy" and smash all local protection trade barriers , to achieve unlimited dumping of the entire Shurima continent!

Realizing this, the hex heart in Camille's chest was overclocked.

 Kalya's Small Classroom Shurima Continent full of Shurima Empire:
  After Azir, the last emperor of the Shurima Empire, failed to ascend and the empire collapsed, a darkin war swept across the entire Shurima continent. A camp, launched a protracted dark war.

  After the Darkin War ended and the Darkin people stepped off the stage of history, the Shurima who had a hard life all missed the once prosperous empire, so for a while, all the separatist regimes, one counted as one, fought Banner of Shurima Orthodoxy.

  Plus more 25/30!

(End of this chapter)

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