Lux's Farewell

Chapter 277 [0274]

Chapter 277 [0274]
Regarding this negotiation, Camille once imagined how she should respond if Lux relied on force and had a strong attitude.

Zaun is different from Noxus. Even if the Noxus conquer Piltover, the economic benefits they can gain are limited; Husband... Maybe it is impossible to die!
But she never expected that strength in force was actually just the basis for Lux to negotiate, and at this moment, she could propose such a tempting condition.

From Camille's point of view, the name of the regent is undoubtedly quite delicate.

Not being the name of the emperor means that Vazuan is not the city of Shurima, and has no will to fight for hegemony and expansion, and will not cause too many other troubles; and the name of the regent is strong enough to smash the Shurima continent. , between various "orthodox Shurima", deep-rooted trade barriers.

From a personal point of view, the core interests of Camille and the Philos family are not in the Gate of the Sun.

From Piltover's point of view, compared to simply collecting tolls from the Sun Gate, ignoring trade barriers to carry out international trade throughout Shurima will make significantly more money and the economic situation will be healthier.

Camille hesitated.

"Vazuan is just Vazuan." Lux continued, "Even in the era of the Shurima Empire, Vazuan was not a political city, not involved in politics, but only about commercial interests."

"But no one can guarantee it." Camille resisted the huge temptation and reluctantly said, "Miss Crown Guard, your performance today has exceeded my expectations."

"It's just following the trend." Lak didn't care about Camille's emphasis on his surname, and waved his hand calmly, "If someone didn't lure the wolf into the house, I wouldn't be able to raise troops."

"But it's enough to worry me." Camille looked straight into Lux's eyes, "I heard that many beasts will tear the flesh and blood from their prey when hunting, not to fill their stomachs, but to Let the prey bleed to death."

"So, you are worried that in the subsequent competition, Piltover will not be Zaun's opponent?"

"I'm worried that I'm not your opponent, Miss Crownguard." Camille seemed to have completely looked away, and said unexpectedly frankly, "Whether it's Noxus or those shameless traitors this time, all Taught me a good lesson, it turns out that there are always things that cannot be solved in the most simple and elegant way.”


"To be honest, although Zaun has made amazing progress in the past three years, it is definitely not Piltover's opponent to compete on the same starting line. You do not have experienced and well-connected businessmen; although there are many skilled workers, most of them are engaged in It is a low-end industry; although Xingang’s new technology has great potential, it is not that simple to develop this technology.” Camille’s tone was very calm, as if she was just stating the facts objectively, “I can tell the truth, keep In a state of competition, Piltover can use commercial means to let Zaun lock himself in the nest."

"But you told me now." Lux held the hilt of the sword with a smile on her face, "This proves that you have changed your mind."

"Go back to Demacia, Miss Crownguard." Camille finally put forward her conditions formally, "Although I don't know why you chose to come to Zaun to do this, if you really want to For the sake of Zaun, your best choice now is to return to Demacia—I can honestly say that as long as you are still in Zaun, Piltover will never be at ease."

Lacus looked at Camille in a daze, with a look of complete surprise.

"This is not a conspiracy, but a necessary compromise." Seeing this scene, Camille was slightly overjoyed, and hit the rails while it was hot, "Besides, your identity has been exposed. If you still hold the power in Zaun, I am afraid that you will be considered a With this golden feather, there may not be many people who are willing to believe that the newly built Vazuan will be the Vazuan who was once loyal to the Shurima Empire."


Hearing what Camille said, Lux remained calm on the surface, but she was rubbing the hilt of the sword in her hand.

Lacus was indeed a little unbelievable, but unlike what Camille thought, the reason she was unbelievable was that Kalya had guessed Camille's conditions.

"How did you know?" She pretended to ponder, and at the same time secretly asked Kalya, "This...why did she ask me to leave at this time?"

"Because you changed Zaun." Kalya chuckled, "At least in her opinion, you represent the most powerful force in Zaun."

"But in the past month, I have been practicing magic every day. Except for the necessary government affairs, I have rarely done any work." Lux is still quite puzzled, "Now Zaun is completely different from before! The combat effectiveness of the mage group is also very strong. Strong, even without me... a full-scale war against Piltover may not be able to take advantage of it."

"You're right, but they don't know." Carya sighed, "Individually and as a whole, this is a rather complicated proposition—forget it, let's not discuss this, let's go back to the negotiation itself, since Camille really wants you to leave, so take this opportunity and ask for more conditions, this moment should be the most generous moment in her life!"

"Yeah!" Lux calmed down, showing a difficult look, and looked at Camille, "Let me go... What price can Piltover afford?"

"The Gate of the Sun." Camille gritted her teeth, "There is still investment rights."

"Tell me specifically?"

"In principle, Piltover and Zaun will cancel the city specifications together, and return to the state of Oshra Vazuan as two districts." Camille obviously already has a draft, "Each district Eligible to elect four representatives, eight people form a common Vazuan Self-Government Council to decide the future of Vazuan."

"Even-numbered reps are just talking shit."

"In order to avoid wrangling, any resolution that passes through the city must be approved by five representatives." Camille was obviously unwilling to make concessions on this point. "Everyone has the final say on matters within the city."


"Golden Feather is in Zaan, relying on Xingang alone cannot give full play to its full functions. Only by joining forces can we truly break down all the trade barriers in Shurima!" Camille resolutely said, "All the rights and interests of the Gate of the Sun will be Handed over to the management of the Zaan District - the premise of our cooperation is common interests, if you insist on competition, it is better not to unite!"

 Karya's Small Classroom Piltover's Trade Route:

  Although it performed poorly in Ionian trade, Piltover's sea trade is still relatively prosperous—just because every city in North Shurima has a deep-rooted trade protection idea, and there are many cities that like to trade in Nok Sass and Shurima jumped repeatedly, and the king's flag changed on the top of the city at every turn. Therefore, compared with the Sun Gate, which is lying and making money, Shurima's sea trade scale is not small, but the profit is really not worth it.

(End of this chapter)

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