Lux's Farewell

280 Showdown [0277]

280 Showdown [0277]
After a group of people fell down and a group of people were fed, a new round of benefit distribution was completed in the Piltover Council.

Although there are still many uncertainties in their future, at least Camille reached an agreement with the MPs and chose a direction.

The guy who was doomed to cut the meat was well aware of current affairs and focused on stopping losses, and the situation naturally stabilized.

What is completely different from Piltover is that in Zaun, where the whole city is under martial law, when Lux's negotiation minutes were sent back, in the largest conference room of the government building, all the Zaun people sitting around the conference table The boss, however, fell into silence at the same time.

Van der from the security office smoked his pipe without saying a word.

Shirko from the Intelligence Department pinched the most precious eyelash curler.

Sevica of the Law Enforcement Division disassembled her mechanical arm.

Maja in the Judgment Hall wiped the thick-soled lenses of her eyes.

Renata, the president of the Alchemy Association, let out a deep cough.

The president of the Architectural Association, Pucado, pressed his broad knuckles.

Sandro, the head of the trade association, twitched his nose uneasily.

Ma Kui, the president of the planning association, stared at a pair of big eyes.



Lux's simple sticky note seemed to have cast some great silent magic. When it went around in everyone's hands and finally returned to Secretary-General Ino's hands, the entire meeting The interior could almost smell like a needle falling.

In Zaun, Lux is not a domineering person. Every idea and every policy she puts forward is based on the premise of persuading the relevant person in charge.

Before meeting Lacus, it was hard for everyone to imagine that a little girl could explain the truth or plan so clearly.

This is good news for Zaun.

But at this moment, it almost meant that Lux had decided that she would leave without a doubt.

Piltover could lose the Sungate Seagate.

But Zaun couldn't lose Lux.

Even if she has been able to admit her identity and told everyone that her name is Laksana.

Both Swain and Camille believed that once Lux's Demacia background was exposed, the people of Zaun would be dissatisfied.

But in fact, in Zaun, there is no shortage of people who know that Lux is from Demacia!

If it was only because of Demacia, she would not have to leave—Zuan was originally a city of immigrants, full of bankrupts with nowhere to go, frustrated people with broken dreams in Piltover, and people who were bought in a daze. As a contract worker, Demacia's origin does not make Zaun repulsed.

As for whether there will be people worried that Lux represents the interests of Demacia and makes Zaun bleed for Demacia...

It's not an exaggeration to say that if it wasn't for the fact that Zaun and Demacia were [-] miles apart, those who knew Lux's origin would probably already be thinking about whether Zaun could join Demacia.

If you're not a Zaunite, it's hard to understand what Lux means to the city.

Lux has only been in Zaun for three years.

Three years is a long time, until the city of Zu'an is turned upside down, and until the people of Zu'an have never been precarious to achieve food and clothing.

But three years is also very short, so short that the Zaun people have not forgotten who led them to achieve all this.

From explaining the source of poverty in Zaun, to leading the Zaun people to defeat the alchemy baron; from planning the blueprint of the first three-year plan, to personally rushing to Bilgewater for diplomacy; from the establishment of basic art theory, to Zaun's obligations The development of education; from the first bucket of mortar in the municipal building, to the stripping of the first alchemical runestone...  

Zaun was reborn from the ruins, every time when she was confused and at a loss, Lux could stand up and find the direction to move on.

In the past three years, the people of Zaun have long been accustomed to being led by Lux to take the first step in this field in Zaun.

Like a fierce girl from the sky, Lux brought the first ray of hot sunshine to Zaun.

Why can Lux easily obtain the godhead of the god of Zaun?
Because she has indeed been recognized by the vast majority of Zaun people-this is the godhead that Zaun people have condensed for her.

And now, Lux is leaving.

In the conference hall of the municipal building, everyone present should remain rational, especially since Lacus specifically noted on the note that she really needs to leave.


This is still unacceptable.

Finally, seeing that the conference room was becoming smoky, Yinuo cleared his throat and broke the suffocating silence.

"About leaving Zaun, it was originally planned." Her voice was as cold as ever, "Miss Lux...will go home after all."

Fandre put down his pipe upon hearing this, revealing a face that was obscured by the smoke: "Zuan can also be her home."

"Besides, I heard that Demacia is forbidden to demons." Sandra, who is in charge of official trade, muttered in a voice that everyone could hear, "The people of Demacia say that mages are evil, and they will exile the mages in the territory." .”

"So, maybe we can send special people to take over Miss Lacus' relatives?" Ma Kui showed eagerness to try, "The three-year plan has been successfully completed, and we now have sufficient manpower and materials to take over this part as well." Join the plan—"

"Those Piltovers are just talking hard now." Silko also snorted, "After today's toss, those Picheng councilors are now only talking."

"They want Miss Lacus to leave." Renata, who had always been taciturn, rarely expressed her opinion directly. "Then she shouldn't have left."

"that is……"

"That's right—"

The meeting room, which was quiet just now, suddenly became very lively. Everyone was chattering, making countless excuses for Lacus not to leave, and proposing countless alternatives. Everyone was expressing their opinions. In my opinion, without exception, I don't want Lacus to leave at this time.

Faced with this situation, Yinuo was also a little helpless. Seeing that everyone's emotions were getting agitated, she could only lift up the note in her hand and shake it.

"Stop—pause!" Ino helplessly raised his voice, "I shouldn't be the one to convey your opinions. Didn't Lacus say it all? The reorganization of Vazuan is a lot of work, and the two parties need to form a Delegation, with the leaders of Zaun and Piltover conducting rotating negotiations!"

The meeting room fell silent again. Facing Yinuo's statement, everyone present fell silent again.

Yes, if you have any questions, you can go to Lux to communicate directly.

But the key is... everyone here, one counts as one, have all talked to Lacus.

And the result of almost everyone's one-on-one conversation with Lacus was that they were persuaded.

 Karya's Little Classroom Lux convinces people with reason:
  Although she has an amazing reputation in Zaun and can use magic to reason, most of the time Lux takes the form of convincing people—especially when it comes to the policy line, she has always been very keen open for discussion.

  It's just that in most cases, the result of open discussions is that others are persuaded by Lacus.

(End of this chapter)

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