Lux's Farewell

282 Chapter 0279 [[-]]

282 Chapter 0279 [[-]]
After receiving the letters, Darius flipped through them one by one.

Among the stack of letters, half was written by Eminis, and the other half was written by Quilleta. Although Darius was not familiar with Eminis's handwriting, he was more familiar with Quilleta's handwriting than anyone else.

After being infected by poisonous gas in Ionia, resulting in the amputation of his right arm, Quieta's left-handed calligraphy was originally practiced with Darius.

This kind of left-handed handwriting, which was practiced the day after tomorrow, is difficult to imitate even a master handwriting imitator.

And judging from the contents of these letters... Quieta did convince Eminis.

And that's not even the most exciting.

What makes Darius frowned even more is that the most important thing for Quilleta to convince Eminise is that she has received substantial support from Zaun.

According to Quilleta, the people of Zaun helped Besilico repair the city wall and provided armor "enough to deal with the mage group". According to the statement in the letter, as long as Eminis can stand up in Fendor, The complete maritime supply line will be built directly. With this supply line, even if the Noxus army besieges the city, Besilico will have nothing to fear!

Seemingly in order to win the trust of Eminis, Quereta also suggested that the other party "send a reliable person to take a look."

And judging from the follow-up feedback from Eminice, she did send her cronies, and the result of the investigation was that... she finally agreed to Queretta's suggestion, and vowed that "I will take the first step to win the breeding of Findo's military horses." base".

In other words, Eminis believed that what Quilleta said was true.

Putting away the letter in silence, Darius finally looked at Swain in front of him.

"So, you killed Eminis?"

"She hoped that I could join it." Swain smiled. "But she was obviously wrong. Even if I am wanted by the empire, I still have loyalty."

"You? Loyalty?" Darius snorted noncommittally, "So, why did you come to me? I can't say anything in the Immortal Bastion, even though in my personal opinion, your behavior may have something to do with loyalty, but Your Excellency the Commander may not agree."

"Then you will be the commander in chief." Swain chuckled, as if he didn't care, and said something that stunned Darius, "The empire has come to the brink of danger, if Darkwill is allowed to Your Excellency continues to operate indiscriminately, and this great country may soon fall apart."

"It is because of people like you who disrespect orders that the empire has come to such a state!" Darius stood up suddenly, and put a sharp ax directly on Swain's neck, "Don't try to confuse me, For the sake of bringing Draven back, I allow you to leave safely."

"I don't care about my own life and death for a long time!" Swain stretched out his thumb and wiped the blade of Darius' battle axe, "I only care about Noxus now——Draius , your ax needs a good sharpening, the blade is blunt."

"It's enough to cut people!" Darius narrowed his eyes, "Swain, what are you going to do?"

"I want to set things right." Swain puffed up his chest and said fearlessly, "The Grand Commander is no longer able to lead the empire forward, and Noxus is now on the verge of survival."

"Now that the empire has lost in Ionia, Besilico rebelled, and the empire started a civil war again, that is the real crisis of survival."

"Then solve this rebellion quickly!" Swain said decisively, "Becilico doesn't know that Fendor is under my control, as long as the inside and outside cooperate, the city will surely fall!"


At the same time that Swain took Delevingne to meet Darius in secret, in the city of Besilico, Quilleta was arranging a premeditated assassination.

Queretta's adjutant Invertia took out several maps and distributed them to the assassins hired by the Durham family one by one.

After several assassins took over the map, they quickly recognized the content on the map—it was a simple topographic map near Besilico.

Due to the limited size of the map, the descriptions on the map are very brief, and only the route and location of one target location are extremely clear.

"Black Rock Lake." Quirieta raised his chin with one hand, his eyes flickering, "Dryus' army is about to surround Besilico. Before that, you must go to Black Rock Lake to hide."

The assassins all had some doubts in their hearts, but because of their professionalism, they didn't ask this question out.

"Draius will go to Black Rock Lake." Cuileta's tone was firm. "As soon as he gets there, you will work together to take him down, and catch him alive—forget it, life or death."

With a wave of his hand, Quirieta shook his head slightly, letting these people leave.

"Draius did come in person." Watching the assassins leave, Inphtia finally said, "However, is it really useful to rely on just a few assassins?"

"Always try." Quilleta's eyes were misty, "Black Rock Lake... Darius will go."

Hearing what Quilleta said, Infertia was quite surprised.

"What place is that? I've never heard of it."

"A small natural lake." Speaking of this topic, Quirieta seemed to think of something, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised. In the past, since he returned to his hometown where he had been away for a long time, he should have revisited his hometown, right?"

Invertia couldn't help frowning when she heard the words - she always felt that her mother seemed to have a lot of things that she didn't say, and, according to what she knew about her, she didn't seem to want to say these things to herself at all.

Curling her lips, Invertia didn't continue to dwell on this issue, but talked about another matter.

"News came from Fendor, and Eminice is ready for support." She handed a letter to Quereta, "Eminise has taken control of the Fendor battle group, the port It's also under control."

"Okay!" Cuilleta slapped the table with one arm excitedly when he heard the words, and suddenly stood up, "Becilico and Fendo, as long as they fight each other, even if Darius leads the army himself, they can only fight against each other." Looking at it and sighing, helpless!"

"A distance of [-] miles, is it considered mutual conflict?" Inphtia, who had never been on a battlefield, looked at the map very unexpectedly, with a puzzled expression on her face, "Even if there is help from the sea, mutual support It will take at least three days, right?"

"Why is it not a corner!" Quilleta smiled, "The three-day itinerary is indeed inconvenient, but the Noxus navy has almost lost in Dalu Bay. If Darius wants to go to Findor , we have to walk at the foot of the magnificent barrier, we have personally explored that road, if the battle group passes through, it will take thirteen days!"

Inphtiya blinked her eyes, seemingly in a daze.

"As long as we join forces with Fendor, relying on the advantages of sea transportation, mobile defense, plus the newly repaired city walls, and the forbidden magic stone armor that can resist spells... this battle will undoubtedly be won!"

 Carya's Small Classroom Black Rock Lake:
  This is probably the secret base of Darius and Quilleta—they dated here more than once when they were just lovers.

  Adding 27/30, the work and rest are in the underworld again, and there should be another chapter in a while.

(End of this chapter)

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