Lux's Farewell

Chapter 279 [0276]

Chapter 279 [0276]

In the past, the status of Piltover MP, which represented political status, could bring real benefits—whether it was parliamentary decisions or first-hand information, they were all very valuable things.

Because of this, when Lux came to Piltover for the first time, she saw someone lobbying for speeches and promising rewards in an attempt to get into the parliament to make a fortune.

At that time, among the eight people in Piltover's council, four represented the interests of Sun Gate and the shareholders of the docks, and the remaining four and two were campaigned for profit.

At that time, the members of the Sun Gate were good at dancing, and they had a very close relationship with Noxus. group.

However, with the end of the Ionian War, the independence of Zaun, and the birth of Hex Technology, the income of the Sun Gate decreased year by year, and Piltover began to seek transformation.

During this process, although many members of the Sun sect had a hard time because of the unpleasant encounter with Noxus, the first to be cleared out were the two unlucky members of the campaign faction.

Their fundamentals are nothing more than the voices of the people. As long as the public opinion tightens a bit, they will quickly return to you and lose their voice channel, falling back from speculators to the political ecology of brokers.

At the same time, with Jess entering the council, a new faction, the Hextech faction, officially emerged.

In the following three years, as the Hextech industry became larger and more influential, in the Piltover Council, industries and jobs related to Hextech soon It reached half of the number, so the dominance of the Sun Sect was completely over, and the structure of the parliament became a dispute over new money and old money.

Considering that Camille was a bit biased, in this confrontation, in the old money camp, there were not only members of the Sun's Sect, but also wealthy businessmen who started from trading. They joined together and fought against Heike. The investors and technologists of the Sci-tech faction are fighting against each other, forming a new pattern today.

Due to the decrease in the number of members of the Sun Sect, Gu Nuojia and Midarda, who were "forced to go to the field", were unwilling to reconcile, and simply chose to lure wolves into the house, hoping to use the hands of Noxus to restore the structure of Piltover to the past.

As a result, Swain was violently beaten by Kalya, and Noxus left without looking back-now, it was time to clean up the mess.

The Sun Gate Sect, which was already declining, has just produced two traitors, and the Trade Faction that formed an alliance with them is no longer united with them. Even though there are still three members representing the interests of the Sun Gate, but in the parliament , they are already a minority.

Considering that they have no irreplaceable technology and no private soldiers to be feared, even if they really turned the tables, to Camille, this is nothing but incompetent rage.

The chaos in Piltover was entirely caused by you scumbags who only know to lie on the Sun Gate dividend and do nothing. Now I am willing to stand up and wipe your ass. Do you still think it is not clean?

That's ok, then you guys do it yourself!
This kind of behavior, which was close to picking someone up, stunned the members who were still aggrieved just now—at this moment, they suddenly realized very clearly that the members of Piltover not only have rights, but also bear a lot of burdens on them. responsibility.

Camille can control and guide the parliament as an arbitrator, what is it based on?
With her extraordinary strength.

But in today's situation, Camille's strength is even more meaningful to Piltover - in this situation, the first person who can't bear it is himself who can't bear it.

The three congressmen sat back in their seats in despair.

These three guys are scared.

It did not exceed Camille's expectations at all, they... were persuaded.

No cowardice!

Among the Sun Gate faction, those who are determined to fight have now followed the Noxians—although both Jagu Midarda and Posson Gunoga failed, and the former even failed because of " died from serious injuries" and died on the spot, but their family members and related personnel were directly taken away by the extremely decisive Swain.

The remaining three guys in the council are just playing roles in Piltover's nest by playing with power and money to make their way.

They didn't have the courage to raise their arms. Even when they fought against the Noxus before, they accepted the Noxus flag with trepidation at the last moment. Such a soft-boned guy is destined to be unable to change the overall situation.

And the fact is just as Camille expected, after the situation changed, the three of them seemed to have become transparent people, and they didn't say a word in the follow-up meeting.

Only on the issue of public opinion control and news announcement time, they expressed their own opinions, hoping to temporarily announce that they have controlled the situation, and temporarily not announce the content of cooperation with the people of Zaun until all the dust settles.

As for the reason for doing this...

Obviously, these three guys have already started planning to take over the offer - before the news is announced, let's cash out the equity of Sun Gate if it can be cashed out!

Seeing that these three idiots finally regained some of their brains, Camille also gave them the last decency.

"The Piltover Daily will spend a day criticizing the shamelessness of the Noxus." Camille stretched out a finger, "Then, it will directly announce the general direction of cooperation with Zaun. This is the bottom line."

Among the three councilors, one of them wanted to say something, but the other two seemed to have broken their throats, humming desperately, and then blocked all his other words.

Camille quickly reached an agreement with other councilors, no longer paying attention to these outdated guys.

With the name of Vazuan, the trade faction is elated, and it is obvious to the naked eye that they will become the cash cow of Piltover for the next period of time; while the Hextech faction is turning collectively, promising to start researching the Hex power engine, to build entirely new ships and other means of transport.

For the civilians of Piltover, whether it is the trade caravan and fleet, or the Hex Factory with expanded production scale, they all have the capacity to accommodate the unemployed workers of the Sun Gate—even those who have not made money in the past For the dock workers, as long as they can learn to operate the Hex transport plane, their days will return to their peak in the next period of time.

In this way, with the official launch of the plan of the three unlucky guys to stop losses in time, the Piltover Council finally formed a roughly unified opinion regarding the current situation and the future direction.

Although the negotiations with Zaun are still very long, and although the future is still unknown, at least now, Piltover has found a direction to take steps.

 Karya's Little Classroom Piltover's Industries:

  Piltover has a fairly large-scale industry, but in the parliament, the industrial faction itself is not a very conspicuous faction-when the Sun Gate makes money, the industry relies on the related industries of the Sun Gate; After the rise of Sci-tech, the industry was also called the supporting industry of Hex products.

  Due to its small size and narrow market, although Piltover has good industrial capabilities, its own industrial scale can only rely on other cash cows, which has to be said to be quite a pity.

  Plus more 26/30!

(End of this chapter)

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