Lux's Farewell

Chapter 278 [0275]

Chapter 278 [0275]

The negotiation between Lux and Camille lasted for a long time.

Although the two people quickly reached an agreement on the general direction - Lacus left in exchange for full rights to the Sun Gate, business investment rights and same-city treatment in exchange for Oshra Vazuan's name, reaching a limited double deal. City confluence.

But in terms of the specific content of the negotiation terms, the two of them talked until midnight before they roughly formed a rough framework.

Then, under the leadership of Lux, the Zaun law enforcement officer crossed the Sun Gate Strait for the first time, and entered the manor belonging to the Gunoga family in the northern area of ​​Piltover City.

The Noxians were quite authentic, and there was no Noxus iron fist when they retreated. Almost all members of the Gunoga family were taken away, and the entire manor was almost completely emptied except for a few servants. .

Even such an empty manor, after being stuffed with thousands of Zaun armed law enforcement officers, still looks a bit crowded.

The Zaun law enforcement officers on the floor were crowded and crowded, even though they had been confronting Picheng people outside the council building for several hours, they were still a little excited and couldn't sleep at this moment.

Just now, when Lux sent someone to send a message back to Zaun, she revealed the progress of the negotiation without hesitation.

As a result, these exhausted law enforcement officers were extremely pleasantly surprised to become the first group of people who learned that Zaan was about to take back the Sun Gate sea gate.

The original exhaustion and dissatisfaction with rescuing Picheng were swept away!

Being able to take back the Gate of the Sun like this is a good thing that I never dreamed of!
Lux, who entered the owner's room, couldn't fall asleep either—however, it wasn't because of excitement that she couldn't sleep.

Standing in front of the well-lit floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the manor that was still not completely silent in the night, she suddenly felt a little... reluctant.

When Karya said that she would use Lacus to leave openly in exchange for the Sungate sea gate, Lacus was not reluctant, but did not believe that Camille would take the initiative to propose such a condition.

However, when the two sides reached a consensus and made a breakthrough in the negotiation, in the dark night, she suddenly developed a different kind of affection.

For Lux, these three years in Zaun were extremely fulfilling three years for her.

When she was in Demacia, Lux always thought that politics was a troublesome and boring game, a game played by nobles fighting for power.

However, when she personally invested in Zaun and watched a city completely turned upside down through the three-year plan, she suddenly had a lot of understanding.

Objectively speaking, in the past three years, Lux herself has used political methods, but unlike in Demacia, Zaun's politics did not make Lux feel dirty—in this In a newly born city, there are also many disputes and quarrels, but at least everyone is not fighting over one family.

It is true that there are many factions within Zaan, those who do engineering, those who run caravans, those who do administration, those who do research... All kinds of professions have their own interests.

But at least in the past three years, everyone has a common vision. They all hope to build a brand new Zaun on top of the ruins, so that the people of Zaun who are struggling in this city can hold their heads high. live on.

In this process, Lux is both the leader and the witness.

Even though three years have passed, Lux still doesn't like Zaun's food, but for her, Zaun has quietly become a second hometown.

And now, her departure has entered the countdown.

Even though parting is already doomed, even though it is clear that there is no feast that will never end, Lacus still feels a little tight in her chest.

Lacus has always been an emotional little girl, but under Kalya's teaching, she learned to use rational means to solve problems.

Just as she was homesick when she came here for the first time, Lux will also feel sad when she is about to say goodbye to this place.

Sensing Lux's emotions, Kalya kept quiet in a rare way.

And this time, Lax didn't need Kalya to take the initiative to comfort her any more—just staring out the window for 10 minutes, she dispelled the loss and confusion in her heart, and regained her once full of energy.

"Kalya!" She closed the curtains, hugged her saber and rubbed herself into the big bed, "Tell me, can Camille handle it?"

"Why, you're worried she won't represent Piltover?"

"From the past situation, she really can't represent it." Lux looked at the ceiling, "Piltover is not Zaun after all."

"Without my golden feather, she would not be able to subdue the interior of Piltover." Carya's tone was subtly proud, "But in this situation, if she still can't handle it, then we can directly consider it." Force was used."

"Huh? Why?"

"That would mean that Mrs. Piltover is a fool!"


Unlike Lux who was relaxed, Camille was facing the second wave of challenges.

After convening the councilors and announcing the preliminary consensus reached between himself and Lacus, three councilors slapped the table on the spot.

"You are using our interests to curry favor with those bumpkins!"

"The Gate of the Sun is the core of Piltover, and it is absolutely impossible to hand it over to others!"

"Assembly law enforcement officers and private guards! Now we start to move at once-"

It's normal for the members to have objections, but the three people raised their objections so fiercely on the spot, which made the other members present feel a little bit bad.

Camille herself, however, felt nothing but relief.

The reason is simple. The three congressmen who stood up represent the relevant interests of Sun Gate and Piltover Port.

Over the past three years, through Camille's tireless efforts, such people have gradually become a minority in Piltover.

As an "industrial school", Camille has always looked down on these guys. They only know how to reap huge profits from the equity of Sun Gate. As long as the economy is a little bit sluggish, they will immediately clamor to increase Sun Gate's fees.

In the past, the money earned by these guys at least flowed into the market, promoting the prosperity of Piltover's cultural industry and invention industry, but now, Piltover has a brand new pillar industry, Hex Technology It is the one that should invest resources the most. Under such circumstances, they still can't see the situation clearly, and they keep yelling...

Such insects, it's time to clean them up.

However, unlike the last time, this time Camille no longer needs to use force herself—facing the three congressmen who were aggressive and about to fight to the end, she nodded calmly and said, "Since If you are so opposed, then you can go talk to Lacus about this part of the issue."

Hearing Camille's remarks, the three councilors suddenly fell silent as if they were cocks strangled by their necks.

 Karya's Little Classroom Transformation in Piltover:
  Three years ago, during the critical period of the Ionian War, Piltover's economy was highly dependent on the Sun Gate tolls, and the entire Piltover industry seemed to be related to the Sun Gate.

  Three years later, with the development of Hex Technology, the income of the Gate of the Sun no longer occupies the absolute focus of Piltover - now the income of the Gate of the Sun plus the income of the port can compete with Hex Technology.

  For a city, the impact of this change is undoubtedly huge.

  PS. There will be an update in the second half of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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