Lux's Farewell

Chapter 283 [0280]

Chapter 283 [0280]
Under certain circumstances, Quilleta's plan has many similarities with the Noxus siege network that Kalya had proposed but Lux did not accept.

The key to both plans lies in the loss of Noxus' sea power - after the Battle of Dalu Bay, Noxus' Sea of ​​Watch Fleet was almost completely wiped out, and Besilico and Fendor could unscrupulously Through sea transportation, mutual support and supplementary supplies.

You must know that both Besilico and Fendo are located in the foothills of the magnificent barrier, and they are natural pass-type cities.

The biggest feature of this kind of city is that it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, because the open space outside the city is limited, and it is difficult to deploy the army. Take Becilico as an example. , There are cliffs on both sides. In fact, there is only an open land that is not very flat in one direction to the east of the city, which can be used as a direction for attacking the city.

After hiring the Zaun people to strengthen the city wall in this area and hoarding enough defensive supplies here, Quieta is confident that relying on this city wall, he will deal the heaviest blow to the Noxus army!
And the Noxus siege network conceived by Kalya is essentially the same idea-just because of the better relationship with Bilgewater, and the ready-made trade connections with Mud Town and Kumanggra, he can Provide safer and more adequate maritime support.

Becilico dared to raise the flag to rebel, mainly relying on the strong support of the local wealthy Durham family.

But according to Carya's idea, if he joins the Noxus siege network, then through blood transfusion through commercial cooperation, Besilico can even become a dedicated war fortress, making Noxus feel like a thorn in his throat.

In short, in Quilleta's view, as long as Eminis is willing to act with her, she will be invincible in this war!
Besilico... will eventually become the burial ground of the Noxus Empire!

The former empire that gave everyone a fair chance has long since disappeared. At this time, Noxus is nothing but an expansion machine that regards its citizens as firewood!

Such a Noxus, it is better to destroy it!

Quinrieta obviously didn't know that her calculations had long been understood by others, and Swain still used his schemes. Li Daitao joined forces with the Fendor battle group stiffly and killed Eminis who was in contact with Quinrieta.

Through the correspondence between the two parties, as well as Eminice's actions recently, Swain quickly figured out Qurieta's overall plan.

In this case, although Darius did not agree with some of Swain's ideas, he still chose to adopt Swain's plan-especially after arriving outside Besilico City, he tried to carry out two After the siege.

Although Darius didn't send out the small group of mages he managed to form in the northern border for two consecutive sieges, the defense on the Besilico city wall still gave him a headache.

Darius, who has been fighting the Freljords in the north all year round, knows better than anyone how disgusting this kind of fortress is.

On the line of the Ironthorn Mountains in the north, a series of Noxus fortresses are like keys, firmly curbing the passage of the Freljord people going south, despite the efforts of the Freljord barbarians, finally It can only be smashed under the fortress.

You must know that the environment in the northern region is extremely unsuitable for Noxus operations. Noxians are not resistant to low temperatures. Noxus weapons are used in extreme cold conditions. broken.

Therefore, even if the organization of the Freljord is not high, and the armor rate is very low, but in the field, the Noxians are still no match.

But even so, the Freljords have nothing to do with the Noxian fortress city on the line of the Iron Spike Mountains. This kind of fortress with difficult terrain and targeted reinforcements, even if the Freljords dispatched a large The beasts of pack that hit the city wall were unable to cause any substantial breakthroughs.

And now, Darius, who had always been on the defensive in the past and only rarely led a surprise attack, was finally going to be the attacking side, facing the damned fortress walls.

The effect of the two sieges was extremely poor. When the team unfolded on the gentle slope, they had already been included in the bombing range of the long-range catapults at the city head. bombing.

Then, after two tentative attacks, even before the team got close to the city wall, the casualties of the soldiers reached [-]%-even Darius couldn't bear this level of loss!

Therefore, Darius decisively adopted Swain's plan, and set up camp in a siege posture, and at the same time sent a small team towards Fendor along the path at the foot of the magnificent barrier mountain.

During this period, he tried to siege the city again, and also tried to send the mage group to the battlefield to see if he could break down a section of the city wall, but it turned out that although Zaun's forbidden magic armor looked ugly , but the defense is still relatively reliable. Under the cover, the mage group released several waves of war magic towards the top of the city, but the effect was not very good.

As a result, Darius had to admit that it was simply impossible to attack Besilico head-on.

Then the next step is to wait for the news from Swain!
In this way, Darius, who could do nothing but wait for the time being, finally took some time to revisit the old place.

Almost in a daze, Darius' legs seemed to have their own thoughts, leading him to the shore of Black Rock Lake.

Coming here again after many years, Darius looked at the calm lake, but his mood was not calm at all.

This black rock lake carries a memory, a past, and an unresolved love of Darius. He had had countless pleasures with Quilleta here, but the result of the two people was because of the time and time again. The war in the past is divided into two sides, and even now the swords and soldiers are facing each other.

In the dense forest, there was no breeze, and the mirror-like lake made Darius very irritable. He bent down, and he chose a flat stone like a child, weighed it and held it in his hand .

Holding his breath and concentrating, the next moment, his waist and abdomen exerted force suddenly and threw the stone out.

The stone slid across the water, splashing a series of ripples, and finally sank to the bottom of the water with a thud.

At the same time, behind Darius, the birds in the dense forest were frightened for a while. After a while, Draven, covered in blood, came out of the dense forest with a few heads in his hands.

"Killing people is not as interesting as throwing water!"

 Carya's Small Classroom · Float:
  In terms of throwing objects, the only thing Darius is better than Delevingne is hitting water.

  Add more 28/30, this volume is about to end, a little later tonight, there will be the end of this volume - the kind of super chapter!
(End of this chapter)

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