Lux's Farewell

281 Trivial [0278]

281 Trivial [0278]
Although unwilling and unwilling, but because Ino's attitude was firm enough, everyone could only calm down and go back to prepare the draft silently, and talk to Lacus directly when the time came.

Then, before their draft was ready, Lux's official draft came out.

Early the next morning, an article titled "On Vazuan in the Context of Shurima" was sent to all the rotating negotiators.

The familiar style of writing and the familiar way of using words remind people of the original "Letter to the Zu'an People".

However, unlike the "Letter to the People of Zuan" written after social investigation, the issues discussed in this "On Vazuan in the Background of Shurima" are more macroscopic.

Here the protagonist is no longer a little boy struggling to survive in a distorted social environment, but has become a city swaying in the tide of history.

Vazuan prospered because of its unique geographical location, fell silent because of the collapse of the empire, prospered because of the opening of the canal, and almost reached a dead end because it was highly dependent on the income from the Sun Gate.

In this review spanning thousands of years, Lux carefully summarized the gains and losses of Vazuan, and at the end of the article, combined with the rise and fall of many other cities, raised a lot of thoughts and questions.

If the "Book to the People of Zuan" is about the life of Zaun people, then this "On Vazuan in the Background of Shurima" is more about the summary of Zaun's past and future thinking .

This article is not long, but it feels extremely heavy in the hand.

Legend has it that the former Shurima Empire had the habit of recording history, but with the collapse of the empire, the great library was buried in yellow sand, and history gradually turned into myths and legends.

But after reading this article carefully, even the people of Zaun who don't care about the title of "Orthodox Shurima" can feel the indescribable weight.

After putting down the article, many people smacked their lips, and soon discovered the entrustment implied in this article.

With a deep sigh, everyone could only pack up their moods and extinguish the last luck in their hearts.

Miss Lacus... probably really plans to leave.


Sure enough, everyone's persuasion and retention failed.

She will leave silently after the specific treaty for the reconstruction of Vazuan between the two cities is signed, and the new Vazuan is formally established and recognized by the other city-states of Shurima.

Persuasion was ineffective, and retention failed. In the end, these rotating negotiators could only focus on the upcoming negotiations and vent their dissatisfaction on the people of Piltover.

And because this negotiation is related to the order after the two parties have enough Vazuan, there are many affairs and complicated regulations, and various industries such as security, public security, administration, and culture need representatives to negotiate separately, so the entire negotiation cannot be hidden from outside civilians.

So, this time, the Picheng Daily and the Zuan Daily had a rare unification of their voices, and both published editorials on the front page headlines, proving that this cooperation is beneficial to both parties.

But even so, the people of Piltover and Zaun almost seethed.

The people of Piltover couldn't accept being equal to Zaun from then on—the councilors and big chaebols became honest after being beaten, but the commoners lost the psychological pleasure of "comparing their happiness with their poor neighbors" and became dissatisfied.

As for Zaun, everyone is quite satisfied with the result of taking back the Sun Gate, but like the members of the rotating negotiating team, they are more concerned about Lux's departure.

Therefore, when the main framework of the negotiation was revealed, demonstrations took place in Piltover and Zaun almost at the same time. The people of Piltover protested against the weakness of the council, and the people of Zaun tried to keep Lux from leaving.

But unfortunately, they failed to achieve their goals. Although there are many disputes that still need to be resolved with abuse, the negotiations have been steadily advancing.

In this case, Lux and Camille agreed that it was time to send envoys to the cities on the northern Shurima coast to invite them to watch the ceremony.

After all... the two cities unite to rebuild Vazuan, the most important thing is to show these cities - to prevent them from really believing that although Vazuan adheres to the orthodoxy of Shurima, it does not intend to compete for the orthodoxy Qualifications, how to open the heavy trade barriers of these city-states?
Moreover, the matter of sending envoys to invite to watch the ceremony is itself a kind of urging for the negotiation. It cannot be said that all the envoys have come, and the details of the negotiation have not been finalized, right?


The envoys took Vazuan's No. [-] document and boarded the long-distance ships and set off.

Vazuan's integrated cooperation plan is also progressing smoothly bit by bit.

And at this moment, Swain finally arrived outside the city of Besilico with the last group of warriors who were loyal to him and Noxus.

Here, he saw the pro-initiated army, who came to clean up the rebellious Darius.

At this time, Darius was already an out-and-out faction in the Noxus army—although he also briefly participated in the Ionian War, but due to the subsequent Zhuo De's barbarian was dishonest, and he was eventually transferred away and returned to the line of the Iron Spike Mountains to maintain the war situation in the northern border.

Therefore, when the other wargroups were in disgrace in Ionia, Darius was fighting with the barbarians in the northern border. After the defeat in the Ionia War, he became an important faction in the military.

In order for him to do his best to suppress the rebellion, Grand Commander Darkwill promised a lot of conditions before Darius set off, including the Hand of Noxus, which had been pending for a long time.

In this case, whether it was for himself or for Noxus, Darius would do his best in this battle.

Then, just as he mobilized his troops and arrived at Besilico, he first saw a person who was not his target but was indeed offered a bounty by the Noxus Empire.


"Swain... have you colluded with the Besilico people?" Although he had a smooth cooperation with Swain, Darius still said without any pretense, "Or, do you think that because For Draven's sake, I will let you go?"

While speaking, Darius picked up his giant axe, yanked it forward, hooked Swain's cloak, and brought him in front of him.

"That's not the case." Although Darius' performance was rough and completely unfriendly, Swain had a smile on his face, "Even though I have suffered a lot of misfortunes, my love for the Empire has always been Unshakable... I came to you this time mainly to give you a gift."

"Gift?" Darius was a little surprised, "You mean my stupid brother?"

"It was just a random thing, not a gift." Swain shook his head, then took a package and handed it to Darius, "Here is the gift!"

Darius opened the package by accident, only to see a bloody head.

"Who is this?" Darius narrowed his eyes, "Don't play charades with me."

"Her name is Eminise, and she is the orderly officer of Fendor." Swain chuckled, handed a stack of letters to Darius, and then gave an astonishing answer, "She is also an accomplice in the Besilico rebellion." .”

 Kalya's Little Classroom Shurima History:

  Although there are immortal Ascendants, at Kalya's request, Shurima has cultivated a team of professional historians who are responsible for recording the history of Shurima from the perspective of mortals. Buried, these historical materials have not yet been unearthed.

  PS. There are two more chapters to be updated tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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